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This report briefly discusses the foreign operations appropriations legislation generally and then provides a short description of the various funding accounts as they appear in Division K, "Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2016," of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 (P.L. 114-113). The State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs appropriations legislation provides annual funding for almost all of the international affairs programs.
The Kahuzi-Biega National Park (‘PNKB’) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo presents an existential threat to the indigenous Batwa people. For millennia, Batwa occupied the forests surrounding Mount Kahuzi and Mount Biega, utilizing traditional ecological knowledge and sustainable practices to foster one of the most biodiverse places on the planet. The creation of the PNKB in the 1970s forced Batwa from their ancestral lands, rendering them deeply impoverished, landless, dependent and culturally disconnected. When they seek to return home and access their lands and resources, they are subjected to extreme violence by park authorities who treat them as trespassers, poachers and enemies of conservation. This report situates the serious human rights violations suffered by Batwa in the PNKB within the broader global phenomenon of ‘fortress conservation’ and analyses the respective roles and accountability of the park’s core international partners. Ongoing violence against Batwa in the PNKB is a stark reminder of the immense human and environmental costs associated with pursuing conservation policies that prevent indigenous peoples from owning, governing, accessing and benefiting from their territories and resources. These policies are bolstered by donors, global NGOs and international organizations which enable and tacitly uphold a violent and anti-indigenous status quo in the PNKB and other protected areas. Donors, conservation organizations and other international partners of the PNKB have failed to adequately ensure that their support did not contribute to human rights violations committed against Batwa. These international partners had explicit knowledge of unresolved human rights abuses committed by ecoguards, as well as threats of imminent violence against Batwa communities living inside the park. Yet, they continued to equip, fund and train ecoguards and actively promoted the increasing militarization of the PNKB. This militarization has resulted in overly aggressive policing and military-style actions by ecoguards (often jointly with the Congolese Army) who explicitly target, criminalize and brutalize Batwa. At the same time, the park consistently fails to meet environmental expectations and objectives. Thus, the PNKB represents a clear case of how fortress conservation fails both people and the environment. Regrettably, it is not an isolated example of flawed conservation policy. Instead, it is indicative of the institutional shortcomings and systemic failures inherent in the dominant ways in which conservation is pursued by states and promoted by international conservation actors in the Congo Basin and in other parts of the world.
On December 16, 2014, Congress presented the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015 (H.R. 83), to the President, who signed it into law (P.L. 113-235) that same day. In Division J of that act, Congress appropriated $51.98 billion for the Department of State and Foreign Operations, including $9.26 billion for Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) and $2.53 billion to address the Ebola crisis. The annual State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs appropriations bill (also referred to here as "foreign affairs appropriations" or "foreign affairs funding") is the primary legislative vehicle through which Congress reviews the U.S. international affairs budget and influences executive branch foreign policymaking. (Foreign relations authorization and foreign assistance authorization legislation, required by law prior to State Department and foreign aid expenditures, are also available to Congress to influence foreign policy, but Congress has not passed either since FY2003 and FY1985, respectively. Instead, Congress has waived the requirement within the appropriations laws.) On March 4, 2014, the Obama Administration submitted to Congress its budget request for FY2015. The original request for State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs totaled $48.62 billion, including $5.91 billion for OCO funding. The Administration amended this request on June 27, 2014 by increasing OCO funds and updating export assistance estimates, thus raising the overall total to $50.08 billion. The Administration further amended the request in November 2014 for emergency funding to address the Ebola crisis in Africa and for civilian activities to counter the threat posed by the Islamic State (IS). The amended FY2015 request totaled $53.50 billion, 8.8% more than the FY2014-enacted level. Of the total FY2015 request, as amended, 14.6% was designated as OCO (compared to 13.3% in FY2014) and 5.4% was designated as emergency funding (compared to no emergency funding in FY2014). $17.18 billion was for State Department Operations and related agencies, an 8.3% increase from the FY2014 funding estimate of $15.86 billion. For Foreign Operations, the Administration requested $36.32 billion, a 7.7% increase from the FY2014 estimate of $33.72 billion.
The State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs appropriations legislation provides annual funding for almost all of the international affairs programs generally considered as part of the 150 International Affairs Budget Function (the major exception being food assistance). The legislation has also served as a vehicle for Congress to place conditions on the expenditure of those funds, and express its views regarding certain foreign policy issues. This report briefly discusses the legislation generally and then provides a short description of the various funding accounts.