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These are the proceedings of the Eleventh International Information Security Conference which was held in Cape Town, South Africa, May 1995. This conference addressed the information security requirements of the next decade and papers were presented covering a wide range of subjects including current industry expectations and current research aspects. The evolutionary development of information security as a professional and research discipline was discussed along with security in open distributed systems and security in groupware.
We live in a wired society, with computers containing and passing around vital information on both personal and public matters. Keeping this data safe is of paramount concern to all. Yet, not a day seems able to pass without some new threat to our computers. Unfortunately, the march of technology has given us the benefits of computers and electronic tools, while also opening us to unforeseen dangers. Identity theft, electronic spying, and the like are now standard worries. In the effort to defend both personal privacy and crucial databases, computer security has become a key industry. A vast array of companies devoted to defending computers from hackers and viruses have cropped up. Research and academic institutions devote a considerable amount of time and effort to the study of information systems and computer security. Anyone with access to a computer needs to be aware of the developing trends and growth of computer security. To that end, this book presents a comprehensive and carefully selected bibliography of the literature most relevant to understanding computer security. Following the bibliography section, continued access is provided via author, title, and subject indexes. With such a format, this book serves as an important guide and reference tool in the defence of our computerised culture.
Mit dem Beginn des neuen Jahrtausends werden die Themen um die Verläßlichkeit komplexer, vernetzter Systeme so virulent wie nie zuvor. Es sind Konzepte und Lösungswege gefragt, die sich in einer global vernetzten IT-Umgebung bewähren und gleichzeitig offen sind für Erweiterungen, mit denen neuen Herausforderungen an die IT-Sicherheit gegegnet werden kann. Im einzelnen geht es insbesondere um die folgenden sicherheitskritischen Themenbereiche: Elektronischer Handel, Virtualisierung des Geldes, rechtlich wirksame Geschäftsabläufe, Digitale Signaturen. Es geht ferner um Fragen des Copyrights im Zeitalter elektronisch verfügbarer Dokumente, neue Techniken bei der Nutzung des Internets zur Realisierung sicherer Kommunikation, schliesslich um die Vernetzung in extrem sicherheitssensitiven Bereichen wie z.B. bei der medizinischen Versorgung. Das Buch ist Ergebnis und Arbeitsgrundlage der GI-Tagung "VIS ́99 - Verläßliche IT-Systeme", die vom 22-24. September 1999 in Essen stattgefunden hat.