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Este libro es a la vez un manual para los que ejercen su profesión en el campo del transporte y de la movilidad urbana, y una obra de reflexión para quienes se interrogan acerca de los problemas actuales de las ciudades. El autor propone un nuevo modelo de atención a las distintas necesidades de relación de los ciudadanos; apuesta firmemente por el transporte colectivo, en la certeza de que cada modo tiene unos requerimientos de demanda y distancia de desplazamiento que obligan a confiar en la intermodalidad como respuesta; y anima a proseguir en la tarea iniciada por muchos Ayuntamientos de rescatar el espacio público urbano para el desplazamiento a pie o en bicicleta, menos contaminante, más saludable y mas adecuado a las carencias de energía que amenazan al planeta. Pero, junto a la necesidad que preconiza de limitar la utilización del automóvil privado en la ciudad, el autor recuerda, igualmente, que este modo de transporte ha de desempeñar todavía un papel importante en la satisfacción del derecho a la conexión que tienen los ciudadanos que viven en las periferias dispersas de las ciudades, en las que no es fácil ni útil un sistema de transporte colectivo. Subyace en el texto la preocupación por los problemas medioambientales, pero el autor antepone a su resolución la preocupación por la equidad social. Es este último aspecto el que hace de este libro una obra de reflexión que alerta sobre el hecho de que, en un contexto de crisis, no son justas algunas medidas que pueden marginar a amplias capas de la población. Como señala Gabriel Dupuy en su prólogo, Manuel Herce ha elegido un enfoque en el que la apuesta política resulta esencial: la movilidad entendida como un derecho. (...) este libro recuerda con acierto, pero con fuerza, las virtudes de un pragmatismo inspirado en la preocupación por el bien común.
A continuous requirement for better urban transport systems and the need for a healthier environment has resulted in an increasing demand for new solutions. Innovative systems, new approaches and original ideas need to be thoroughly tested and critically evaluated before they can be implemented in practice. Moreover, there is a growing need for integration with telecommunications systems and IT applications in order to improve safety, security and efficiency. This volume also addresses the need to solve important pollution problems associated with urban transport in order to achieve a healthier environment. The variety of topics covered by the included research works, which were presented at the 26th International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment, reflect the complex interaction of urban transport systems with their environment and the need to establish integrated strategies. The goal is to arrive at optimal socio-economic solutions while reducing the negative environmental impacts of current transportation systems.
Matters related to sustainable development, albeit global in nature, are best handled at the local level. This line of thinking is particularly true to the higher education context, where the design and implementation of sustainability initiatives on campuses can demonstrate how a given university translates the principles of sustainable development into practice, at the institutional level. Yet, there is a paucity of specific events where a dialogue among sustainability academics and practitioners concerned with a) research, projects b) teaching and c) planning and infra-structure leading to campus greening takes place, so as to allow a transdisciplinary and cross-sectoral exchange of ideas and experiences on the issues, matters and problems at hand. It is against this background that this book has been prepared. It is one of the outcomes of the “First Symposium on Sustainability in University Campuses” (SSUC-2017) organised by the University of São Paulo in Brazil, Manchester Metropolitan University (UK), the Research and Transfer Centre “Applications of Life Sciences” of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany), and the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme (IUSDRP). This book showcases examples of campus-based research and teaching projects, regenerative campus design, low-carbon and zero carbon buildings, waste prevention, and resilient transport, among others. It also demonstrates the role of campuses as platforms for transformative social learning and research, and explores the means via which university campuses can be made more sustainable. The aims of this publication are as follows: i. to provide universities with an opportunity to obtain information on campus greening and sustainable campus development initiatives from round the world; ii. to document and promote information, ideas and experiences acquired in the execution of research, teaching and projects on campus greening and design, especially successful initiatives and good practice; iii. to introduce methodological approaches and projects which aim to integrate the topic of sustainable development in campus design and operations. This book entails contributions from researchers and practitioners in the field of campus greening and sustainable development in the widest sense, from business and economics, to arts, administration and environment.
Este volumen examina por primera vez en España de forma completa, la movilidad urbana sostenible y los problemas de regulación que se plantean en las ciudades a la hora de mejorarla e impulsarla. El libro analiza su importancia en relación con el diseño de la ciudad y la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos a la vez que estudia los derechos a elegir los medios de movilidad y las consecuencias que de ello se derivan, especialmente en cuanto a las obligaciones que las Administraciones públicas tienen para garantizar estos derechos y promover sistemas lo más sostenibles posibles. Para ello se estudia qué funciones corresponden a las Administraciones estatal, autonómica y local y cómo han de coordinarse. La obra se cierra con un estudio específico de la ley valenciana de movilidad, una de las únicas experiencias autonómicas en la materia, y su aplicación a la ciudad de Valencia.
This book uses the reflection of academics specialized in the urban area of ​​Latin America, Europe and the United States, to initiate a comparative debate of the different dynamics in which Urbicidio expresses itself. The field or focal point of analysis that this publication approaches is the city, but under a new critical perspective of inverse methodology to that has been traditional used. It is about understanding the structural causes of self-destruction to finally thinking better and then going from pessimism to optimism. It is a deep look at the city from an unconventional entrance, because it is about knowing and analyzing what the city loses by the action deployed by own urbanites, both in the field of its production and in the field of its consumption. This suppose that the city does not have an ascending linear sequential evolution in its development but neither in each of its parts in the improvement process, showing the face that commonly not seen but others live. The category used for this purpose is that of Urbicidio or the death of the city, which contributes theoretically and methodologically to the knowledge of the city, as well as to the design of urban policies that neutralize it. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the book has an inclusive view of the authors. For this reason, gender parity, territorial representation and the presence of age groups have been sought.
Los desplazamientos condicionan inevitablemente la vida cotidiana de las personas por lo que supone una gran responsabilidad para quienes diseñan el territorio o gestionan su funcionamiento. No solo porque en España cada persona dedica dos horas al día de media a desplazarse, sino porque la movilidad garantiza derechos y favorece las oportunidades de la ciudadanía. De ahí que la infraestructura viaria, el transporte público o la regulación del tráfico cobren importancia; pero también la tiene el uso que se les dé. El autor realiza propuestas para mejorar los hábitos de movilidad con la convicción de que influyen en el proyecto vital de las personas y permiten aprovechar las posibilidades que la ciudad ofrece.
Brazilian Mobilities presents an overview of the diversity of mobility studies developed in Brazil. It builds a picture of a strong Latin-American perspective emerging in the field of mobilities research, which provides unique insight into the complex dynamics of mobilities in the emerging countries from the Global South. Addressing such different areas as tourism, urbanization, media studies, social inequalities, marketing and mega-events, transport and technology, among others, the contributors use the new mobilities paradigm, or NMP (Sheller & Urry, 2006) as a starting point to reflect about the social changes experienced in the country and they also engage with newer literature on mobilities, including work done by Brazilian and Latin-American authors depending on the subject of each individual chapter. Illustrating to scholars the uniqueness and complexity of the Brazilian social-political and economic context, the book was organized in order to be a representative sample of the studies carried out in Brazil, as well as to contribute to other academic investigations on (im)mobilities and different social realities in emerging countries.
This volume promotes the use of Historical GIS (H-GIS) for both education and research. It consists of a coherent set of chapters that allow readers to study the spatial histories of cities, infrastructure, landscapes, and more across Europe. Each chapter is accompanied by Electronic Supplementary Material (ESM) including GIS data, guides and complementary material in .pdf format, and more. To date, there are no similar materials available in this field compiled in a single book. Interdisciplinarity in spatial research is a main theme of this volume, and the text and tools provided here allow readers to combine inputs relating to the study of earth sciences, population, urban growth and transportation, focusing on changes over both space and time. Each chapter provides data in GIS format and also a user's guide to enable readers to deeply engage with the contents themselves. Guidelines are provided to help locate new data about other areas of the world, which users will be able to develop independently. The book is divided into three parts, each presenting different scales of study and analysis at the local, regional and national levels. Part One deals with general subjects analyzed across large areas, mainly within Europe. Part Two provides more specific subjects and data. Part Three covers sources and teaching with H-GIS. The book will be of interest to researchers, academics, teachers and students from secondary schools up to university level. Each subject and tutorial is aimed at a multi-level audience.