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Why settle for adequate when you can be first-rate?There is no shortage of ministers who desire to achieve excellence. But only a few dare to demand it of themselves. In this clear call for action, Kenneth Copeland shows how to turn that inner desire into a firm decision to be all that God has called you to be. No matter what area of...
God is raising up people all over the world who are hungry to know Him and fulfill His purpose for their lives. Theyre serving God through ministry not only in pulpits and on mission fields, but also in homes, offices, schools, and the marketplace. Never content to take the path of least resistance and coast their way into heaven, these believers are on the road to excellence, determined to run the race or as the Apostle Paul said, to obtain the prize. Whether your goal is to be an excellent pastor or a first-rate engineer, Kenneth Copeland has four simple words for you: Put the Word first. Use wisdom from Gods Word and this informative series to set your course and take the steps to excellence in ministry.
Developing a Ministry of Excellence was written to help guide you to the next level of ministry, where you are not only blessed but also be a blessing as well. As you develop a ministry of excellence to the glory of God, you can expect to see positive results. You will have a deeper understanding of how to learn God's will and way for your life, you will be motivated to do your part as a believer, and you will be equipped to handle challenges and develop a hunger for a deeper relationship with God. God wants to blow your mind, but he is waiting on you to line up with his will.
A comprehensive study guide that will help you minister according to Jesus' pattern. Jesus made it perfectly clear that the servant of God has been called to live by different rules than the children of the world. That is why some have deemed the church, 'the upside-down kingdom.' Jesus said that, "Whosoever would be first among you, shall be servant of all." (Mark 10:44) Servanthood is not a dirty word. Rather, in it, is reflected the heart of God, and the mission of heaven. To serve others, is to serve God. To give up the best part of yourself, for the betterment of your neighbor, is truly to have Christ revealed through you. One of the most potent, and life-changing images of Christ, in the entire Bible, is a picture of Jesus, with towel wrapped around his waste, washing the feet of his disciples. Contrast that with the attitude of the James and John's mother, concerning the proper placement of her sons, "Then the mother of Zebedee's sons came to Jesus with her sons. She bowed down in front of him to ask him for a favor. He asked her, "What do you want?" She said to him, "Promise that these two sons of mine will sit, one at your right and one at your left, in your kingdom." Nobody likes that kind of attitude in fellow laborers, do they? Somehow, it is grating to us. The reason it irritates us so badly, is probably because it is so diametrically opposite to the role Jesus models for us. In these verses, we find Jesus' own attitude toward Servanthood revealed. Not only does He appreciate hard working people, but our Lord - the God of heaven - actually embraces Servanthood in a real and personal way: so much so, in fact, that He forever links Himself, and His purpose for coming to earth, with it. In all that we do, as servant-leaders for Christ, we are called to serve well. Practical Ministry - Study Guide, will give you a clear, easy-to-follow roadmap for successful leadership.
This practical guide by Greg Ogden introduces readers to discipleship in the context of a small group of fellow Christians. Each study contains a question­answer format, a field-tested inductive Bible study and questions to draw out key principles.
These six new study guides have six sessions each and enable small groups to explore the power and life application of Jesus teaching on the five biblical purposes of a Christian life by closely examining Christ s model in the Gospels."