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A two-volume systematic exposition of superstring theory and its applications which presents many of the new mathematical tools that theoretical physicists are likely to need in coming years. This volume contains an introduction to superstrings
The twenty-fifth anniversary edition featuring a new Preface, invaluable for graduate students and researchers in high energy physics and astrophysics.
Twenty-five years ago, Michael Green, John Schwarz, and Edward Witten wrote two volumes on string theory. Published during a period of rapid progress in this subject, these volumes were highly influential for a generation of students and researchers. Despite the immense progress that has been made in the field since then, the systematic exposition of the foundations of superstring theory presented in these volumes is just as relevant today as when first published. Volume 2 is concerned with the evaluation of one-loop amplitudes, the study of anomalies and phenomenology. It examines the low energy effective field theory analysis of anomalies, the emergence of the gauge groups E8 x E8 and SO(32) and the four-dimensional physics that arises by compactification of six extra dimensions. Featuring a new Preface setting the work in context in light of recent advances, this book is invaluable for graduate students and researchers in high energy physics and astrophysics, as well as mathematicians.
Twenty-five years ago, Michael Green, John Schwarz, and Edward Witten wrote two volumes on string theory. Published during a period of rapid progress in this subject, these volumes were highly influential for a generation of students and researchers. Despite the immense progress that has been made in the field since then, the systematic exposition of the foundations of superstring theory presented in these volumes is just as relevant today as when first published. A self-contained introduction to superstrings, Volume 1 begins with an elementary treatment of the bosonic string, before describing the incorporation of additional degrees of freedom: fermionic degrees of freedom leading to supersymmetry and internal quantum numbers leading to gauge interactions. A detailed discussion of the evaluation of tree-approximation scattering amplitudes is also given. Featuring a new preface setting the work in context in light of recent advances, this book is invaluable for graduate students and researchers in general relativity and elementary particle theory.
Detailed, step-by-step introduction to the theoretical foundations of strings and branes, essential reading for graduate students and researchers.
'The sturgeon they sent was second grade fresh,' said the barman. 'Really, what nonsense/' 'Why nonsense?' '"Second grade fresh" that's what I call nonsense/ There's only one degree of freshness the first, and it's the last) (M. A. Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita) The goal of this book is to describe in detail how Feynman integrals can be expanded in suitable parameters, when various momenta or masses are small or large. In a narrow sense, this problem is connected with practical calcula tions. In a situation where a given Feynman integral depends on parameters of very different scales, a natural idea is to replace it by a sufficiently large number of terms of an expansion of it in ratios of small and large scales. It will be explained how this problem of expansion can be systematically solved, by formulating universal prescriptions that express terms of the expansion by using the original Feynman integral with its integrand expanded into a Taylor series in appropriate momenta and masses. It turns out that knowledge of the structure of the asymptotic expansion at the diagrammatic level is a key point in understanding how to perform expansions at the operator level. There are various examples of these ex pansions: the operator product expansion, the large mass expansion, Heavy Quark Effective Theory, Non Relativistic QCD, etc. Each of them serves as a realization of the factorization of contributions of different scales.