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Seekers is Science is a science-based comic starring Tamara Robertson, EIT and Dr. Tracy Fanara, EIT. Each issue deals with a real world issue solved using real science and technology. The first four issues within Volume 1 deal with an oil spill, virus outbreak, beetle infestation and Virtual Reality.Included within the volume as well are interviews with real living scientists, at home DIY experiments and other citizen scientists who are doing work to benefit science as a whole.
People have searched for the fountain of youth everywhere from Bimini to St. Augustine. But for a steadfast group of scientists, the secret to a long life lies elsewhere: in the lowly lab worm. By suppressing the function of just a few key genes, these scientists were able to lengthen worms’ lifespans up to tenfold, while also controlling the onset of many of the physical problems that beset old age. As the global population ages, the potential impact of this discovery on society is vast—as is the potential for profit. With The Longevity Seekers, science writer Ted Anton takes readers inside this tale that began with worms and branched out to snare innovative minds from California to Crete, investments from big biotech, and endorsements from TV personalities like Oprah and Dr. Oz. Some of the research was remarkable, such as the discovery of an enzyme in humans that stops cells from aging. And some, like an oft-cited study touting the compound resveratrol, found in red wine—proved highly controversial, igniting a science war over truth, credit, and potential profit. As the pace of discovery accelerated, so too did powerful personal rivalries and public fascination, driven by the hope that a longer, healthier life was right around the corner. Anton has spent years interviewing and working with the scientists at the frontier of longevity science, and this book offers a behind-the-scenes look at the state-of-the-art research and the impact it might have on global public health, society, and even our friends and family. With spectacular science and an unforgettable cast of characters, The Longevity Seekers has all the elements of a great story and sheds light on discoveriesthat could fundamentally reshape human life.
A groundbreaking argument about the link between autism and ingenuity. Why can humans alone invent? In The Pattern Seekers, Cambridge University psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen makes a case that autism is as crucial to our creative and cultural history as the mastery of fire. Indeed, Baron-Cohen argues that autistic people have played a key role in human progress for seventy thousand years, from the first tools to the digital revolution. How? Because the same genes that cause autism enable the pattern seeking that is essential to our species's inventiveness. However, these abilities exact a great cost on autistic people, including social and often medical challenges, so Baron-Cohen calls on us to support and celebrate autistic people in both their disabilities and their triumphs. Ultimately, The Pattern Seekers isn't just a new theory of human civilization, but a call to consider anew how society treats those who think differently.
Between the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, Europe changed out of all recognition and particularly transformative were the ardent quest for knowledge and the astounding discoveries and inventions which resulted from it. The movement of blood round the body; the movement of the earth round the sun; the velocity of falling objects (and, indeed, why objects fall) - these and numerous other mysteries had been solved by scholars in earnest pursuit of scientia.
Conniff tells the story of bold adventurers who risked death to discover strange life forms in the farthest corners of planet Earth.
A New York Times Notable Book of the Year From the author of The Discoverers and The Creators, an incomparable history of man's essential questions: "Who are we?" and "Why are we here?" Daniel J. Boorstin, the bestselling and Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Americans, introduces us to some of the great pioneering seekers whose faith and thought have for centuries led man's search for meaning. Moses sought truth in God above while Sophocles looked to reason. Thomas More and Machiavelli pursued truth through social change. And in the modern age, Marx and Einstein found meaning in the sciences. In this epic intellectual adventure story, Boorstin follows the great seekers from the heroic age of prophets and philosophers to the present age of skepticism as they grapple with the great questions that have always challenged man.
Why do so many people prefer comfortable lies over inconvenient truths? After all, holding such false beliefs can cause bad decisions with tragic consequences for one¿s personal life, relationships, careers, and our society as a whole.Recent research provides the answer: the human mind make mistakes in predictable and systematic ways. These mental errors ¿ called cognitive biases by scholars ¿ cause people to form misconceptions about the world and thus make poor decisions that may lead to catastrophe. Fortunately, cognitive and behavioral scientists have recently uncovered many useful strategies for overcoming these mental flaws. This book relates those strategies in a clear, straightforward and engaging manner. It uses everyday life examples to show you how to train yourself and guide others in avoiding these mental flaws, preventing disasters and facilitating success and happiness for yourself and those you care about.
Intentionally or otherwise, the world today is engulfed in a strange intellectual strife and insoluble mental enigma. To overcome this conflict, we must take practical steps toward creating a true conception of God in the minds of the people and to impress on their memories the necessity of religion, enabling religion and spiritualism to attain once more the preeminence that they previously enjoyed. In pursuit of that renaissance of religion, Irfan presents the exposition of two secret, rare, and closely guarded sciences and offers a vivid description of their philosophy. The first focuses on knowledge of concentration on the personal name of God (Allah), centralizing human thought and occult spiritual energies on one point to attain willpower and spiritual strength. The second invokes the inmates of the graves, calling on departed souls for wisdom. Irfan demonstrates that humanity’s worldly life is not everything; rather, there is a world after death, and dying is just a part of life. It seeks to remove the fear of death and reveal it to be a beloved entity. Written by Faqeer Noor Muhammad in the early twentieth century, this spiritual study provides a valuable compendium and unique record of religion, spiritualism, and the secrets of Sufiism.
From the director of research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)-a nonprofit parapsychological research institute cofounded by former astronaut Edgar Mitchell-this groundbreaking guide explores the cutting-edge science behind channeling, and offers powerful tools to help readers hone their own abilities. Readers will learn how to identify their unique skills, process the channeled information they receive, and use these skills to make a positive impact on their lives-and the lives of others.
Focusing on the intricate presence of a Japanese new religion (Sekai Kyûseikyô) in the densely populated and primarily Christian environment of Kinshasa (DR Congo), this ethnographic study offers a practitioner-orientated perspective to create a localized picture of religious globalization. Guided by an aesthetic approach to religion, the study moves beyond a focus limited to text and offers insights into the role of religious objects, spiritual technologies and aesthetic repertoires in the production and politics of difference. The boundaries between non-Christian religious minorities and the largely Christian public sphere involve fears and suspicion of "magic" and "occult sciences".