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History of communism; festschrift in honor of 70th anniversary of Gunawan Mohamad.
Sejatinya, jarak terdekat kita dengan Tuhan adalah ketika kita merayu Dia. Karena kata Nabi Muhammad Saw., Tuhan adalah Kekasih tertinggi kita, yang Mahaindah dan menyukai keindahan. Kata para sufi, satu sujud saja—yang betul-betul dalam keadaan penghambaan yang tinggi—akan mengetuk rahmat-Nya, sehingga Dia akan memberikan segalanya, termasuk surga-Nya. Itulah tujuan merayu Tuhan, yakni penghambaan yang tulus sekaligus indah kepada-Nya. Bukan sekadar ritual belaka. Endorsement “Tuhan Maha Asyik. Untuk berhasil merayu-Nya, kau tak perlu capek-capek kursus merayu Tuhan. Cukup mulai kau biasakan diri untuk merayu diri sendiri. Buku karya Bib Husein Ja‘far menjadi pengingat yang baik bahwa kalau terlalu fokus merayu doi, bisa lupa merayu dirimu sendiri.” —Sujiwo Tejo, Budayawan Sepertinya, Tuhan lagi menegur gue lewat buku ini. Karena terperangkap oleh kesibukan duniawi, sering kali gue lupa bahwa segalanya bisa terjadi atas izin-Nya. Bahkan, seharusnya gue bisa menundukkan hati ketika gue meminta; tidak pamrih dan berharap dibalas surga ketika berbuat kebaikan; juga seharusnya gue lebih tulus ketika beribadah, bukan karena ingin dibalas hal-hal duniawi yang enggak ada apa-apanya. Semoga lewat buku ini, ada berjuta-juta orang yang diingatkan juga bagaimana cara merayu Tuhan, bukan malah menuntut, mengancam, atau memaksa. —Gita Savitri Devi, Konten Kreator & Penulis Buku Rentang Kisah serta A Cup of Tea Seni Merayu Tuhan adalah cara-cara sederhana untuk mendekati Tuhan dengan rayuan, bukan paksaan. Dengan pendekatan yang humoris, milenial, dan humanis, sahabatku, Habib Husein, mengajak kita berselancar dalam pengetahuan tentang seni menjadi bijaksana, tahu siapa yang harus kita rayu, dan siapa yang perlu kita jadikan teladan. —Bhante Dhirapuñño, Tokoh Muda Buddha
KİMSENİN HAYALİNDEKİ İNSAN OLMAK ZORUNDA DEĞİLSİNİZ. Duygularından ve tepkilerinden şüphe mi ediyorsun? Kendini çoğu zaman suçlu ve eksik mi hissediyorsun? Kararlarını ve olayları algılama şeklini sorguluyor musun? lişkini kaybetme korkusu yaşıyor musun? Hep özür dileyen ve kendini açıklamaya çalışan taraf mısın? Özgüvenin giderek azalıyor mu? Sürekli endişeli misin? “Ben böyle değildim, ne oldu bana?” diye düşünüyor musun? Güçsüz ve yalnız mı hissediyorsun? Olay mahallinde yalnız değilsin. Biri seni böyle olduğuna ikna etmeyi başarmıştır. Hayatının en güçlü olduğun alanlarında duygusal manipülasyona maruz kaldığının farkında bile değilsin. Suçluları uzakta arama, manipülatörler cinayet mahallinde dolaşan katiller gibi en yakınındakilerdir hatta en sevdiklerin... Bu kitap maruz kaldığın duygusal manipülasyonları fark etmeni, kendini korumanı ve süreci güçlü biçimde yönetmeni sağlayacak, seni yoran her şeyden kurtulmanın kapılarını açacaktır.
IVAA Data Catalog is a presentation of data assortment collected from various art and culture events or the relevant, which have accompanied the alteration and shift of direction of Yogyakarta as an urban space after 1998. Bearing in mind that artworks and events exist within their contexts, we believe it is necessary to always remind ourselves about the importance of contextualization and to position art and culture events as part of the language of social critique before scaling them up into a criticism towards power.
This volume concludes the edition, translation, and commentary of the first order of the "Jerusalem Talmud". It contains four small but important tractates. The first, Ma‘aser Šeni, deals with Second Tithe (Deut. 14:22-27) and the fourth-year fruit of a newly planted tree (Lev. 19:24). This is sanctified food, to be consumed by the laity at the holy precinct, for which redemption is expressly authorized. The tractate deals in large part with the problems of redemption of dedicated food. In addition, there is a long section on the interpretation of dreams, and a detailed description of the ceremony of presentation of the tithe in the Temple. The second tractate, Hallah, details the application of the general rules of heave to the Cohen’s part of any bread dough. The third tractate, ‘Orlah, the fruit of a newly planted tree during the first three years (Lev. 19:23), treats this as paradigm for all food whose usufruct is forbidden, and most of the tractate discusses the problems that may arise if any such food is not immediately disposed of. The last tractate, Bikkurim, describes the rules for selection and presentation of First Fruits in the Temple on or after Pentecost. The rite is given in detail, with an excursus on the honor due elders. A first appendix shows the position of the Tosephta as intermediary between Yerushalmi and Babli tradition, with a distinct slant towards Babylonian positions. A second appendix tries to identify the main authors of the tractates of this first order.
One of the most famous poets in the history of Turkish literature, Yunus Emre (d. 1320) is well-known as a Sufi saint-poet who has exerted a great influence in both the East and the West. This book is an analysis on Emre's ardent, deceptively simple, yet powerful expressions of love, the musicality of the verse, and the daring and sometimes even daunting imagery. UNESCO celebrated 1991 as the year of Yunus Emre.