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The OECD STAN Industry database provides statistics analysing industrial performance at a relatively detailed level of activity. It includes annual measures of output, labour input, investment and international trade which allow users to construct a wide range of indicators to focus on areas such as productivity growth, competitiveness and general structural change. Through the use of a standard industry list, comparisons can be made across countries. The industry list provides sufficient detail to enable users to highlight high-technology sectors and is compatible with those used in related OECD databases. STAN is primarily based on member countries' Annual National Accounts by activity tables and uses data from other sources, such as national business surveys/censuses, to estimate any missing detail. STAN is based on the ISIC Rev. 4 classification and covers all activities (including services). Data are presented from 1970 onwards.
This table presents comprehensive and internationally comparable time-series on industrial R&D expenditures broken down in up to 100 manufacturing and services sectors in ISIC Revision 4 for OECD countries and selected non-member economies, from 1987 onwards. Compatible with those used in other OECD databases, the industry list now covers a number of service and technological sectors of interest. OECD estimates adjust for deficiencies and anomalies in the official data.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war have revealed vulnerabilities in Germany’s economic model: undiversified energy supply, an over-reliance on fossil fuels, delayed digitalisation and disruptable supply chains. Digital technologies may significantly disrupt manufacturing industries Germany has dominated for decades, threatening future competitiveness.
Over the past twenty years there has emerged a compelling new discourse on varieties of capitalism. That discourse has an appealing common sense which challenges the view there is no alternative to free market capitalism. The initial view had a microeconomic focus that made firms the fulcrum of analysis. It distinguished between liberal market and coordinated market economies. Subsequently, there has emerged a second-generation literature which adopts a macroeconomic perspective that emphasizes differences in drivers of growth. This book provides a collection of essays that engage those second-generation concerns and questions.
STAN: OECD Structural Analysis Statistics 2020 provides analysts and researchers with a comprehensive tool for analysing industrial performance across countries.
Sociotechnical systems in areas like energy, agrifood and mobility need to transform rapidly to become more sustainable and resilient. Science, technology and innovation (STI) have essential roles in these transformations, but governments must be more ambitious and act with greater urgency in their STI policies to meet these challenges.
OECD’s periodic surveys of the Latvian economy. Each edition surveys the major challenges faced by the country, evaluates the short-term outlook, and makes specific policy recommendations. Special chapters take a more detailed look at specific challenges. Extensive statistical information is included in charts and graphs.
This open access book is the result of the 1st International Conference on Evaluating Challenges in the Implementation of EU Cohesion Policy (EvEUCoP 2022). It presents the recent findings, sparks discussion, and reveals new research paths addressing the use of novel methodologies and approaches to tackle the challenges and opportunities that are unveiled with the implementation of the EU cohesion policy. The authors cover a wide range of topics including the monitoring of data; the clearness of indicators in measuring the impact of interventions; novel evaluation methods, addressing the mid-term and terminal assessment; as well as case studies and applications on evaluations of the thematic objectives under the scrutiny of the cohesion policy, namely:• Research, technological development, and innovation; • Information and communication technologies;• Shift toward a low-carbon economy. During the 2014-2020 programmatic period, member states were required to undertake assessments to evaluate the efficacy, efficiency, and impact of each operational program. Such evaluations are generally concerned with the compliance of projects and activities with programmatic priorities, as well as with funds' absorption capacity and refer to ex-ante and ex-post assessments. Hence, this book proposes the use of novel methodologies addressing the mid-term and terminal assessments that enable performing the efficiency appraisal of the operational programs and that can support decision-makers in the selection of projects that should be awarded for funding.
La frammentazione della produzione a livello globale richiede una misurazione del commercio in termini di valore aggiunto che tenga conto di come parti di valore contenuto nei beni e servizi sono aggiunte in ciascuna fase dei processi produttivi all’interno delle catene globali del valore. La qualità degli indicatori relativi al commercio in valore aggiunto dipende dalla qualità delle sottostanti tavole globali di Input-Output che a loro volta dipendono dalla qualità e disponibilità delle statistiche nazionali che ne sono alla base così come dalle tecniche di bilanciamento e stima usate nella procedura di armonizzazione. Nonostante le statistiche in valore aggiunto siano ampliamente utilizzate nella ricerca economica, non vi è coerenze tra le diverse banche dati né una procedura unica e condivisa nella costruzione dei dati su cui il commercio in valore aggiunto è stimato. Questo lavoro rappresenta un tentativo di sistematizzare le potenziali fonti di differenze tra le banche dati globali e di mostrare la risultante deviazione nelle stime degli indicatori di partecipazione alle catene globali del valore.
This report assesses the linkages between foreign direct investment (FDI) and domestic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Slovak Republic. It provides policy recommendations to national and subnational governments on how to foster productivity and innovation spillovers from FDI to the local economy.