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Systems analysis represents an approach to, or a way of looking at, complex problems of choice under uncertainty. It offers a means of discovering how to design or to make effective use over time of technologically complex structure in which the different componetns may have apparently conflicting objectives; that is, an approach to choosing a strategy that yields the best balance among risks, effectiveness, and costs. Its purpose is to place each element in its proper context so that in the end the system as a whole may achieve its aim with a minimal expenditure of resources. Thus systems analysis is a common sense approach to problems of decision.
Invited contributions from distinguished practitioners and methodologists of operational research and applied systems analysis which represent a true state-of-the-art and which provide, perhaps for the first time, a coherent, interlocking, set of ideas which may be considered the foundations of the subject as a science in its own right.
This book contains the proceedings of an interna tional symposium devoted to Modeling and Analysis of Defense Processes in the context of land/air warfare. It was sponsored by Panel VII (on Defense Applications of Operational Research) of NATO's Defense Research Group (DRG) and took place 27-29 July 1982 at NATO headquarters in Brussels. Except perhaps for the Theater-Level Gaming and Analysis Workshop, sponsored by the Office of united 1 states Naval Research in 1977 , this symposium was the first international scientific meeting on Operations Research/Systems Analysis in the area of land/air war fare since the conference on Modeling Land Battle Systems 2 for Military Planning sponsored by NATO's Special Pro gramme Panel on Systems Science in 1974. That conference dealt primarily with modeling small unit (company, bat talion) engagements and, to a lesser extent, large unit (corps, theater) campaigns with principal emphasis on attrition processes and movement in combat. It was considered as rather successful in that it revealed the state-of-the art around 1972 and identified problem areas and promising approaches for future developments. lWith regard to foreign attendance, this wo- shop was largely limited to participants from the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany (see L.J. Low: Theater-Level Gaming and Analysis Workshop for Force Planning, Vol II-Summary, Discus sion of Issues and Requirements for Research, SRI Report, May, 1981).