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Policy-oriented study prepared for the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) as a contribution to the Economic Agenda for Priority Action 1992-1995, and made available for the Eleventh NAM summit, Cartagena, Colombia, 18-20 Oct 1995.
Against the background of increasing awareness of the importance of enhanced trade between less developed countries, this book analyzes the merits of various approaches towards lowering trade barriers between developing countries in order to stimulate South-South trade in manufactured products. Using empirical data, the contributors establish what factors induce developing countries to adopt a protectionist stance and examine in detail the existing structure of trade control measures.
This book presents novel approaches to further SouthSouth Cooperation (SSC) on a global scale. The evolving aid architecture and mounting development challenges demand an urgent and critical review of existing aid modalities, policy-making and forums for international cooperation. With the rise of emerging powers, we face an important question: ls the changing global order transforming the nature of development cooperation? Promoting equitable broad-based growth in order to alleviate poverty, calls for a new understanding of the principles of development assistance, good governance, transparency, ownership, and accountability. This book is published in English. - Les changements en matière d’aide internationale et les défis soulevés par les crises alimentaires, financières et énergétiques exigent un examen critique des conventions actuelles en matière d’assistance et d’élaboration de politiques et de forums décisionnels en coopération internationale. À la lumière de la montée de pouvoirs émergents, une analyse de la manière dont un ordre mondial en mutation transforme la nature de la coopération pour le développement s’impose. La promotion d’une croissance économique équitable et d’une réduction de la pauvreté exige une nouvelle compréhension de l’aide au développement et une gouvernance, transparence, propriété et imputabilité optimales. L’avenir de la Coopération Sud-Sud repose sur de nombreux facteurs, comme l’amélioration des moyens de communication et le partage des connaissances entre pays partenaires, l’adoption d’une approche analytique pour définir les biens publics régionaux et mondiaux, l’identification et l’évaluation des bonnes et des mauvaises pratiques et la fusion des priorités économiques et sociales. Au moyen d'études de cas, les auteurs proposent des approches novatrices pour promouvoir la Coopération Sud-Sud et établir des politiques de développement international efficaces. Ce livre est publié en anglais.
This book is a contribution to the international trade and economic development literature and is based on a decade of joint research and collaboration on South–South economic relations. Given the increasing focus on the economic power of some developing countries, for example the 2013 Human Development Report’s “Rise of the South”, it is particularly appropriate and timely. [NP] The book’s findings are based on rigorous empirical examination of South–South trade and finance and it provides an even-handed assessment from the perspective of long-term development goals rather than mainstream welfare approaches or ideological/theoretical worldview. [NP] This work directly engages with the ‘new developmentalism’ literature that has challenged the neoliberal orthodoxy and its policy approach, which focuses on liberalization, privatization, and deregulation. It also engages with literature by examining whether the increase in South–South trade facilitates or inhibits the possibilities for developmentalist economic policy in developing countries. The book shows concrete and positive results from South–South trade particularly related to industrial development and also documents how South–South trade is dominated by large developing countries and that South–South trade liberalization may be counterproductive.
Developed nations strive to create the impression that their hearts and pockets bleed for the developing world. Yet, the global North continues to offer unfavorable trade terms to the global South. Truly fair trade would make reciprocal concessions to developing countries while allowing them to better their own positions. However, five hundred years of colonial racism and post-colonial paternalism have undermined trade negotiations. While urging developing countries to participate in trade, the North offers empty deals to "partners" that it regards as unequal. Using a mixed-methods approach, J. P. Singh exposes the actual position beneath the North's image of benevolence and empathy: either join in the type of trade that developed countries offer, or be cast aside as obstreperous and unwilling. Through case studies, Singh reveals how the global North ultimately bars developing nations from flourishing. His findings chart a path forward, showing that developing nations can garner favorable concessions by drawing on unique strengths and through collective advocacy. Sweet Talk offers a provocative rethinking of how far our international relations have come and how far we still have to go.
The process of economi c coopera t i on among devel oping countrie s ha s come a l ong way s i nce the ea rl y 1960s . A l ong s i de the movement f rom the e s tab l i s hment of reg i onal and subreg i on a l i n tegration and cooperati on g rou p i ngs to the e l aborati on of concepts and a pproaches for g l obal and i nterreg i onal coopera t i on ( such a s , for exampl e , the scheme for a gl oba l sys tem of trade preferences a mong deve l o p ing countries ) , there has b een a n exten s ion of the scope of coopera t i on , ori g ina l l y focused on trade , to other a rea s , i ncl u d ing moneta ry a n d f i nan c i a l ma tters , produ c t ion , ma rketing , and s o on . Today , the proce s s of economic cooperation among deve l o p ing countri es occu p i e s an i mportan t pl ace i n the economi c s t rategies a n d pol ic ies of devel o p i n g countrie s and , in recent years , wit h the marked deteri o ration in the wo rl d economi c s i tu a t io n and the wea ken i ng of i n ternat i onal cooperati on for deve l opmen t , it has acqu ired even grea ter importa nce and u rgency . I n deed , i n v iew of the pro s pects for the worl d economy for th e comi n g yea rs , i t h a s b ecome an i mpera t i ve i f the devel oping cou n t ries a re going to b e abl e to env i sage the transformation of their economies and the g rowth ra tes th ey need .
This book examines the causes and consequences of social standards in US and EU preferential trade agreements (PTAs). PTAs are the new reality of the global trading system. Pursued by both developed and developing countries, they increasingly incorporate labor and environmental issues to prevent a race to the bottom in social regulation and counter-protectionism. Using principal-agent theory to explore why US PTAs have stricter social standards than those signed by the EU, Postnikov argues that the level of institutional insulation of trade policy executives from interest groups and legislators determines the design of social standards. In the EU, where institutional insulation is high, social standards mirror the normative preferences of the European Commission leading to a softer approach. In the US, where such insulation is low, social standards are driven by interest groups and legislators they control, resulting in a stricter approach. This book shows that both approaches can be effective but work through different causal mechanisms. To test his argument, Postnikov draws on original data collected in Brussels, Washington, Santiago, Bogota, and Seoul. This book will be of interest to all scholars and students working in the fields of international political economy and EU and US trade policy.