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Among the followers of St. Francis there were saints and teachers who were endowed by God with a natural and supernatural kinship with their holy founder. They developed the Franciscan spirituality which had its origin in the simple practical life and the rules of St. Francis; and they gave further, clearer expression to it both by their lives and their writings. Thus they pointed out the characteristic traits of Franciscan spirituality, both in a practical and a theoretical way. Concerning the distinctive features of Franciscan spirituality, as contained in the Franciscan tradition, suffice it to say that its essence is doctrinal Christocentrism and practical imitation of Christ, conformity with Christ, prompted by love. Distinctive aspects of Franciscan piety are childlike love of God, our Father, devotion to the Humanity of Christ, His Sacred Heart, the Holy Eucharist, the mysteries of the Nativity and the Passion, His Virgin Mother Mary, and reverence for the Catholic priesthood. Franciscan love of God finds expression also in charity to our fellowmen, understanding them as our brothers, especially in aid to the poor and sick and in apostolic zeal for souls, Christian and pagan. Total poverty detaches the Franciscan soul from creatures, but at the same time it recognizes God in created things and uses the latter to mount to God. Emphasis is placed on the will, and hence on love and action above speculation. The atmosphere in which the Franciscan spirit develops is one of individual freedom of the spirit, absence of coercive and confining methods, love of enterprise, and a sense of realism. On the path of this traditional Franciscan way of life many have attained sainthood. Thus, The Seraphic Order, which recounts their lives and virtues, can well serve as a practical textbook of Franciscan spirituality.
In this epic fantasy, humans and demons fight the ultimate war between good and evil. Ever since Lucifer fell from grace during the Great Rebellion, a need to regain power over all souls burned like mad within him. In the Kingdom of Darkness, he has the damned on his side. But his goal will not be achieved in Hell. It will not be won by invading Heaven. The war begins on Earth with the Chosen Ones. In New York, mild-mannered accountant John Summers finds his life irrevocably changed overnight. He’s imbued with powers he can’t explain, and struggling with forces he can’t contain. Possessed, he can only fight. But it’s given his life purpose. In Kansas, the widowed Andrea Lewis-Rose lives a quiet life. More than anything she wants a child. Her dreams are about to come true. Her nightmares, too. Unbeknownst to Andrea, she has been picked by Satan to bear his seed. Now, as two strangers become bound in a devilish conspiracy, and the hierarchy of Hell begins to shift, John and Andrea must come together as a force of goodness to outrun, outwit, and outlast their dark destiny.
The year 2010 will mark the centenary of writer, historian, and preservationist Fray Angélico Chávez's birth, and this volume will serve as a fitting tribute.
Half weredragon. Half beaststalker. All heart. View our feature on MaryJanice Davidson and Anthony Alongi’s Seraph of Sorrow. Slowly coming into her own, Jennifer Scales just may be the bridge to bring the two warring sides of her family together—provided she can survive learning the most ancient skills of dragonkind.