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Quorum sensing (QS) is a process of bacterial cooperative behaviour that has an effect on gene regulation. This cell-to-cell communication system involves the production of signalling molecules according to cell density and growth stage. Virulence, the ability to infest a habitat and cause disease, is also governed by such communication signals. Quorum Sensing: Molecular mechanism and biotechnological application collects, describes and summarizes the most interesting results obtained from experts working on QS mechanisms. It contributes to the understanding of the molecular basis that regulates this mechanism, and describes new findings in fields of application. This volume describes the QS mechanism from its molecular basis to medical applications such as antibiotic therapy and involvement of QS in pathologies. This reference also analyzes its potential use in biotechnological applications such as food packaging, drug delivery, and marine biofilm. The broad scope of this title will be of significant use to researchers across several fields with interest in QS, including to microbiologists, chemists, biochemists and ecologists. Describes Quorum Sensing (QS) mechanisms from their molecular basis, to their clinical applications Spans several fields in relation to QS, including microbiology, chemistry, biochemistry and ecology Considers QS as an approach to the discovery of new antibiotics Looks at QS as a means to understand the microbial world and towards use of bacteria and their products in biotechnological applications Summarizes key results on QS mechanisms' molecular basis and fields of application
The book on Trends in Quorum Sensing and Quorum Quenching: New Perspectives and Applications focuses on the recent advances in the field of quorum sensing in bacteria and the novel strategies developed for quorum sensing inhibition. The topics covered are multidisciplinary and wide-ranging,and includes quorum sensing phenomenon in pathogenic bacteria, food spoilers, and agriculturally relevant bacteria. The applications of quorum sensing inhibitors such as small molecules, bioactives, natural compounds, and quorum quenching enzymes in controlling bacterial infections in clinical settings, agriculture and aquaculture are discussed. The potential use of quorum quenching enzymes for mitigating biofouling is also covered. Special focus is given to exploring quorum sensing inhibitors from microbes and flora inhabiting biodiversity rich regions including tropical rain forests and marine environments. Key features: Covers the fundamental aspects, the progress and challenges in the field of quorum sensing and quorum quenching Reviews quorum sensing in Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria of clinical, agricultural, and industrial relevance Discusses the application and future trends of quorum sensing inhibitors from lab to clinical and environmental settings Provides comprehensive coverage on molecular mechanisms in bacterial signaling
This book illustrates the importance and significance of Quorum sensing (QS), it’s critical roles in regulating diverse cellular functions in microbes, including bioluminescence, virulence, pathogenesis, gene expression, biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance. Microbes can coordinate population behavior with small molecules called autoinducers (AHL) which serves as a signal of cellular population density, triggering new patterns of gene expression for mounting virulence and pathogenesis. Therefore, these microbes have the competence to coordinate and regulate explicit sets of genes by sensing and communicating amongst themselves utilizing variety of signals. This book descry emphasizes on how bacteria can coordinate an activity and synchronize their response to external signals and regulate gene expression. The chapters of the book provide the recent advancements on various functional aspects of QS systems in different gram positive and gram negative organisms. Finally, the book also elucidates a comprehensive yet a representative description of a large number of challenges associated with quorum sensing signal molecules viz. virulence, pathogenesis, antibiotic synthesis, biosurfactants production, persister cells, cell signaling and biofilms, intra and inter-species communications, host-pathogen interactions, social interactions & swarming migration in biofilms.
New developments in researching quorum sensing Microbial growth affects industries as diverse as agriculture, engineering, and medicine, to name a few. As more precise solutions are needed for modern challenges, researchers must understand the mechanisms of microbial growth. Quorum sensing (QS) is an essential part of microbial growth, and this work contains key areas such as signal molecules; mechanisms of signal transfer, role, and type of signal receptors; quorum quenching; characterization of microbial plasmids in quorum sensing; and novel and underexplored molecules involved in QS, along with therapeutic roles of quorum sensing inhibitors. This volume is perfect for researchers working on microbiology or biotechnology.
This book discusses the practical applications of quorum sensing inhibitors for both human and plant health. Quorum sensing inhibitors that disrupt microbial biofilms can be employed to treat bacterial infections. The book describes the various bioactive molecules that can serve as quorum sensing inhibitors to combat deadly bacterial infections, in addition to several synthetic quorum sensing inhibitors. Quorum sensing is the mechanism through which bacteria develop antibiotic resistance. Intended to provide a clearer understanding of the practical applications of quorum sensing inhibitors, the book details how the problem of antibiotic resistance can be countered through the intelligent application of quorum sensing inhibitors.
This book provides excellent techniques for detecting and evaluating biofilms: sticky films on materials that are formed by bacterial activity and produce a range of industrial and medical problems such as corrosion, sanitary problems, and infections. Accordingly, it is essential to control biofilms and to establish appropriate countermeasures, from both industrial and medical viewpoints. This book offers valuable, detailed information on these countermeasures. It also discusses the fundamentals of biofilms, relates various substrates to biofilms, and presents a variety of biofilm reactors. However, the most important feature of this book (unlike others on the market) is its clear focus on addressing the practical aspects from an engineering viewpoint. Therefore, it offers an excellent practical guide for engineers and researchers in various fields, and can also be used as a great academic textbook.
Many bacteria use small molecule or peptidic signals to assess their local population densities in a process called quorum sensing (QS). The concentration of QS signals in a given environment can be correlated with cell density. Once bacteria reach a sufficiently large population, they can use QS to shift from a unicellular to more of a multicellular existence and modify gene expression levels to initiate a broad range of group behaviors that benefit the growing community. These QS phenotypes include biofilm formation, virulence factor production, swarming, sporulation, conjugation, and bioluminescence, and often play a critical role in mediating pathogenic or symbiotic relationships with a eukaryotic host. For instance, several of the most deadly human pathogens use QS to initiate infections and become virulent only after perceiving that a "quorum" of cells has been reached, thus increasing the probability that the bacterial population can survive the host immune response. Copious questions remain about QS signaling mechanisms and their roles in host-bacteria interactions, specifically in infections. Therefore, methods to block bacterial QS would be valuable to study this signaling process at a fundamental level and could provide a route to the development of novel anti-infective strategies. The goal of this dissertation was to develop non-native molecules capable of intercepting QS signaling in human pathogens, with a primary focus on italicStaphylococcus aureusitalic, italicAcinetobacter baumanniiitalic, italicPseudomonas aeruginosaitalic, italicBurkholderia malleiitalic and italicB. thailandensisitalic. The Gram-positive bacterium italicS. aureusitalic uses QS to regulate an arsenal of virulence factors and phenotypes, and its primary QS signals are cyclic autoinducing peptides (AIPs). I designed and synthesized three collections of AIP analogs using solid-phase synthetic techniques, and evaluated their ability to attenuate QS in italicS. aureusitalic. A set of AIP analogs strongly reduced two virulence traits--hemolysis and the production of toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1). These analogs were then incorporated in polymeric coatings and were found to be active when released from materials of biomedical and consumer relevance. I applied a similar strategy to develop the first reported non-native QS modulators in the Gram-negative bacterium italicA. baumanniiitalic. Gram-negative bacteria commonly use italicNitalic-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs) for QS. I determined the stereochemistry of the native 3-OH AHL signal used by italicA. baumanniiitalic, and then screened a library of non-native AHLs for QS agonists and antagonists in this human pathogen. Several potent AHL antagonists were uncovered in reporter gene assays, and the most potent were capable of limiting bacterial motility and biofilm production in italicA. baumanniiitalic. Building on this work, I designed and synthesized a set of second-generation AHLs to uncover additional QS modulators in italicA. baumanniiitalic and clarify SARs for non-native AHL activity in italicA. baumanniiitalic and italicP. aeruginosaitalic. A number of 3-OH AHL and triazole-HL analogs were revealed capable of modulating QS in both italicA. baumanniiitalic and italicP. aeruginosaitalic. Lastly, I identified the first non-native AHLs capable of blocking QS in the pathogens italicB. malleiitalic (now classified as a biological warfare agent) and italicB. thailandensisitalic. These compounds are anticipated to similarly modulate QS in italicB. pseudomalleiitalic, which utilizes LuxR-type QS receptors largely identical to those initalic B. malleiitalic anditalic B. thailandensisitalic to regulate virulence.