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People have always wanted answers to the big questions. Where did we come from? How did the universe begin? What is the meaning and design behind it all? Is there anyone out there? The creation accounts of the past now seem less relevant and credible. They have been replaced by a variety of what can only be called superstitions, ranging from New Age to Star Trek. But real science can be far stranger than science fiction, and much more satisfying. I am a scientist. And a scientist with a deep fascination with physics, cosmology, the universe and the future of humanity. I was brought up by my parents to have an unwavering curiosity and, like my father, to research and try to answer the many questions that science asks us. I have spent my life travelling across the universe, inside my mind. Through theoretical physics, I have sought to answer some of the great questions. At one point, I thought I would see the end of physics as we know it, but now I think the wonder of discovery will continue long after I am gone. We are close to some of these answers, but we are not there yet. The problem is, most people believe that real science is too difficult and complicated for them to understand. But I don't think this is the case. To do research on the fundamental laws that govern the universe would require a commitment of time that most people don't have; the world would soon grind to a halt if we all tried to do theoretical physics. But most people can understand and appreciate the basic ideas if they are presented in a clear way with equations, which I believe is possible and which is something I have enjoyed trying to do throughout my life. I want to add my voice to those who demand why we must ask the big questions immediate action on the key challenges for our global community. I hope that going forward, even when I am no longer here, people with power can show creativity, courage and leadership. Let them rise to the challenges and act now.
This book is a treatise on time and on background independence in physics. It first considers how time is conceived of in each accepted paradigm of physics: Newtonian, special relativity, quantum mechanics (QM) and general relativity (GR). Substantial differences are moreover uncovered between what is meant by time in QM and in GR. These differences jointly source the Problem of Time: Nine interlinked facets which arise upon attempting concurrent treatment of the QM and GR paradigms, as is required in particular for a background independent theory of quantum gravity. A sizeable proportion of current quantum gravity programs - e.g. geometrodynamical and loop quantum gravity approaches to quantum GR, quantum cosmology, supergravity and M-theory - are background independent in this sense. This book's foundational topic is thus furthermore of practical relevance in the ongoing development of quantum gravity programs. This book shows moreover that eight of the nine facets of the Problem of Time already occur upon entertaining background independence in classical (rather than quantum) physics. By this development, and interpreting shape theory as modelling background independence, this book further establishes background independence as a field of study. Background independent mechanics, as well as minisuperspace (spatially homogeneous) models of GR and perturbations thereabout are used to illustrate these points. As hitherto formulated, the different facets of the Problem of Time greatly interfere with each others' attempted resolutions. This book explains how, none the less, a local resolution of the Problem of Time can be arrived at after various reconceptualizations of the facets and reformulations of their mathematical implementation. Self-contained appendices on mathematical methods for basic and foundational quantum gravity are included. Finally, this book outlines how supergravity is refreshingly different from GR as a realization of background independence, and what background independence entails at the topological level and beyond.
The field of astrophysics is in the midst of a technological renaissance. The emphasis of this collection of essays, composed by a stellar group of astronomers and astrophysicists, is on the current state of our knowledge as a preparation for future unraveling of more mysteries of the universe, which appear most amenable to solution. Aspiring atrophysicists will be enthralled.
Balungi has discovered the secret formulas behind the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), Coca-Cola, Facebook, Google, the Theory of Everything, Quantum Gravity and the list is endless. Fifty of the most important equations in physics, economics, mathematics, catering, beverages are all given and expalined in this bestselling book.
Since it was developed, Newton's law of gravitation and many other laws of physics cannot be derived from one grand underlying principle. Deriving Newton's law of gravitation or Einstein general relativity theory, would mean that gravity emerges from something else and that would mean that the only known Newton's law of universal gravity is no longer a fundamental law of physics. Although this might be true, I believe that everything must have an origin. I believe that there is a fundamental universal physical law from which all other known physical laws can be deduced. I also believe that the laws of physics are not picked at random but there exists an underlying principle from which they can be derived with ease. Failure for some minds to grasp this principle doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Because I was used to deriving and proving formulae in pure math, I didn't like the way the laws of physics were presented to me without proof. A physics tutor would just write down a set of physical laws without proof. There are so many physics books which still do the same thing. Being curious and passionate to finding out how I could derive all the laws of physics from one single equation is proof that this book would have never existed in the first place if had not discovered the hidden principle that underlies all physics.
An in-depth look at the theories behind the most intriguing puzzles in physics, chemistry, biology, earth science, and astronomy In The Five Biggest Ideas in Science, authors Arthur W. Wiggins and Charles M. Wynn discussed science's most important current ideas. Now, they tackle the questions that science has been unable to answer-so far. Choosing one unsolved problem from each discipline, they explore the current scientific thinking behind these questions: How are particle masses determined? How did simple atoms first combine to form complex molecules? What role does the genome play in the development of life? Why is it so difficult to predict the weather? And what is the future of the universe? Featuring cartoons by Sidney Harris, the book includes discussions of recent theories such as the God particle, string theory, "brane" theories, and the Theory of Everything and also explores other science questions. Arthur W. Wiggins (Farmington Hills, MI) is a Professor of Physics at Oakland Community College in Michigan. Charles M. Wynn (Willimantic, CT) is a Professor of Chemistry at Eastern Connecticut State College. They collaborated on The Five Biggest Ideas in Science (0-471-13812-6).
Containing over 200 physics problems, with hints and full solutions, this book develops the skill of finding solutions to scientific problems.
There are some unanswered questions in modern physics that modern physics does not have answers for, that it is due to the inability of theories. Some physicists believe that by combining general relativity and quantum mechanics, these problems may be resolved and the unanswered questions will be answered. In all of these efforts, the classical physic has been ignored, while nature is unique and all physical phenomena, from the microscopic or the macroscopic ones are obeying the same law. Therefore to solve the contemporary physics problems, in this book from a new approach, the basic concepts and relations of modern physics are reviewed and analyzed. Then, three contemporary theories which combine constructs from several different theoretical perspectives are described to show how classical mechanics, relativity and quantum mechanics can be combined coherently.
University of Chicago Graduate Problems in Physics covers a broad range of topics, from simple mechanics to nuclear physics. The problems presented are intriguing ones, unlike many examination questions, and physical concepts are emphasized in the solutions. Many distinguished members of the Department of Physics and the Enrico Fermi Institute at the University of Chicago have served on the candidacy examination committees and have, therefore, contributed to the preparation of problems which have been selected for inclusion in this volume. Among these are Morrell H. Cohen, Enrico Fermi, Murray Gell-Mann, Roger Hildebrand, Robert S. Mulliken, John Simpson, and Edward Teller.