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Research was conducted to: (1) develop a small scale jet fuel thermal stability tester capable of operation at fuel temperatures from 300 to 650 F with samples 1 qt or less in size, and (2) study the effects of storage on thermal stability performance of JP-6 grade jet fuels and establish causes (in terms of environmental factors and fuel composition) for any adverse results observed. Three potentially useful techniques were produced: (1) a recirculating-flow dynamic method measuring deposit insulating effects around a heated surface which requires 1000 ml fuel samples, (2) a static method measuring deposit insulating effects around a heated nickel wire which requires 150 ml fuel samples, and (=0 a static method based on ch nges in fuel light transmission characteristics after heating which requires only 5-ml fuel samples. The JP-6 storage stability invesigation (1 yr) showed that 3 out of 5 test fuels did deteriorate significantly after 26 wk at 110 F in terms of CFR Fuel Coker rating, while a fourth fuel showed evidence of deterioration in one container only which is attributed to solids contamination. (Author).
A study of the effect of mercaptans on the formation of insoluble sediment in jet fuels at elevated temperatures is reported. The study was conducted in three experimental series. Series 1 involved the testing of TC-1 fuels to determine the temperature of maximum sediment formation. Series 2 dealt with the effects of mercaptans and catalytic metals on sediment formation at 150 deg C. Series 3 extended the experiments of series 2 to the 100-300 deg C ring . Sediment formation increased with increasing mercaptan content, and the temperature of maximum sediment formation was 150 deg C.
The focus of this study was on the autoxidation kinetics of deposit precursor formation in jet fuels. The objectives were: (1) to demonstrate that laser-induced fluorescence is a viable kinetic tool for measuring rates of deposit precursor formation in jet fuels; (2) to determine global rate expressions for the formation of thermal deposit precursors in jet fuels; and (3) to better understand the chemical mechanism of thermal stability. The fuels were isothermally stressed in small glass ampules in the 120 to 180 C range. Concentrations of deposit precursor, hydroperoxide and oxygen consumption were measured over time in the thermally stressed fuels. Deposit precursors were measured using laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), hydroperoxides using a spectrophotometric technique, and oxygen consumption by the pressure loss in the ampule. The expressions, I.P. = 1.278 x 10(exp -11)exp(28,517.9/RT) and R(sub dp) = 2.382 x 10(exp 17)exp(-34,369.2/RT) for the induction period, I.P. and rate of deposit precursor formation R(sub dp), were determined for Jet A fuel. The results of the study support a new theory of deposit formation in jet fuels, which suggest that acid catalyzed ionic reactions compete with free radical reactions to form deposit precursors. The results indicate that deposit precursors form only when aromatics are present in the fuel. Traces of sulfur reduce the rate of autoxidation but increase the yield of deposit precursor. Free radical chemistry is responsible for hydroperoxide formation and the oxidation of sulfur compounds to sulfonic acids. Phenols are then formed by the acid catalyzed decomposition of benzylic hydroperoxides, and deposit precursors are produced by the reaction of phenols with aldehydes, which forms a polymer similar to Bakelite. Deposit precursors appear to have a phenolic resin-like structure because the LIF spectra of the deposit precursors were similar to that of phenolic resin dissolved in TAM. Naegeli, David W. Glenn Research Center ...
For technical readers in the aviation and fuel industries, and in testing laboratories, explores the history and philosophy of the thermal stability of aviation fuel, and considerations during the fuel's manufacture, storage and transport, use, and assessment. The 13 papers, representing a number of
This project focuses on the compositional factors affecting high temperature thermal stability of coal-derived and petroleum-based jet fuels in pyrolytic regime. Thermal stability refers to the resistance of fuel to chemical decomposition at high temperatures to cause the solid deposition and liquid depletion. There are four broad objectives in this project, and the research work is divided into four tasks. The first task clarifies the chemistry of fuel degradation and mechanisms of solid formation, and identifying thermally stable classes of hydrocarbon compounds, and providing information for enhancing intrinsic stability of jet fuels. The second task involves characterization of the solids including deposits, sediments and gums produced from fuels and model compounds at high temperatures. The third task is to explore the means to enhance the thermal stability of fuels by examining the effects of various additives. The fourth task is a newly initiated exploratory study on conversion of coals to thermally stable jet fuels.