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IBSS is the essential tool for librarians, university departments, research institutions and any public or private institution whose work requires access to up-to-date and comprehensive knowledge of the social sciences.
This important book is an authoritative work of reference on the G20, G8 and G20 reform, and relevant information sources. Peter Hajnal thoroughly traces the origins of the G20, surveys the G20 finance ministers' meetings since 1999 and the series of G20 summits since 2008. He examines agenda-setting and agenda evolution, discusses the question of G20 membership and surveys the components of the G20 system. He goes on to analyze the relationship of the G20 with international governmental organizations, the business sector, and civil society and looks at the current relationship between the G8 and the G20. He also discusses how G20 performance can be monitored and evaluated. The book includes an extensive bibliography on the G20, G8/G20 reform, and issues of concern to the G20. The book is a companion volume to The G8 System and the G20: Evolution, Role and Documentation (Hajnal, 2007) and is an essential source for all scholars and students of the G20.
The intensification of bilateral relations between the European Union and Japan has been remarkable seventeen years after they adopted the Joint Declaration in 1991. This volume, which is the result of a unique long-term research project carried out by European and Japanese universities, offers a wide range of topical and comparative studies regarding Japan-EU relations and cooperation within the context of global governance. It focuses mainly on two dimensions: on the one hand, the impact of global economic transformations and knowledge society on both actors and their interaction; and on the other hand, the universal and regional security and development challenges.
This book outlines the foreign and security policy of the European Union as envisaged under the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). Since establishing the CFSP in the 1990s, the European Union (EU) has showed its enthusiasm for global leadership, empowering European citizenship, and developing its international standing as an economic and political supranational organization. In particular, the book examines the EU’s peacekeeping and conflict resolution dynamics in order to analyze the political and security dimensions of the EU. It argues that, due to the loose collective foreign policy and inter-bloc dilemmas, the EU has failed to perform as an actor of substance in international politics. However, at the regional level, the EU’s peacekeeping efforts have enjoyed considerable success. The book further explains the dynamics of successful (regional) and unsuccessful (extra-regional) peacekeeping and conflict resolution efforts on the part of the EU with the help of a case study. The case study assesses two key hypotheses: that the stronger an EU member state’s collective Europeanization approach is, the higher the success of the EU is in inter-bloc disputes; and that the weaker an EU member state’s execution of the CFSP on international disputes is, the less successful the EU is in the context of international peacekeeping.
IBSS is the essential tool for librarians, university departments, research institutions and any public or private institution whose work requires access to up-to-date and comprehensive knowledge of the social sciences.
IBSS is the essential tool for librarians, university departments, research institutions and any public or private institution whose work requires access to up-to-date and comprehensive knowledge on the social sciences.
This book provides a unique personal perspective on the field of peace research. It not only highlights Luc Reychler’s significant contributions to the theory and praxis of sustainable peacebuilding, but also offers important reflections on the evolution of peace research as an independent discipline. The central concept of this book – and of Reychler’s academic career, for that matter – is sustainable peacebuilding architecture. Reychler introduced this concept in order to draw attention to the architectural principles and considerations that have to be addressed in sustainable peacebuilding processes. Reychler’s work on sustainable peacebuilding architecture has been groundbreaking and has not lost any of its relevance in the twenty-first century. By bringing together Reychler’s seminal texts on sustainable peacebuilding architecture, the current book aims to offer academics, students and policymakers an essential guide to understanding, studying and applying this crucial concept. • Provides a unique personal view of the development of peace research• Lists the necessary building blocks for sustainable peacebuilding• Offers tools for monitoring and evaluating interventions• Discusses the scientific nature and often provocative findings of peace research • Discusses ten lessons learned and the future (Peace Research III)