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Introducing the Selected Works of Simone Weil
Introducing the Selected Works of Simone Weil Weil's many essays written over her short life cover a very wide range of topics. This important collection contains several that have been long unavailable. There is deep integrity in this diverse collection. Many are directed to social and political topics, written in Weil's distinctive way of commenting on contemporary issues through historical writing. Weil wrote in her great work The Need for Roots that humans beings need roots in the universe; this rootedness comes through their lived history. Often Weil is treated as if she were constantly trying to posit timeless truths, but as these essays make evident, Weil offers to her readers a sense of truth as we discover it and live with it in our concrete historical circumstances. This analogical and historical thinking is particularly clear in the several essays that come from her last days while working for the Free French in London, during which she meditated on the philosophical renewal of France after the war. SELECTED WORKS: First and Last Notebooks: Supernatural Knowledge / ISBN 978-1-4982-3919-6 Seventy Letters: Personal and Intellectual Windows on a Thinker / ISBN 978-1-4982-3920-2 Selected Essays, 1934-1943: Historical, Political and Moral Writings / ISBN 978-1-4982-3921-9
Introducing the Selected Works of Simone Weil Throughout her life, Simone Weil was a constant letter writer and Seventy Letters contains a fair and important selection of them. Many of them are biographically important, as they are written to friends and to her family, especially to her brother, Andre. But they also give many important clues to Weil's own thinking on social and philosophical matters. In her later letters, her urgent concerns about her project for a frontline corps of nurses is obvious. In earlier ones, she not only shows her deep concern for social issues, but also raises issues about intellectual matters. These letters and others are particularly important for understanding her thinking on intellectual culture, philosophy, and science. SELECTED WORKS: First and Last Notebooks: Supernatural Knowledge / ISBN 978-1-4982-3919-6 Seventy Letters: Personal and Intellectual Windows on a Thinker / ISBN 978-1-4982-3920-2 Selected Essays, 1934-1943: Historical, Political and Moral Writings / ISBN 978-1-4982-3921-9
In Rethinking Justice, Richard H. Bell lifts up and restores an idea of justice found in classical writers such as Socrates and Seneca as well as in more recent thinkers. Justice, classically, has dealt with righting wrongs and restoring peace to individuals and human communities. We have lost sight of this in our modern political and legal dealings and must find a way to return it to mind and to practice. Each chapter looks at ways to restore such reconciliatory practices to the idea of justice that can be found in our contemporary life and literature and focuses on numerous recent cases of abuse of justice among individuals, groups and nations. Bell approaches justice as a concept that goes hand in hand with compassion, mercy, and trust. Rethinking Justice reminds us that we have an obligation to foster peace, be merciful, and promote reconciliation with our brothers and sisters in humanity.
Introducing the Selected Works of Simone Weil
George Grant (1918-88) has often been called Canada's greatest political philosopher and his work continues to influence the country's political, social, and cultural discourse and institutions. The fourth and final volume of the Collected Works of George Grant contains his writings from the last period of his life and includes unpublished material such as lectures, interviews, and excerpts from his notebooks. With comprehensive annotations for his articles, reviews, and the three books he published during this period - Time as History, English-Speaking Justice, and Technology and Justice - the volume also contains his writings on Nietzsche, Heidegger Simone Weil, and Céline that were central to this phase of his thought. Volume 4 reveals his engagement with technology and the nature of technological society that is as insightful today as during Grant's lifetime and is lasting proof of his legacy. Arthur Davis is Associate Professor in the School of Social Sciences, Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies, York University. During the 1950's, he studied undergraduate philosophy with George Grant.
A Philosophical Anthropology Drawn from Simone Weil’s Life & Writings situates Weil’s thought in the time between the two world wars through which she lived, and traces Weil’s consistent conception of a mind-body dualism in the Cartesian sense to a dualism that places the mind within a carnal part of the soul and establishes an eternal part of the soul as the essence of human beings. Helen Cullen argues that in Weil’s early conception of human nature, her Cartesian conception of perception already shows a glimpse of the eternal. Weil’s dualistic conception also forms the basis of her political analysis of the left of her time, and through working in factories and in the fields, she develops a conception of labour as a theory of “action” and “work with a method.” Weil was influenced by leading thinkers of her time, prompting her to do an analysis of current scientific theories. Cullen argues that Weil’s analysis of Christianity, already present in Greek philosophy, shows us a theory of “identical thought” inherited from the East (India and China) and brought forth by peoples around Israel. This theory leads to Weil’s analysis, developed in The Need for Roots, of how we’ve been uprooted through colonization and how we can grow roots in a free local society (both rural and urban).
The inspiring letters of philosopher, mystic, and freedom fighter Simone Weil to her family, presented for the first time in English. Now in the pantheon of great thinkers, Simone Weil (1909–1943) lived largely in the shadows, searching for her spiritual home while bearing witness to the violence that devastated Europe twice in her brief lifetime. The letters she wrote to her parents and brother from childhood onward chart her intellectual range as well as her itinerancy and ever-shifting preoccupations, revealing the singular personality at the heart of her brilliant essays. The first complete collection of Weil’s missives to her family, A Life in Letters offers new insight into her personal relationships and experiences. The letters abound with vivid illustrations of a life marked by wisdom as much as seeking. The daughter of a bourgeois Parisian Jewish family, Weil was a troublemaking idealist who preferred the company of miners and Russian exiles to that of her peers. An extraordinary scholar of history and politics, she ultimately found a home in Christian mysticism. Weil paired teaching with poetry and even dabbled in mathematics, as evidenced by her correspondence with her brother, André, who won the Kyoto Prize in 1994 for the famed Weil Conjectures. A Life in Letters depicts Simone Weil’s thought taking shape amid political turmoil, as she describes her participation in the Spanish struggle against fascism and in the transatlantic resistance to the Nazis. An introduction and notes by Robert Chenavier contextualize the letters historically and intellectually, relating Weil’s letters to her general body of writing. This book is an ideal entryway into Weil’s philosophical insights, one for both neophytes and acolytes to treasure.