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Over 1 million copies sold What every church will always need The need for talented, vigorous leaders in the church cannot be overemphasized. Such times demand active service of men and women who are guided by and devoted to Jesus Christ. With more than 1 million copies sold, Spiritual Leadership stands as a proven classic for developing such leadership. J. Oswald Sanders, a Christian leader for nearly seventy years and author of more than forty books, presents the key principles of leadership in both the temporal and spiritual realms. He illustrates his points with examples from Scripture and biographies of eminent men of God, such as Moses, Nehemiah, the apostle Paul, David Livingstone, Charles Spurgeon, and others. Featured topics include: The cost of leadership The responsibility of leadership Tests of leadership The qualities and criteria of leadership The art of reproducing leaders The one indispensable requirement of leadership Sanders holds that even natural leadership qualities are God-given, and their true effectiveness can only be reached when they are used to the glory of God. Let this classic be your guide for leadership, and watch how God works through you to do great things for His glory.
A dynamic conversation on the power of women's spiritual leadership and its emerging patterns of transformation. "We invite you to come with curiosity into this living community of spiritual women, listening deeply as they share their personal stories of how their spiritual journeys have shaped and honed them as leaders.... We do not offer answers to all of the complex questions facing us as a human family, but we invite you to join us as we surrender to the mystery of being open, present and engaged together in these uncertain times." --from the Introduction This empowering resource engages women in an interactive exploration of the challenges and opportunities on the frontier of women's spiritual leadership. Through the voices of North American women representing a matrix of diversity--ethnically, spiritually, religiously, generationally and geographically--women will be inspired to new expressions of their own personal leadership and called into powerful collaborative action. CONTRIBUTORS: Lisa Anderson * Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD * Karen R. Boyett, MA * Fredelle Brief * Reverend Guo Cheen * Joan Chittister, OSB * Phyllis W. Curott, JD and HPs * Dr. Barbara E. Fields * Rachelle Figueroa * Carol Lee Flinders, PhD * China Galland * The Right Reverend Mary Douglas Glasspool * Shareda Hosein * Kathleen S. Hurty, PhD * Musimbi Kanyoro, PhD * Valarie Kaur * Kay Lindahl * Dawn T. Maracle, MEd, EdD (ABD) * Courtney E. Martin * Susan Quinn * Jan Booman Saeed * Adelia Sandoval * Ann Marie Sayers * Kathe Schaaf * Reverend Lorenza Andrade Smith * ALisa Starkweather * Lynda Terry * Diane Tillman * Yoland Trevino * Karma Lekshe Tsomo * Nontombi Naomi Tutu * Jamia Wilson
Maximizing the Triple Bottom Line through Spiritual Leadership draws on the emerging fields of workplace spirituality and spiritual leadership to teach leaders and their constituencies how to develop business models that address issues of ethical leadership, employee well-being, sustainability, and social responsibility without sacrificing profitability, growth, and other metrics of performance excellence. While this text identifies and discusses the characteristics necessary to be a leader, its major focus is on leadership—engaging stakeholders and enabling groups of people to work together in the most meaningful ways. The authors offer real-world examples of for-profit and non-profit organizations that have spiritual leaders and which have implemented organizational spiritual leadership. These cases are based on over ten years of research, supported by the International Institute of Spiritual Leadership, that demonstrates the value of the Spiritual Leadership Balanced Scorecard Business Model presented in the book. "Pracademic" in its orientation, the book presents a general process and tools for implementing the model.
The revised edition of the Blackabys' "Experiencing God" encourages business and church leaders alike to follow God's biblical design for organizational success.
The idea that certain kinds of people gravitate toward certain kinds of leaders has been around for a long time. There are exceptions and degrees of commitment, of course. People (as individuals) are complicated and changeable. On the other hand, people (as groups) are remarkably consistent and predictable. There are patterns. The typical follower of this leader has these characteristics. The typical follower of that leader has those characteristics. Conversely, this group of people tends to look for, believe in, and listen to this kind of leader; and that group of people tends to look for, believe in, and listen to that kind of leader. There are trends. Certain kinds of people are more responsive to certain kinds of leaders. Certain kinds of leaders seem to be more empathic toward, and understanding of, certain kinds of people. They seem to know some contexts, certain needs, and distinct attitudes better than others. If you follow the career of a leader, you can anticipate who they will gather around them and where they will be most effective. Bandy shows how this is true for church leaders too and introduces ideas of different types of leaders attracting different groups of followers. Knowing your "type" will help you know who will be attracted to your leadership style.
The issue of leadership has become a matter of considerable concern in the churches, in other religions, and in the political world. This book explores the nature of leadership and proposes a spirituality, which supports authentic leadership. It is addressed to those who are called to exercise leadership.
Why do the demands of leadership often draw leaders away from intimacy with God? What can I do to become a more effective leader? How can I keep from burning out and bailing out? How can we develop effective leaders who are being spiritually transformed as they abide in Christ? Key to answering these questions is the simple but profound truth that we must be the people of God before we do the work of God. That's why The Spiritual Formation of Leaders invites you to deeper intimacy with Christ so, in Him, you will be empowered to enjoy rich community with one another and a life of fruitful ministry. Spiritual leadership formation happens only in God's presence. So come to Jesus. Meet with Him in the Soul Room, walk with Him into the Leadership Room, and watch Him work in you and through you for His kingdom
J. Oswald Sanders probes Scripture to elicit principles and factors that inspired the dynamic spiritual leadership of Paul and the other apostles in the halcyon days of the church. Paul's letters reveal a frail, fallible man--one who fell and rose again--someone who can speak to our need. Because spiritual principles are timeless, we can learn to apply them to our own situations.
Ask yourself this question: What type of character qualifies the people God chooses to use? The question itself assumes an atypical answer, simply because it leaves out so much. To ask only about one's character seems inadequate when defining a leader. We surely need to ask about character, but also about personality, communication skills, IQ, education, previous experience, and more... don't we? Crawford Loritts disagrees. He answers the question with four simple words: Brokenness, communion, servanthood, and obedience. These four traits form the framework for Leadership as an Identity. By examining each trait, Loritts undermines many pervasive assumptions about leadership that are unbiblical. According to Loritts, God doesn't look for leaders like the world does. He looks for disciples, and ironically, as these disciples follow Him, they will lead.
This is a book for people who want to understand how spiritual ideas can help humanize business. Within, Paul Gibbons, a founder of the workplace spirituality movement twenty years ago, suggests that spirituality touches on every aspect of the human experience at work, on every aspect of human capital, and on the purpose of business and the capitalist economic system.In Meaning, Joy, and Purpose he explores how we can recruit spiritual ideas to help humans find greater meaning and purpose in their work and to improve business practices - that is, to make business more human.The first volume covers individual-level topics only: meaning, work, workaholism, vocation and purpose, happiness, mindfulness, altruism, motivation, engagement, and leadership. The second volume (tentatively called Culture, Capitalism, Sustainability) turns first to talent, employer brand, ethics, service, culture, values, and profitability. Then it turns to 21st century capitalism with its great triumphs and some of its limitations, exploring how spirituality might help us create a more human-centered version of capitalism more fit for the 21st century.To that discussion, Gibbons brings two decades of scholarship in philosophy, psychology, and spirituality and four decades in business from the perspective of an investment banker, consultant and adjunct professor of business. I also bring my perspective as (former) CEO of a start-up founded to bring spiritual principles to development of senior business leaders and their teams.Here are the questions Gibbons tackles in Volume I:?What do we mean by "spirituality"? How is it different from religion??What is the relationship between religion and science??Is the world becoming more or less spiritual??What is the historical relationship between spirituality and work? Where does that leave us today??Can we prove workplace spirituality is of value? What is the evidence??What are the benefits of private prayer or meditation at work??What insight does spirituality give us into human motivation??What is the purpose of purpose??How do we create purposeful lives and organizations??What is the link between leadership and spirituality??Can spiritual experiences at work be cultivated??What would a spiritual consulting firm look like?