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I had always believed in the healing power of our Lord, and viewed my life as one of service to Him via the practice of medicine. But, in retrospect, I had a deeper trust in the power of modern medicine and science than I did in Jesus Christ and His fully accomplished work on the Cross. My thinking was flawed, but, as I grew in my walk with the Lord and meditated on Scripture more fully, I began to see the superiority of faith over the limited interventions modern medical science had to offer, and that this interplay between faith and science was not mutually exclusive, but complimentary, for the spiritual aspects of our lives illuminate and empower the carnal aspects of intellect and physical senses. I began jotting notes to myself related to this interplay of faith and healing and science, and just filed them away...for years. IThen, in December of 2017, a baby was born to a first time mother of mine, his little body riddled with the most fulminant form of acute lymphoblasic leukemia, almost always fatal. His absolutely miraculous healing was the impetus to start putting these thoughts into writing, in the form of weekday morning emails entitled “A Christian Doctor’s View of Healing, Faiith, and Science”. It was soon made clear to me that these writings were to take the form of a year long devotional book, comprised of short weekday messages that are intimately linked, such that they can be read through as a book. And that book was to paint a picture, and that picture was to be of a face, and the face was to be that of Jesus, for He is the source of all healing
From the Preface to I'm Faithful, But I'm Not Religious: "Some of my opinions have some basis. Most are my opinions just because they are my opinions, and I'm not particularly concerned with whether or not they have any basis." that having been said, Ed Sinclair offers opinions on just about anything and everything. For example: "Doing silly things only becomes problematic when doing so ceases to be a tribute to a good memory and, instead, becomes religiously institutionalized, routinized, regulated. I've said it before, and I'll say it again-religion has no place among the spiritually faithful. At least, that's my opinion."
The Book is a collection of scholarly papers submitted at the International Conference Mysticism without Bounds exploring the mystical consciousness from different disciplines. Let these scholarly and challenging papers from different religious experiences (Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Sufism, Taoism, etc) create an awareness among the inquisitive readers of the need of overcoming the bounds of individuation and discovering the unity of self.
Mystic’s Musings is a compilation of extracts from Sadhguru’s discourses and talks. An intriguing look into the truth that lies at the core of existence, this book provokes readers to delve into spaces that are not for the faint-hearted, yet deftly guides us with answers about reality that transcend our fears, angers, hopes, and struggles. Sadhguru keeps us teetering on the edge of logic and captivates us with his answers to questions relating to life, death, rebirth, suffering, karma, and the journey of the Self.
Mystical Musings is a set of essays that will help any reader to better understand his or her specific daily situation from a spiritual standpoint. Included are essays on climate change, addiction, good and evil, money management, peer pressure and a host of issues that confront us daily. The goal of the book is to provide the reader a set of tools to be able to understand and better manage his or her life and hence gain better control over it. Interwoven through the book is a spiritual tapestry that draws from Sufism and other spiritual and religious traditions. The bottom line is a solid affirmation of God as the centrepiece and solid ground of our life. The relationship with God is developed to a point that will propel us to be spiritual beings and not just human beings and enable us to lead frutiful and fullfilling lives.
Here is a chapbook that contains the Mystical Musings of a modern mystic. I have found my way to Love/Wisdom through binaural beats, plant medicines, meditation, Christian College where I got my Bachelors Degree in Bible/Philosophy, living in a Charismatic house church and holding "free healing" signs at the boardwalk where we lay on hands, travelling in a school bus to Costa Rica, ministering in the garbage dumps in the Phillipines, dancing at Electric Forest, being married twice, skating parking garages all night in San Diego, reading (and experiencing) A Course of Love, A Course in Miracles, Conversations with God, The Way of Mastery, etc. all of in which I could taste the words of divine flow down my spine, and more recently just by being (still defining every day what that means). I have put together some of my poems here with an intergalactic portal at the end. So if your into feeling happy, while exploring the angst of losing your religion these are some reflections of being there in the corner. In the spot light. Oh no I said too much. I set it up. I am hoping to create a community of sharing in which we collectively can share our insights on what life is. God. Love. That we can discuss our experience of God and help each other through the pain that we have inherited that we can together see this world with fresh eyes and hold each other's hand, allowing the race from death to become the valley of flowers in which we are holding hands. Let's get gay, let go of preconceptions and behold the light in each other's eye. I am hoping to put out another book with all my poetry after this, and then a book with all my wild stories going through the battle field with a steady platform where I see there never was war and the shadow's are feared become angels of light. My long term goal from this sharing is for the world to be touched by a light that has never changed by time and that this love would put a house over every orphan, heal all sickness, and reveal to each heart the perfect love that lives within. There will be a necessary unveiling, yet how exciting to undress from limiting beliefs to come into an experience of unconditional love. I'm in, and I know so many others are too. I can't love alone. That's ridiculous. I need you. Let's do this. Let's form a love community where we express our Self in whatever form feels appropriate to the individual. Let's feed the hungry all the while remembering "you who desire to do much good in this world, realize only you can be accomplished."
A beautiful compilation of 40 musings by modern marketplace mystic Ragini Elizabeth Michaels, offering glimpses into the insightful revelations that accompany a torrid love affair with the Divine. In the lineage of Rumi and Hafiz, these poems arrive like whispers from the Divine Heart to yours. Each poem is paired with a lovely color photograph offering some support, laughter, and inspiration for anyone exploring the challenges of conscious living in daily life. Ragini offers these musing for any spiritual seeker who has, even once, fallen into the belief they are not doing their journey right, doing it too slow, or are just not capable of ever reaching the cherished goal of Truth, Love, and Freedom. These musings will give you a laugh, a smile, or perhaps just a tiny touch of the Presence we all may seek - the knowing that we are also a wildly quiet presence of God. Ragini's poetic prose provokes both contemplation and inspiration, powerful bedfellows to curl up with before drifting off to sleep at night, or to awaken to in the morning. This striking little book is lovely to look at resting quietly on the night stand by your bed, or inviting a quick peruse as it offers up its wisdom from the coffee table. It is beautifully designed and written, and will resonate with anyone familiar with the joys and struggles of their own love affair with the Divine.
“With the elegance of simplicity, this book takes you on an exploration of consciousness that will shift you to a higher reality.” —Deepak Chopra, New York Times–bestselling author of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success Constructed around a series of late-night conversations around a campfire between Cheryl Simone and Sadhguru Vasudev on an island in the middle of a Western North Carolina lake near her mountain home, Midnights with the Mystic is the most thorough exposition of the teachings of India’s most sought-after mystic. Sadhguru challenges us to embrace the possibility that to each of us is available a higher realm of reality, a peak of consciousness—an entrée into the realm of freedom and bliss. Simone, an Atlanta real estate developer, was the typical baby boomer in search of an authentic spiritual experience. Professionally successful, yet spiritually arid, she discovered a way into what she was looking for in the teachings of Sadhguru. Concrete and down-to-earth, Midnights with the Mystic provides both an introduction to profound spiritual teaching and a personal glimpse of a charismatic guru. “If you read this powerful book, you will discover who you really are, who we all are.” —Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God