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Prepare your child for greatness, success and prosperity before you are pregnant. Yes you can help your unborn child to be: • Intelligent • Loving • Creative • Competitive • Respectful • Winner • Confident • Positive • Genius • Healthy During your pregnancy, program your unborn baby to: • Have a positive start in life. • Have a positive self image. • Have a self esteem. • Be a millionaire. • Be a billionaire. • Success and prosper in life. Generation X is presently the majority of planet earth however, Generation Z is God’s divine plan for planet earth. This transformation is already taking place. Why? How do I know. First as to how I know, I know through the Holy Bible wherein God has promised us earthlings 1,000 years of rest from evil. We have been foretold that planet earth is returning to its original purpose which is intended for, a place of paradise, wherein the dominate pres3ence is that of our God and that is good. I have also been informed of God’s plan and this change through being communicated and through the Holy Spirit. This book, Success Babeez, is about you doing your part with your baby: • Before you are pregnant. • While you are pregnant. • Once your baby is born. • Raising your child. Calling all angels from God, the God of Abraham, Solomon and Jesus. Be one of the angels that join forces in doing your part to have a earth free of evil, hate, depression, discrimination prejudice, drugs, murder, suicide, rape, prisons, gangs, divorce, mental illness, poverty, sexual confusion and pedophiles. Success Babeez is the key to paradise on earth. The key for bringing Generation Z to planet earth.
RIGHT CHOICE SUCCESS Right Choice Success is a personal development philosophy created by Dr. A. J. Rolls. This philosophy is based on Internal and External Development for Success. Internal Development for Internal Success and External Benefit. INTERNAL: Your internal determines the self image you have of yourself, your level of confidence, self esteem, optimism, and how positive you are. The internal success you develop and achieve inside of you will help you achieve the external success you want outside of you. External Development for External Success and Internal Benefit. EXTERNAL: The success you achieve on the outside of you influences how you feel and think on the inside of you. The external success you develop and achieve outside of you will help you achieve the internal success you desire inside of you. Internal and external development is the primary objective of this book; however I have included topics on success, money, and power for you to familiarize yourself with.
OPEN THE SAFE OF SUCCESS Major Topics You Will Learn: SUPERNATURAL: Tap into the invisible supernatural powers you possess, to help you succeed. ACHIEVE: Against the odds, even when it looks hopeless. TRUST: Yourself again to succeed. RESURRECT: Your goals and dreams, then achieve them. WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW: About success and succeeding can cause you to succumb to failure. What you know about success and succeeding will help you succeed. REVENGE: The best is success. POWER: Let me tell you how to awaken and use yours. FAILURE: is not guaranteed with anything you want to achieve.
In order for you to go from where you are to where you want to arrive in life, you need people to help you help yourself get there. Success Help is a progressive. In that each day you will be provided more and more people with various professions, careers, jobs, education, wisdom, knowledge, experience, and know how. Success Help has a built in Proof A poll consisting of millions and billions of other people who vote on the response you receive. They either disagree or agree.
Words make you or break you. Words help you or hurt you. Words build or tear down. You have been programmed by your words.
Most of what you want to achieve, accomplish or obtain, this book Metaphysical Science for Success can help you to help yourself achieve, accomplish or obtain it. Can I guarantee you this book can help you to help yourself succeed? I can make you two guarantees: 1. One day you will die... guaranteed. 2. Unless you make some changes in your life now, your life will stay the same or get worse... guaranteed.
Success as a way of life is a philosophy created by Dr. Rolls. This is a philosophical approach to living your life fully each day, with purpose, coupled with being a positive contributing member of society and doing your part, big or small, to help make the world a better place to live in, beginning with you. After completing this book and adopting, "success as a way of life." you will be able to say, yes!! The world is a better place because you are here.
“Open the Safe of Thoughts for Success,” is a common sense approach to each day. Thoughts for Success will provide you mental contemplations to help you help yourself. Thought for Success will remind you of what you already know and reinforce what you are doing that is positive. Thoughts for Success will help you help yourself change self defeating behavior that is self defeating, and start behavior that is productive.
AJ Rolls, is America’s #1 Success Resurrector. He has invested 40 years of his life researching the field of success. His major areas of research was and is how to help people, help themselves resurrect success in their life. Especially those that have been through setbacks, letdowns, numerous failures, sabotages, discouragements, broken hearts, and betrayal. AJ Rolls has provided you this success weapon to help you help yourself “Open the Safe of Resurrect Success Now,” is your success weapon.
AJ Rolls has provided you self empowering success affirmations. When you make verbal commands, you are activating the law of cause and effect. You have been empowered to speak the word and get the results. Open the Safe of Affirmations for Success is a quick work. You will experience immediate results once you start saying your success affirmations each day. • Speak the words and get the miracle. • Command the elements to bring you wealth, health, happiness, love, joy. Peace, tranquility, desired opportunities, desired situation, success, prosperity, and money. • You shall have what you say.