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From the view that God does not intervene in the world to the view that God is the only effective agent in the working of his will, Terrance Tiessen identifies ten views of providence and adds his own.
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In this issue of the Free Grace Broadcaster, you will discover the God Who is God—the God Who reigns over every atom in His spectacular universe. Benjamin Beddome introduces us to our Sovereign by showing how His great works of creation and providence are related. David Martyn Lloyd-Jones defines providence by examining its three elements—preservation, government, and concurrence. Then, Arthur W. Pink explains the meaning of the Godhood of God and why it is crucial for Christians to understand it in opposition to the dignity, power, and attainments of man. But what is providence like and from what does it arise, properly understood? William S. Plumer tells us that God’s providence is like God’s nature—holy, just, benevolent, wise, sovereign, stable, and irresistible! Pink then explains so beautifully that God rules everything—all inanimate matter, irrational creatures, human beings, and all angels, good and evil. How can such a lofty doctrine be practical to believers? Joel Beeke gives us sound answers from the infallible Scriptures and from the Puritans. To compliment those answers, Thomas Watson gives biblical instruction in the ways that our sovereign God works all things for good to His eternally loved people. There is one aspect of providence that especially thrills the heart of all believers: how God worked in His sovereign, powerful, and mysterious ways to bring them to saving faith in Christ and to everlasting life! John Flavel reminds us of that astonishing work and the surprising mercies of God’s grace! Lastly, Thomas Reade concludes our subject by filling our souls with a glorious vision of God’s absolute reign by Christ Jesus in our hearts. Articles: Creation & Providence - Benjamin Beddome (1717-1795) - From a Baptist catechism, here is a beautiful and brief introduction to the doctrines of creation and providence and how these distinct works of God relate. Defining Providence - David Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) - a survey and description of the three elements of providence: preservation, rule, and concurrence. The Godhood of God - Arthur W. Pink (1886-1952) - This expression has fallen out of use among many modern Christians; so, what does it mean? Answer: The absolute rule of the living God over all things according to His eternal purpose. The Properties of Providence - William S. Plumer (1802-1880) - God’s providential rule arises from God’s glorious character: it is holy, just, benevolent, wise, sovereign, stable, and irresistible. God Rules Everything - Arthur W. Pink (1886-1952) - The one true and living Sovereign governs inanimate matter, irrational creatures, all human beings, and all angels—both good and evil. God's Providence Applied - Joel Beeke - God’s absolute rule over all people, things, and events is the most practical of doctrines for daily life. God is in control! Upon that supreme truth we may take comfort and encouragement every day. All Things Work for Good - Thomas Watson (1620-1686) - a helpful explanation of how every event in the believer’s life is working for his or her eternal good and God’s eternal glory. Providence & Conversion - John Flavel (1627-1691) - Little in the life of believers brings as much joy, comfort, strength, and worship as realizing all that God has done to save them in Jesus Christ. The Lord God Omnipotent - Thomas Shaw B. Reade (1776-1841) - To know God in Christ is to possess all the sources and secrets of true peace in the storms of life and the certainty of everlasting life in the world to come.