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There was a moment, years ago, when I knew there had to be a better way, an easier way to have the life, the peace, the harmony, the lifestyle I knew was there for me. It was one of those moments when you reach down inside yourself to find the real answers. I began studying things of a deeper and higher nature, but this study was going to need some practice if I was to be successful at it. I had to make it easy and fun for me, and The Manifesting Games of Susan James was the beginning of many Games and Courses, which began to change my life for the better. This first in the SJMG series has continued to assist me in many ways. For more detail on this 31 page, 1st in the SJMG series, please download the ‘Sampler’ which gives and overall summary of all three in the series of Susan James Manifesting Games. The SJMG Sampler may be found in pdf epub Nook, Kobo and Kindle
Easy Basic Manifesting Games of Susan James have been used over and over in the various courses, books and consulting moments. The Games listed here are some of the more basic games to assist us in an easy and peaceful way, from where we are to where we’d prefer to be. The Games ‘work’. I first began developing these games because I needed a fun way to use and apply the things I was learning; and in a way that would ‘make me do it’. Everything grew and expanded from there. If you are a writer, candlestick maker, baker, lawyer, Indian chief, no matter your spiritual/religious affiliation, expansion beliefs and or non-conformist ways and means, these games will work for you. You can change them as you need fit and be as flexible and forgiving as you will allow yourself to be. You can use them to lose weight, make money, find romance, simply move from where you are. As we begin moving on, we may hit a plateau, Both The Done Deal Degreaser and The Loop Tool may assist you in this, they have for me! The Easy Basic Manifesting Games Included Within This writing are not all of the SJ Manifesting Games but lay a super foundation for what is to come for you: The Magic Wall The Sword of Three’s The Sword in The Stone Powerful Asking Game/Abundant The Cell Game The Done Deal Degreaser The Loop Tool Everyday is Payday Don’t Tell Anybody ( 9 Day Money Game) Susan James
Methods of Manifestation Essays Along The Way (Book One) Susan James Susan James' underlying themes revolve around raising our individual illumination, and the effect we have on all of humanity, as well as our individual lives, as we do so. Methods of Manifestation / Essays Along The Way (Book One) include many of the writings on Susan James various websites and other book publications as she has expanded her own use of the Law of Growth, The Law of Opulence as applied to higher expansion and the upward spiral of consciousness. This higher expansion has led to ease, abundance and more in her life and lifestyle. May All who move their eyes along these pages be assisted in their own way for all they choose to have, be and desire fulfilled. Essay Listing Book One -That Space of Anything is Possible -Creating Fearlessness with a Bottle -(How to) Know When It’s Time to Think Bigger -Are You Yelling at Tomatoes? -Getting Money to a Better Level -Bricks Without Straw-Unlimitedness -How To Win At Manifesting The Big Prizes -Weighing Words & Money -When You Need a Little Hope -Michael Jordan & ThoughtForm-Manifestation -5 Ways to Move Our Lives Toward Abundance -Let The Words Do The Work -A Word About WORDS -How to Be Like Martha, Danielle, Cher & Olivia -The Done Deal -What to Do About Those Gut-Wrench Money Moments -Building a Vibrational Bridge -Having Your Cake and Eating It Too! -The Higher World Wants The Lower World To Get Better -Un-Box Your Self from Limitations ! -The Allowing Piece of Manifesting -How to Expect With Enthusiasm -Take The Jar Up The Hill -When Our Thoughts Stick Out Like A Sore Thumb -The Path of Manifestation (Understanding The Law of Growth) -Things to Consider Doing for Desire Fulfillment
Castles & Buttons (Book Three) Susan James How to Have Everything by Doing Nothing Advanced Higher Mechanics Castles & Buttons- Book Three How to Have Everything by Doing Nothing Advanced Higher Mechanics Anyone reading any of the greats from Emerson, Cady to Neville to Abraham-Hicks and so many, many more, from Metaphysics to Theosophy, the Esoteric and beyond, we are told that everything is possible, there are no limits and we can have anything we desire to have. It is that promise which keeps many of us on the steady higher path. The Higher Law operates with simple guidelines: • Have the Idea (which is ‘thought') • Add The Affirmation (which is also ‘thought') All else is taken care of by the Law. For some of us, including me, there have been some in- between stages to the above 2 steps. (As in Don't keep changing our mind by adding doubt, fear, lack of confidence, etc.) We have to expand our understanding of a Source outside of our humanity. At one time, I was so off the path of higher anything, but I didn't know any different. My life reflected my lack of knowledge and understanding. But ‘something' kept me moving higher, bit by bit. ‘Something' kept me safe. And bit by bit, the things that did not feel nor look good in my life, began to drop away. It was my willingness to be open to things I did not yet understand, but wanted to ‘believe' in, such as, the promise of better, of good, of wonder. The Fairy Tale. ‘Something' kept moving me forward into believing in the fairy tale. For me The Fairy Tale was about happy endings, happy in between, happy everything. All of which our culture does not necessary have credence for. This 4th Installment in the Castles Series, this being Castle’s Book 3 continues in the experience of The Promise The Bounty. It’s what has kept me ‘after it’; to understand it and apply it. Some of the themes covered in this Book 3 of the Series: • The Promise of The Bounty • How to Believe in The Fairy Tale, When We Don't Yet • Electrons and Puppies for Manifestation • How To Convince Yourself It's Yours • When It Feels More Like a Castle Than A Button • When You Just Can't Get Over ‘Not Liking It'. • Being Thankful When You Can't Find a Way to Feel It • Susan's Example From Her Livelihood • The I AM and Financial Independence • Tomatoes and The Three Billionaires • The I AM and Financial Independence • The Correct Use of Spiritual Technology • Opening The Floodgates On Supply • Excitement Plus Anticipation Equals Expectation • Effortless Fun • Is It Time to Re-Invent Yourself? • Why We MUST Choose The Castles of Our Lives • Great Abundance NEEDS Our Castles • How I've Used This Information • The Ambition of Achieving One Thought Creation • Benefits of Thought Games • The Fire Letters and Manifestation • Asking and Other Higher Tools of Action • The Importance of Having More Light • The Difference Between Prayer and Decrees • What Releases The Power of Higher Light? • The Overall Higher Intention • Largesse Abundance (What it Is and How to Have It) • From Out of Bounds to Boundaries Have Been Moved • The Higher We Go (In Light Energy) The Easier It • The Overall Goal of Creation (Delight) • A Strategy for Believing You Have It • How to Allow (What is Vibrational Acceptance?) • How Possibilities Move Into Probabilities • The Last Piece of Our Desire Fulfilment Puzzle Enjoy the entire Castle’s and Buttons Series and you too may then understand how creating Castles or Buttons is the same and everything you want is already there for you!
The Money - Livelihood Game Book is a short (approx 32 pages), full colorful, easy way to move forward in our Money and Livelihood Desires. Our Desires create the path, and having easy ways to stay inspired, enthusiastic and expectant have always been my practice. These simple ways to use ‘effortless visualization’ help to keep us on track and provide a re-do dance when we need one. We are assisted in inconspicious ways both physically and non-physically in accomplish- ment, feeling good and playful along the way. Playing these games with ourselves assist both the beginner and seasoned individuals in reminding us that life and our intentions along the way are meant to be more playful and fulfilling than we may have been aware. Included with the various games is a brief summary of Desire Fulfillment and how it comes to us in Stages, Steps and Doors as well as a Bonus at the end not mentioned in the books Table of Contents. The PDF and Paperback versions allow for easy printing of the 4 Black and White pages of the Games and Charts and are duplicates of the colored charts. The Kindle digital version although less expensive but just as colorful and inspirational due to its format, does not allow for easy printing of the Games and Charts. (Coil-Spiral PaperBack Version available in January!) Table of Contents: Introduction Desire Fulfilment Comes to Us In Stages, Steps and Doors Sword of Three’s Livelihood Chart-(color) 100X Comes Back to Me-(color) My Magic Wall-(color) Daily Play Chart-(color) Momentum Statements Money Momentum Statements Read Write Read Statements Livelihood Chart-(b&w) 100X Comes to Me-(b&w) My Magic Wall (b&w) Daily Play (b&w) BONUS: 9 Day Livelihood Money Sword (complete the chain)
Castles & Buttons-(Book One) How to Have Everything by Doing Nothing (Susan James) Advanced Higher Mechanics Castles & Buttons (Book One) How to Have Everything by Doing Nothing Advanced Higher Mechanics Castles-Buttons The Same, But How? One of the first phrases I latched onto in my beginning study of higher things, was the phrase mentioned in Abraham-Hicks material, ‘Castles and Buttons are the same.’ My first thought was, ‘how can that be?’ And since I have an investigative nature, I set out to find out, just how, Castles and Buttons are the same. For those new to the study of metaphysics, and things of a higher nature, the phrase ‘Castles and Buttons are the same’, implies, that it is just as easy to create a Castle as it is a button. It’s as easy to create a wonderful expansive lifestyle, as it is to live in the ruins of one. Again, I asked.. ‘How in the world can that be? And if it is true, how can it be easy?’ The entire Castle’s series is about my belief in ‘the Promises’ and my getting there. I want you to know, I’ve been where you are, and I’ll give you examples of how I’ve expanded beyond it. I’ll give you things to try, which worked for me. Things which helped me find out for myself, that yes, indeed, Castles and Buttons are the same. And...We can have what we want without all of the doing, and without ‘goofin’ it up first, as was the sub-title of one of my first books, and Editors Choice winner, Manifesting 101 & Beyond. Castle’s is based on The Ideal. The Law. And this law says, that only the best of the best is the only thing that we should be choosing. The Best. The Best of The Best. Castle’s is about not settling for less than what we really want. And most importantly, forget about anything other than Plan A. There is no Plan B, once we understand what we have in our hands. We’ll use examples that are of your life. And I know they are of your life, as I’ve lived it. I’ve had the broken cars, broken finances, broken relationships, but my understanding of what I had hold of, as long as I would practice and apply it, would move all of my mountains and moved me smack dab in the middle of my castles. It brought new and better in everything. Things showed up without struggle and strife and concern. Then it became automatic. Automatic, as in when it turns dusk the lights on the light pole automatically come on. Automatic as in breathing and walking without having to think about it first. Automatic as coin in the drink machine, drink plops out. Automatic as when we play the card game ‘Free Cell’, we make one move and many others automatically are moved for us. Automatic is becoming The Genie. Some of the themes covered in Castles & Buttons-Book One: • Bricks Without Straw: Unlimitedness-Doing The Impossible, Easily • How Do We Begin Having Our Castles and Not Settling For The Buttons? • Profusion Abundance (The Opposite of The Other Shoe Dropping) • The Opposite of Limited is Not Un-Limited • When The Ton of Bricks Becomes An Avalanche (And What To Do About It) • A Done Deal Example From My Beginning Days of Understanding • How Long Do I Use The Swords, and How Long Before We See Results? • The Golden Parachute vs The Golden Wheelbarrow • Quantum Manifesting Accelerated: Sword Statements • The Learning Curve of Not Having To Do Anything Manifestation • A Shortcut to Easy and Automatic Enjoy the entire Castle’s and Buttons Series and you too may then understand how creating Castles or Buttons is the same and everything you want is already there for you!
We Don’t Have to Believe It Before We See It & Why (Understanding ‘The Calling of The Taxi' PDF (Susan James) We Don’t Have to Believe It Before We See It and Why (Understanding ‘The Calling of The Taxi' Concept, When We Don’t Know If It Will Come) Barkle 7 (by Susan James) Barkle Summary Barkle 7 in The Barkle Series, contains approximately 15 pages Primary Content based on the Barkle Title: -We Don't Have to Believe It Before We See It and Why; -Understanding 'The Calling of The Taxi' Concept When We Don't Know If It Will Come. Barkle is defined by the author as a combination of Article and Book and offers a perspective on how and why as more of us study, understand and apply things of a higher nature, things often dismissed as only fairy tales, but which contain higher truths, can expand us into our true natures of abundance and wealth. We become the solution to human natures mis-steps by applying ‘thoughts of fancy’. This Barkle 7 with approximately 15 pages of primary content explores answers to questions posed by Susan James in regard to desire fulfilment and further expanded use of higher law. Themes Covered in This Barkle 7 -Why We Don’t Have to Believe It First Before We ‘See’ It. (What is That Something That Makes It So?) -That Something of How The Universe Works -How to Know We Can Get What We Want w/o Believing it First. -It Does Not Have to Feel Familiar For Us to Manifest It and Why -Why and How Our Intentions Will Manifest Simply By Calling Them Forth (What is That Something, That Provides The Action/Activity?) -Further Understanding of the Unknown Space and How To Use it for Desire Fulfillment -The Least Understood Irrational Higher Law’s Use of Desire Fulfillment -Comparing ‘Calling of a Taxi’ to Our Unknown-Uncertain Desires & Their Fulfillment. Susan James
Castles & Buttons (Introduction to The Castles Series) How to Have Everything by Doing Nothing: The Introduction to The Series, Featuring Castle Speed Castle Speed (An Introduction to the Castles & Buttons Series) How to Have Everything by Doing Nothing Understanding How Creating Castles or Buttons is The Same Advanced Higher Mechanics Castle Speed is an Introduction to the main book series, Castles and Buttons 1,2,3 This Introduction will let you know if you are interested or curious about what lies ahead in the series. Castle Speed & The Castle & Buttons Series are based on the Susan James philosophy of‘The Truth does not bend, but our use of it allows us to bend everything (sj)’ Throughout the series discover and understand some of the themes which begin with Castles- The Introduction to The Series: • How creating Castles or Buttons is the same • Creating w/o work or effort • creating miracles and magic easily • void of work or effort in desire fulfillment • implementing higher levels of energy manipulation • wealth, prosperity and abundance is a given vs having to work for it • flipping the ‘do something to have something’ attitude • How riches and wealth were once poured out unconditionally and getting back to it • Dismantling the all between doing to have and simply being given • The Trigger of Automatic Manifestation (Getting Without Doing) • How Spoken Word Overpowers Our Incorrect Thoughts • Eleven Words For Manifestation Success • Dissolving The Loop of Limitation • Feeling vs Emotion For Desire Fulfillment • How To Know It’s Coming And Minus Work Or Effort • The Dime Tree • Christmas and Money • Reaching The Unreachable (How-To)A Question to Speed Things Up • Help to Unlock The Mysteries of Our Own Thinking • Getting Past Potential Into Unlimitedness • Choice vs Desire In Manifestation-When Trying IS Enough! •(Knowing the Difference, Makes All THE Difference!) • The Magic Wall + The Magic Wall List = The Done Deal •(Castles: The Reason We Can Get What We Want Void of Work or Effort) • From Ease to Easier to Automatic: The 3 Phases (The System for Castles and Buttons) • Proclivity and Done Deal Timing •(How to Run Into Your Fulfilled Desire/Money Idea, More Sooner Than Later) • The Magic Pill of Limitless (The Recipe for Grandeur) •(Success and Vibratory Lock Beyond The Law of Attraction) • A Billionaire’s Magic Pill The entire Castles series was Susan writing it out, showing how her own evolving has shown up for her. She was able to get clear in understanding and could see how, as in the Biblical story, you can ‘make bricks without straw’. (In those days, you needed straw to make bricks, but the Pharaohs denied the straw as a punishment. But in using higher nature, they were told from ‘on high’ that they would make bricks without straw. Enjoy the entire Castle’s and Buttons Series and you too may then understand how creating Castles or Buttons is the same and everything you want is already there for you!
Castles Escrow a Metaphysics / Esoteric Approach to Invisible Money Susan James Susan James wrote in one of her many books, The Done Deal, that circumstances do not matter. She goes on to remind us in her newest book, Castles Escrow, that as we choose to understand how applied higher law as spoken of through Biblical principles, Metaphysics and the Esoteric, our lives can become more of what we desire for them to be; and easier than we would have thought. This is cause of great optimism for any of us whom choose these higher understandings. Using some concepts offered through the writings of Esther and Jerry Hicks of Abraham-Hicks, Ms. James discusses the how-to of the Invisible Escrow, the place where all of our desires reside including money, prior to appearing physically. From The Preface This Book May Be For You.... If you are someone who wants to believe in what they can’t see yet, this book may be for you. If you are someone who realizes that with a little practice your life could be a little, and then a lot better, then this book may be for you. If you are someone who has read in other places that hope is not a strategy, I’m here to let you know, that hope is a wonderful strategy. It is my highest hope for you, that you move just a little bit forward, feel a little bit better and then see the wonder of your life unfold. And if you are someone who is already familiar with themes of this sort, you may find something that you enjoy to add to where you already are. From The Introduction I’ve written in my earlier books some of my experiences and the higher tools I’ve used. This newest book is simply more of my own expansion from where I have been. This book is not for everyone, nor is the study and understanding of non-physical entities and their way of helping us through others. But if you believe in Angels and the like then maybe there’s a crack open for some new level of understanding. I’ve hungered for higher information and then applying what I’ve learned in my own experience. That’s how I know this works. And oh is MUCH Easier, this way! And I LOVE it So! The Truth Does Not Bend, But Our Use Of It Allows Us To Bend Everything. Susan James
Higher Keys to Lower Locks-Titration Manifestation (Barkle #8) Higher Keys to Lower Locks (When You Dream of Keys) Titration Manifestation (A Rx for Optimizing Potential & Desire Fulfillment) Susan James Barkle Summary Barkle 8 in The Barkle Series, contains approximately 12 pages Primary Content based on the Barkle Title: -Higher Keys to Lower Locks (When You Dream of Keys) -Titration Manifestation (A Rx for Optimizing Potential & Desire Fulfillment) Barkle is defined by the author as a combination of Article and Book and offers a perspective on how and why as more of us study, understand and apply things of a higher nature, things often dismissed as only fairy tales, but which contain higher truths, can expand us into our true natures of abundance and wealth. We become the solution to human natures mis-steps by applying ‘thoughts of fancy’. This Barkle 8 with approximately 12 pages of primary content explores answers to questions posed by Susan James in regard to desire fulfilment and further expanded use of higher law. Themes Covered in This Barkle (The first part of this Barkle uses the dream I was given and how I used the information. If dream interpretation is of little interest to you, you may not choose to read or purchase this Barkle 8. ) -Higher Keys to Lower Locks -Why We Are Given People That We Know In Our Dreams -The Level Beyond our Affirmations -When Does Acceleration Occur? -What Moves Us From Pain to Better to Happiness and Peace. -The Logic of The Physical Limited Mind and The Logic of Source Mind -The Higher Our Vibration, The Better Our Lives Are. -How Our Unfolding Is Accentuated -How Life Becomes Easier Than We Make It Out To Be #8 Higher Keys to Lower Locks- Titration Manifestation- Barkle 8: Susan James