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Spiritual Awakening: Channeled Messages from Ascended Masters is a book that contains 38 meaningful spiritual lessons by Ascended Masters Godfre Ray King, Saint Germain, Lord Lanto, and Kuthemi. Ascended Masters are individuals who were once embodied
Spiritual Awakening: Channeled Messages from Ascended Masters, Second Edition has been expanded to contain 55 meaningful spiritual lessons by Ascended Masters Godfre Ray King, Saint Germain, Lord Lanto, Kuthemi, Quan Yin and Alien Master Wantaze. Ascended Masters are individuals who were once embodied on Earth and learned the lessons of life during their embodiments. They are enlightened Spiritual Beings who faced the same challenges we face today when they lived on Earth so they understand how hard it can be. They serve as the Teachers of mankind from the Realms of Spirit. The Masters write for those of us beginning the spiritual path and searching for answers. They ask us to read their words with an open mind and heart and feel the truth within them. It is all about individual growth and helping individuals at many different levels of awareness. In this book they talk about the meaning of life in both human and spirit form. They talk truthfully about reality and the puzzle of life. With their chosen role of teacher, they continue to help us awaken to who we really are. These lessons were channeled for us by Dianna Gutoski. Other communications can be found on
Could there truly be a powerful and transformative presence called the Ascended Master Saint Germain? What about the phenomenon of channeling, or the real possibility of living a life of awakened awareness? Anyone who has contemplated other ways to walk the world will find compelling insight on these questions and many others in The Masters' Messenger: Emergence of an Awakened Channel. Charting the awe-inspiring and wondrous journey of Aruna Byers, this self-termed Awakening Coach reveals how channeling paved the way to self-realization, which in turn transformed her life and her worldview. Merging Western and Eastern spirituality, The Masters' Messenger: Emergence of an Awakened Channel uncovers this fascinating topic in two parts. In the first Byers shares the highlights of her own story from childhood to marriage, how she began channeling Ascended Master Saint Germain, and how he transformed her ordinary life into an extraordinary one as he prepared her to meet Papaji, the final catalyst of her awakening. In the second part, she shares her practical unglossed discoveries about channeling and awakened awareness. At the crux of the book is the author's exploration of the world of channeling in order to either cease being deluded or discover what reality, if any, was behind the mystique. Byers ultimately discovered that channeling can make an important contribution to the human experience and that awakened awareness is the optimum platform for “clear” channeling. Byers takes the reader through a brief description of her early, dysfunctional days with a difficult and demanding mother, and into some of her young married life with college sweetheart and husband, Ron. As she wrestles with gaining a better perspective on her spirituality and her calling, the author slowly immerses herself in a world that draws the criticism of many naysayers around her. However, when Ascended Master Saint Germain presents himself, the author becomes profoundly convinced that her true path is unfolding. Soon, her life is transformed in ways she would never have imagined, and she forges a remarkable new road that culminated in her spiritual awakening. In the summer of 2002, she originated the term Awakening Coach.As readers follow her enthralling tale, the author mines the questions of why channeling happens and why people throughout the world are captivated by messages from beings that do not walk the earth. Refreshingly honest and frequently humorous, her unprecedented foray into an often-debated realm will provide anyone with greater understanding of the significant relationship between channeling and spiritual awakening. A not to be overlooked bonus in this book is the detailed discussion of deepening an awakening—a critically important subject absent in most all literature of this kind. This deeply enriching, eye-opening guide to the consciousness of spiritual awakening is certain to resonate with readers keen to discover whether or not they themselves are truly awake.
This book continues the spiritual lessons by Ascended Master Godfre that he started in Path to the Light: A Spiritual Journey with Ascended Master Godfre Ray King. He says to us: "So our work continues always and forever. It is all about individual growth and helping individuals at many different levels of awareness."In this book he goes more in depth into the meaning of life in both human and spirit form. He talks truthfully about reality and the puzzle of life. With his chosen role of teacher, he continues to help us awaken to who we really are.These lessons were channeled by Dianna Gutoski. Other communications can be found on
You were never meant to remain ignorant to the presence of God, nor to the energy within you that is God. You were never meant to experience struggle, pain, or anything like this. Instead, you were meant to live a life filled with well-being, joy, and love. We are here to assist in the awakening of all people to the awareness of God within all. The time is now to wake up, for what is coming is much greater than has been previously allowed or believed. It is happening. It is a culmination of Gods will, as well as that of humans, for the asking of this to occur has been going on for so long. God hears this, and so it is time. Somewhere within all humans there is a knowing that it is time for the total awakening. ~ The Ascended Masters and the Archangels These essays are channeled messages to assist you in your Ascension. The Ascended Masters, the Archangels, and all of the Highest Order of the Light have provided wisdom, practices, and processes to help you to grow in your awareness and understanding of the Truths of God. You will be guided to release yourself from the confusion of the ego consciousness in order to ascend into the Golden Age.
Can we transform our tumultuous society? Is it even possible to save our ailing planet? Yes, say the teachings in this book - channeled wisdom from a team of Ascended Masters, one of whom made his presence known to the young mother and mystic Lori Toye when she least expected it and could do little about it. It took decades to channel, transcribe, and publish the prophecies and counsel in this book, and even more time - and a second revised printing - for Toye to understand the meaning of the material: Prophecies are not predictions! Such messages are both metaphorical and literal. They are warnings with solutions to avoid what is prophesied. The chapters in this book contain information that explains how human consciousness has the ability to change and transform, and how this microcosmic effect literally extends - guiding social and cultural values, physically reshaping the planet's weather, sensitive ecosystems, and geography. Yes, we can change - by accepting our spiritual virtue and innate goodness; by learning to consciously cultivate the Twelve Jurisdictions, shared by the spiritual teachers; by engaging in our own personal Ascension process. The Spiritual Teachers who contributed their Wisdom call this process the "BE-coming." Be. Come. Add you effort to engender the growth of a new global, cultural consciousness - the Golden Age. Lori Toye is known for the best-selling I AM America Earth Changes Maps, which introduced spiritual teachings of prophecy and the Time of Change. Her initial work was published more than twenty years ago before public awareness of the serious environmental issues of Global Warming and Climate Change. Lori's work has been featured on NBC, FOX, UPN, London's Carlton Television, in the Washington Post and the New York Times.
A Path to the Light A Spiritual Journey with Ascended Master Godfre Ray King This book contains 39 meaningful spiritual lessons by Ascended Master Godfre Ray King. He is best known to us as the messenger for the teachings of Master Saint Germain when he was last embodied as Guy Ballard. Now an Ascended Master himself, Godfre writes for those of us just beginning the spiritual path and searching for answers. He asks us to read his words with an open mind and heart and feel the truth within them. Through these words, he welcomes us all to the Path to the Light.
In the year 2000, our planet was flooded by light - albeit extrasensory light that you may or may not believe was sensed by extra-sensed people, one of whom is mystic and author Lori Toye. What cannot be disputed is that there have since been massive disruptions of the social, political, and economic systems that continue today. According to leading scientists, our Earth is experiencing climatic and extreme weather events, geologic change, severe damaging earthquakes, comet and asteroid sightings, and continuous magnetic pole shift - Earth Changes. The same scientists, analysts, economists, and spiritual leaders agree that more drastic change is approaching. In Light of Awakening, Lori Toye, channeling wisdom from Ascended Masters, chronicles the critical passage of humanity's evolution into the New Times - a time that is aligned with the hope of Unana (Unity Consciousness) alongside polarizing wars and worldwide economic calamity. Spiritual teachers claim this prophesied period of large-scale difficulty is reference to the return of Christ as the Christ Consciousness. This second book of the Golden City Series reveals the spiritual lineage that predates Christianity through the Egyptian King Akhenaton (1388 BC) and his association to the Mayan Christ figure, Quetzalcoatl. Through Toye, the Master Teachers describe prehistoric cataclysms which shaped contemporary occult schools and their spiritual traditions. They connected prophesied Golden Cities to Shamballa, the fabled city of Buddhist lore, which lights the New Grid of Earth. Learn how these sanctuaries expand our psychic energy and increase spiritual awareness to enable us to transcend the destructive End Times. The steady radiance of Love, Wisdom, and Power that twinkles, glows, ames, and blazes throughout Ascended Master Teaching is known as the classic Seven Rays of Light and Sound. e teachings in this book begin with the metaphoric flicker of the light of a single candle, and end in the brilliant luminosity of a thousand suns: the Light of Awakening. Lori Toye is known for the best-selling I AM America Earth Changes Maps, which introduced spiritual teachings of prophecy and the Time of Change. Her initial work was published more than twenty years ago before public awareness of the serious environmental issues of Global Warming and Climate Change. Lori's work has been featured on NBC, FOX, UPN, London's Carlton Television, in the Washington Post and the New York Times.
An entirely channeled book of messages from The Council, a group of ascended master beings, that communicate to us that we have the power to be the Creators of our lives. The Wisdom of the Council is an entirely channeled book of messages by The Council, a group of ascended master beings. Their messages are both empowering and gentle, and guide you towards ascending to a new level of consciousness, stepping into the greatest version of you, and recognizing that you have the ability to create your own Heaven on Earth-a new way of perceiving your human experience. The Council assures us that we have the power to be the Creators of our lives. And from the Council's perspective, it's all done already-we already have this Creator energy within us and it's just a matter of aligning with that frequency. The Council encourages us to expand our consciousness and awareness so we can go beyond our thinking mind. Only then can we expand our potential, come into alignment with who we truly are, manifest from a place of wholeness rather than lack, and ultimately live out our destiny.
Through intimate lectures, Saint Germain, Sananda (Christ), Mother Mary, and Kuan Yin delineate not only the steps to "transfiguration" (when we transform ourselves into beings who function from a place of enlightenment), but they lay out the consequences to Earth and our sensitive environments if we do nothing.