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BOOK FOUR: THE EVANGELIST AND HIS ACCLAMATION (1951-1954)William Branham is a paradox in modern history. Beginning in 1946 his ministry leaped from obscurity to gain national attention in less than six months, and in the process it sparked a worldwide faith-healing revival. He accomplished this feat with he help of a unique gift - a supernatural sign that startled people into taking notice. Soon Christians around the world were noticing. Between 1951 and 1954, William Branham conducted the largest Christian meetings in history up to that time - around 300,000 people at one meeting in Bombay, India. The demand for his services in American and abroad seemed insatiable. But William Branham wasn't satisfied. Something seemed wrong. For a long time he didn't know what it was, but by the end of 1954 he knew. His ministry would have to change.BOOK FIVE: THE TEACHER AND HIS REJECTION (1955-1960)William Branham's international ministry had three main stages. First, he discerned diseases through a supernatural sign in his hand. Later, visions allowed him to discern sickness and more. Between 1946 and 1954, over 500,000 people accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior because of his preaching - and there was no way to estimate how many millions received healing because of his prayers. Discerning that the people were not accepting the spiritual depths and heights that God's Word and Spirit was offering unto them, William Branham felt the Spirit of God was calling him to do more. He knew that people came to his meetings for many reasons. Some people came because they believed the Spirit of Jesus Christ was present. Others came for the novelty and excitement of it, just as when people flocked to see Jesus healing the sick and multiplying wine, bread, and fish. But, it was the teachings of Jesus that changed the history of the world. William Branham felt that God was calling him to teach more during his faith-healing campaigns. He believed his ministry could make a lasting, beneficial contribution to the Christian church. Starting in 1955, he not only taught Divine healing, but he also taught other aspects of God's Word. God gave him a vision of a new stage to his ministry - a "third pull" (to use the angel's words) - which would surpass everything God had done through him in the past. Inevitably, he offended some people.
BOOK ONE: THE BOY AND HIS DEPRIVATION (1909-1932)William Branham is one of the greatest healing evangelists in Church history. From the minute he was born, William Branham was set apart from the ordinary. Plagued by poverty and rejection, he became a nervous child. Unusual things kept happening to him, mystifying and spiritual things...but he did not start thinking about God until he was 14, when he nearly lost both legs in a shotgun accident. As he lay dying in a pool of blood, he saw a terrifying vision of hell - saw himself falling constantly deeper into that region of lost and drifting souls. He cried out to God for mercy and miraculously was given a second chance - a chance which later he almost failed to grasp. Click Here To Purchase..BOOK TWO: THE YOUNG MAN AND HIS DESPERATION (1933-1946)As a young pastor, William Branham struggled to understand his peculiar life. Why was he the only minister in town who saw visions? When God first called him into nation-wide evangelism in 1936, he refused, only to pay dearly for his mistake by losing his wife and daughter to tuberculosis. The visions continued. Ministers told him that these visions came from Satan. Desperation finally drove him to seek a supernatural being. The angel gave him a commission from God to take a gift of Divine healing to the peoples of the world. When William Branham questioned whether the people would believe an angel had really met him, the angel said he would be given two supernatural signs to prove his calling. Then they would have to believe. And believer they did!BOOK THREE: THE MAN AND HIS COMMISSION (1946-1950)Soon after the angel visited William Branham and told him he was ordained to take a gift of healing to the peoples of the world, the first sign appeared - a physical reaction in his hand that happened only when he touched the hand of someone suffering from a germ-caused disease. Within two months of his commission, William Branham's extraordinary gift had gained national attention. People by the thousands flocked to his meetings, where he preached salvation and Diving healing in the Name of Jesus Christ. Miracles abounded. The world had not seen anything like it since the days when Jesus walked through Galilee, casting out demons and healing all who were sick and afflicted. Even so, some people still questioned whether an angel had really met this humble man. Then the second sign appeared...and they had to believe!
5 C Hero is the inspirational story of Joel Stephens, a truly gifted athlete and devout Christian, who lived the values of Christianity, Courage, Compassion, Character, and Commitment. With the brightest of futures ahead of him, Stephens lost his battle with a rare form of cancer in 1998 at the age of 22. DAloisio, as coach, mentor, and friend, knew Stephens better than most. In this book, he chronicles the record-setting athletic exploits of Joel throughout his high school years as well as his professional career as a baseball player in the Baltimore Orioles organization, and his decision to accept a scholarship to play Division I football for Syracuse University. In many ways, Joels story parallels that of Ernie Davis, the Elmira Express, who was the first African American to win the Heisman Trophy. More important than any athletic achievements, Joels faith and his concern for others are the qualities that define Joel Stephens. DAloisio takes the reader on a painful odyssey as Joel accepts his illness yet valiantly struggles to overcome it. This tragic story is told with humor, intensity, and great warmth. It is remarkable that Stephens touched so many lives in such a short period of time. Even after his death, his legacy continues to grow through the Joel Stephens Foundation and other charitable organizations and events held in his honor. For those who knew Joel, this book will bring them even closer to an old friend; for those who never had the opportunity to meet Joel in person, this book will help you realize what you missed.
Cindy Jacobs begins her newest release with a testimony of her first stirring encounter with the Holy Spirit. Her relationship with God was transformed, giving her the power of the supernatural in her life and the knowledge of how to release it. As in Acts 1:8, the Scriptures came alive to her more than ever before and she found the capacity to witness boldly. With warmth, humor and many revealing accounts, Cindy Jacobs shows that it takes the power of the Holy Spirit to do what God wants you to accomplish in your life. Join the best- selling author of "Women of Destiny" and discover step-by-step how to invite the Holy Spirit into your own life for remarkable change.
The realm of revelation is opening to a last-days revival company!Arise, shine, for your Light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the people; But the Lord will rise over you and His glory will be seen upon you." Isaiah 60:1-2 The entire world has entered into...
Who was William Branham (1909-1965) and what were his claims? He was an American pastor and evangelist credited for spearheading the post World War II healing revivals of the 1940s and 50s. In the 1960s, he began to view himself as Elijah the prophet of Malachi 4:5-6, who restores the elect to the word of God as a forerunner of Christ's return; the seventh angel messenger of Revelation 3:14 and 10:7, who reveals every hidden mystery of the Bible in the end time; and the fulfillment of the Son of man ministry of Luke 17:30, who reveals Christ to the last generation as a prophet. He also believed his message was the "shout" of Christ's second coming in 1 Thessalonians 4:16.Currently, an estimated two million people believe Branham's claims. Nonetheless, this full-sized book of 17 chapters and 320 pages challenges his claims and teachings from an insider's perspective through an eight months investigative research. In doing so, the author provides a convincing compilation of more than 3,000 excerpts, credible references, official documents, archived newspaper articles, historical facts, and insightful scriptures. This compilation uncovers wide-ranging plagiarisms, disproven and embellished supernatural vindications, failed visions, failed prophecies, failed "Thus saith the Lord," failed predictions, and vast unscriptural doctrinal errors. Among Branham's most celebrated claims, the revealing of the seven seals in the book of Revelation are considered the pinnacle of his teachings. He supposedly did what the Old Testament prophets, New Testament apostles, church reformers, or any other clergy throughout history had never achieved. He claimed that seven angels revealed these hidden mysteries.However, this timely book examines, diligently compares, and provides nearly 100 pages of evidences that suggest Branham almost certainly got his understanding of the seven seals and 20 other significant revelatory teachings--supposedly revealed by God--from several well-known biblical writers of the past. These teachings include the seven church ages and messengers, seventh angel of Revelation 3:14 and 10:7, two comings of Elijah, the beast of Revelation 13, Mystery Babylon and daughters; the image, mark, and number of the beast; United States in prophecy, Daniel's seventy weeks, historical applications of four beasts, Godhead doctrines, serpent seed, water baptism, and several more.The authors of these commentaries and books are mostly Clarence Larkin (1850-1924), a very distinguished and knowledgeable Bible teacher; Uriah Smith (1832-1903), an educator and theologian of the Seventh Day Adventist; Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916), a restorationist and founder of a movement that later became the Jehovah's Witnesses organization; John Gill (1697-1771), a noted biblical scholar and theologian; and Albert Barnes (1798-1870), a noted theologian. We shall also consider other noted biblical scholars of the same eras (e.g. Cyrus Scofield and Henry Halley).Moreover, this research provides extensive scriptural evidences uncovering vast errors in Branham's teachings, including a false gospel of salvation. How? During the latter years, Branham believed his message was necessary or the evidence for salvation, the Holy Spirit baptism, the new birth, and rapture to heaven; rather than the gospel of Christ preached by the apostles.This book also examines the inaccuracies and repeated revisions in Branham's visions of 1933, whereby God allegedly revealed seven major events that would transpire before Christ's return in 1977. This research pinpoints developing historical trends and occurrences between the 1920s and 1960s that possibly influenced those seven prophecies and revisions. The final updated version of these visions appears in his 1965 book on the seven church ages, where the obvious errors from earlier sermons had been cleverly removed. Thus, when facts are weighed, Branham's teachings and claims are conclusively proven wrong.
An in-depth look into the creation of the Post WWII Healing Revival focusing on the historical perspective of William Marrion Branham, who has been credited by some as the evangelist who both initiated and led the movement. Examine the origins of the evangelist, the men who created him, and the men who influenced his doctrine from his early years as a Southern Indiana minister in the river city of Jeffersonville, Indiana, to his career as an internationally recognized faith healer. From his involvement with the Kardashian family in California to his politically-charged sermons supporting the revival of the Ku Klux Klan, William Branham lived a fascinating and unbelievable history connected to the collaboration, influence, and power of recognized public figures and events in American history. Some of those public figures made the F.B.I.'s Top Ten Most Wanted List as they entered the Healing Revival while others became respected ministers of the Gospel. Learn how a handful of men with one common goal orchestrated the events leading to some of the darkest moments in American history. These men pursued their goal through a strategy conceived decades before, while they were secretly planning in the shadows of the night. What was their objective? The "Americanization" of the United States.The research is filled with over a thousand footnotes, resources, and quotes from the transcripts of William Branham, Jim Jones, Roy Davis, Congressman William D. Upshaw, and many others. Over a decade of research packed into one book, Preacher Behind the White Hoods: A Critical Examination of William Branham and His Message walks you through the events of William Branham's life story. Rather than retelling the many versions of the "life story" used to create his stage persona - this book examines the events in the life of the historical William Branham.