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This introductory text to the class of Sequential Dynamical Systems (SDS) is the first textbook on this timely subject. Driven by numerous examples and thought-provoking problems throughout, the presentation offers good foundational material on finite discrete dynamical systems, which then leads systematically to an introduction of SDS. From a broad range of topics on structure theory - equivalence, fixed points, invertibility and other phase space properties - thereafter SDS relations to graph theory, classical dynamical systems as well as SDS applications in computer science are explored. This is a versatile interdisciplinary textbook.
The authors study a class of discrete dynamical systems that is motivated by the generic structure of simulations. The systems consist of the following data: (a) a finite graph Y with vertex set {l_brace}1, ..., n{r_brace} where each vertex has a binary state, (b) functions F{sub i}:F2??20--?? → F2??20--?? and (c) an update ordering?. The functions F{sub i} update the binary state of vertex i as a function of the state of vertex i and its Y-neighbors and leave the states of all other vertices fixed. The update ordering is a permutation of the Y-vertices. They derive a decomposition result, characterize invertible SDS and study fixed points. In particular they analyze how many different SDS that can be obtained by reordering a given multiset of update functions and give a criterion for when one can derive concentration results on this number. Finally, some specific SDS are investigated.
This book gives an in-depth introduction to the areas of modeling, identification, simulation, and optimization. These scientific topics play an increasingly dominant part in many engineering areas such as electrotechnology, mechanical engineering, aerospace, and physics. This book represents a unique and concise treatment of the mutual interactions among these topics. Techniques for solving general nonlinear optimization problems as they arise in identification and many synthesis and design methods are detailed. The main points in deriving mathematical models via prior knowledge concerning the physics describing a system are emphasized. Several chapters discuss the identification of black-box models. Simulation is introduced as a numerical tool for calculating time responses of almost any mathematical model. The last chapter covers optimization, a generally applicable tool for formulating and solving many engineering problems.
A class of finite discrete dynamical systems, called Sequential Dynamical Systems (SDSs), was introduced in BMR99, BR991 as a formal model for analyzing simulation systems. An SDS S is a triple (G, F, n), w here (i) G(V, E) is an undirected graph with n nodes with each node having a state, (ii) F = (fi, fi, . . ., fn), with fi denoting a function associated with node ui E V and (iii) A is a permutation of (or total order on) the nodes in V, A configuration of an SDS is an n-vector (b l, bz, . . ., bn), where bi is the value of the state of node vi. A single SDS transition from one configuration to another is obtained by updating the states of the nodes by evaluating the function associated with each of them in the order given by n. Here, we address the complexity of two basic problems and their generalizations for SDSs. Given an SDS S and a configuration C, the PREDECESSOR EXISTENCE (or PRE) problem is to determine whether there is a configuration C' such that S has a transition from C' to C. (If C has no predecessor, C is known as a garden of Eden configuration.) Our results provide separations between efficiently solvable and computationally intractable instances of the PRE problem. For example, we show that the PRE problem can be solved efficiently for SDSs with Boolean state values when the node functions are symmetric and the underlying graph is of bounded treewidth. In contrast, we show that allowing just one non-symmetric node function renders the problem NP-complete even when the underlying graph is a tree (which has a treewidth of 1). We also show that the PRE problem is efficiently solvable for SDSs whose state values are from a field and whose node functions are linear. Some of the polynomial algorithms also extend to the case where we want to find an ancestor configuration that precedes a given configuration by a logarithmic number of steps. Our results extend some of the earlier results by Sutner [Su95] and Green [@87] on the complexity of the PREDECESSOR EXISTENCE problem for 1-dimensional cellular automata. Given the underlying graph G(V, E), and two configurations C and C' of an SDS S, the PERMUTATION EXISTENCE (or PME) problem is to determine whether there is a permutation of nodes such that 8 has a transition from C' to C in one step. We show that the PME problem is NP-complete even when the function associated with each node is a simple-threshold function. We also show that a generalized version of the PME(GEN-PMEp)r oblem is NP-complete for SDSs where each node function is NOR and the underlying graph has a maximum node degree of 3. When each node computes the OR function or when each node computes the AND function, we show that the GEN-PMEpr oblem is solvable in polynomial time.
Discovering Dynamical Systems Through Experiment and Inquiry differs from most texts on dynamical systems by blending the use of computer simulations with inquiry-based learning (IBL). IBL is an excellent tool to move students from merely remembering the material to deeper understanding and analysis. This method relies on asking students questions first, rather than presenting the material in a lecture. Another unique feature of this book is the use of computer simulations. Students can discover examples and counterexamples through manipulations built into the software. These tools have long been used in the study of dynamical systems to visualize chaotic behavior. We refer to this unique approach to teaching mathematics as ECAP—Explore, Conjecture, Apply, and Prove. ECAP was developed to mimic the actual practice of mathematics in an effort to provide students with a more holistic mathematical experience. In general, each section begins with exercises guiding students through explorations of the featured concept and concludes with exercises that help the students formally prove the results. While symbolic dynamics is a standard topic in an undergraduate dynamics text, we have tried to emphasize it in a way that is more detailed and inclusive than is typically the case. Finally, we have chosen to include multiple sections on important ideas from analysis and topology independent from their application to dynamics.
A simple sequential dynamical system (SDS) is a triple (G, F, [pi]), where (i) G(V, E) is an undirected graph with n nodes with each node having a 1-bit state, (ii) F = [f1, f2 ..., f{sub n}] is a set of local transition functions with f{sub i} denoting a Boolean function associated with node Vv{sub i} and (iii) [pi] is a fixed permutation of (i.e., a total order on) the nodes in V.A single SDS transition is obtained by updating the states of the nodes in V by evaluating the function associated with each of them in the order given by [pi]. Such a (finite) SDS is a mathematical abstraction of simulation systems [BMR99, BR99]. In this paper, we characterize the computational complexity of determining several phase space properties of SDSs. The properties considered are t-REACHABILITY ('Can a given SDS starting from configuration I reach configuration B in t or fewer transitions?'), REACHABILITY('Can a given SDS starting from configuration I ever reach configuration B?') and FIXED POINT REACHABILITY ('Can a given SDS starting from configuration I ever reach configuration in which it stays for ever?'). Our main result is a sharp dichotomy between classes of SDSs whose behavior is 'easy' to predict and those whose behavior is 'hard' to predict. Specifically, we show the following. (1) The t-REACHABILITY, REACHABILITY and the FIXED POINT REACHABILITY problems for SDSs are PSPACE-complete, even when restricted to graphs of bounded bandwidth (and hence of bounded pathwidth and treewidth) and when the function associated with each node is symmetric. The result holds even for regular graphs of constant degree where all the nodes compute the same symmetric Boolean function. (2) In contrast, the t-REACHABILITYm REACHABILITY and FIXED POINT REACHABILITY problems are solvable in polynomial time for SDSs when the Boolean function associated with each node is symmetric and monotone. Two important consequences of our results are the following: (i) The close correspondence between SDSs and cellular automata (CA), in conjunctio with our lower bounds for SDSs, yields stronger lower bounds on the complexity of reachability problems for CA than known previously. (ii) REACHABILITY problems for hierarchically-specified linearly inter-connected copies of a single finite automaton are EXPSPACE-hard. The results can be combined with our related results to show hardness of a number of equivalence relations for such automata. The results can also be used to demonstrate that determining the sensitivity to initial conditions of such automata (as proposed in [Mo90, BPT91]) is computationally intractable.