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Join bestselling author Beth Moore in her life-changing quest of vine-chasing—and learn how everything changes when you discover the true meaning of a fruitful, God-pleasing, meaning-filled life. God wants us to flourish. In fact, he delights in our flourishing. Life isn’t always fun, but in Christ it can always be fruitful. In Chasing Vines, Beth shows us from Scripture how all of life’s concerns—the delights and the trials—matter to God. He uses all of it to help us flourish and be fruitful. Looking through the lens of Christ’s transforming teaching in John 15, Beth gives us a panoramic view of biblical teachings on the Vine, vineyards, vine-dressing, and fruitfulness. Along the way you’ll discover why fruitfulness is so important to God—and how He can use anything that happens to us for His glory and our flourishing. Nothing is for nothing. Join Beth on her journey of discovering what it means to chase vines and to live a life of meaning and fruitfulness. An inspiring spiritual book for every Christian.
¡Haga que su tiempo devocional con Dios sea la parte m?s emocionante y recompensada de su d?a! Una Cita con el Rey ofrece est?mulo y abundantes ayudas pr?cticas para convertir la «tarea» de las devociones en una costumbre que transformar? su vida y le producir? gozo que esperar? con agrado. ¡Aprenda el c?mo y el por qu? de pasar un tiempo de calidad con Dios y descubra cu?n profundamente el Rey est? deseoso de reunirse con usted! Con calidez y honestidad Joel Comiskey se?ala claramente c?mo usted puede buscar a Dios en su tiempo devocional y explica los beneficios asombrosos que usted experimentar? mientras Dios bendice su vida. Con este libro de ayuda y entusiasta, usted puede tener un tiempo devocional que significa mucho m?s que abrir una Biblia y decir sus oraciones. Ser? un tiempo de experimentar al Dios vivo ? un tiempo de comuni?n con el Rey. Este libro no es un libro devocional cl?sico (una selecci?n de meditaciones para cada d?a del a?o), sino que m?s bien una gu?a para ayudar al lector a desarrollar, organizar y mantener su propio tiempo devocional din?mico, refrescando su alma y prepar?ndola para el d?a que tiene por delante. Su objetivo es explicar el por que y el c?mo pasar diariamente un tiempo a solas con Dios. Para ello, cada cap?tulo incluye ideas y sugerencias novedosas sobre la manera de hacer m?s fruct?fera esta pr?ctica, imprescindible para la vida espiritual. Todos aquellos que buscan la forma de mejorar la calidad de su vida devocional, descubrir?n en sus p?ginas una verdadera joya, pues el autor aporta principios realistas y realizables para el desarrollo de una vida de oraci?n eficaz, y lo hace con la autoridad de las Escrituras. Tal es su entusiasmo y convicci?n, que es posible que m?s de un lector, al descubrir que tiene UNA CITA CON EL REY, decida abandonar repentinamente la lectura y, cerrando la puerta, se deje llevar por sus ansias de pasar un tiempo a solas con su Salvador. El libro se estructura en dos partes que cubren todo el ciclo de requisitos necesarios para mejorar la vida devocional: - Los pasos pr?cticos - Las disciplinas necesarias Y cuyo contenido, sumado a los ejercicios y preguntas de repaso que se incluyen al final de cada cap?tulo, lo convierten en no tan solo una lectura adecuada y necesaria para todo creyente individual que desea desarrollar y avivar su vida de oraci?n, sino tambi?n en una valuosa herramienta para grupos celulares y clases de nuevos creyentes, un ?rea en la que el autor aporta reconocida experiencia.
Placing the prostitute at the center of reading, Fictions of Bad Life moves between text and meta-text, exploring how to rescue the prostitute from her imprisonment and turn her into the subject of history.
Una aventura con tintes romanticos, momentos entranables, y un conjunto de jeroglificos que nos ha dejado la historia y las mentiras de la iglesia para reconstruir la profecia del Argamedon. Una lucha entre un hombre casi comun, Jose de Nazaret, enganado por su fe, contra un Dios que le robo todo cuanto queria, a su hijo y a su mujer. Dos mil anos esperando la batalla final merece que sepamos la verdad! Salvar al mundo, recuperar el amor, y descubrir el misterio de nuestra existencia, solo estara disponible para ti!
A ten volume, 9,000 page account of 12 years of happenings in Nicaragua coinciding with insurrection & the revolutionary years (1978-1990). Its purpose is to furnish a documental tool collection equivalent to attending a well equipped library or specialized documentation center. Looking up the different angles & perspectives of this geo-political phenomenon, you may formulate your own analytical criteria on the subject. History is always relevant. "It is a condition of resurgence. It possesses the virtue of experience. It frees us from what was, because the past is 'revenant.' If it is not documented by our memory, it turns against us, & drowns us. Let us go over the past to make it fertile." (O. Gasset). THE NIREX COLLECTION is the only compilation of documents with voices of all belligerent sides of the conflict. This is a profoundly objective, panoramic, encyclopedic, documentary view of the process taken from books, journals, newspapers, official releases & private sources. It contains information not currently found in the United States. A complete library on Nicaragua. A $2,000.00 worth of resources for $775.00 in numbers. Its 45 lbs. are worth its weight in resources. A contribution to the academic community, diplomatic world & the government policy makers.
"“Reads like a detective thriller! It picks you up and never lets go of you.” —Jess Stearn, bestselling author of Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet Ancient texts reveal that Jesus spent 17 years in the Orient. They say that from age 13 to age 29, Jesus traveled to India, Nepal, Ladakh and Tibet as both student and teacher. For the first time, Elizabeth Clare Prophet brings together the testimony of four eyewitnesses—and three variant translations—of these remarkable documents. She tells the intriguing story of how Russian journalist Nicolas Notovitch discovered the manuscripts in 1887 in a monastery in Ladakh. Critics “proved” they did not exist—then three distinguished scholars and educators rediscovered them in the twentieth century. Now you can read for yourself what Jesus said and did prior to his Palestinian mission. It’s one of the most revolutionary messages of our time."
Superb general account.' Times Literary Supplement The story of the history of Western astrology begins with the philosophers of Greece in the 5th century BC. To the magic and stargazing of Egypt the Greeks added numerology, geometryand rational thought. The philosophy of Plato and later of the Stoics made astrology respectable, and by the time Ptolemy wrote his textbook the Tetrabiblos, in the second century AD, the main lines of astrological practice as it is known today had already been laid down. In future centuries astrology shifted to Islam only to return to the West in medieval times where it flourished until the shift of ideas during the Renaissance.
Beginning in 1990, thousands of Spanish speakers emigrated to Japan. A Cultural History of Spanish Speakers in Japan focuses on the intellectuals, literature, translations, festivals, cultural associations, music (bolero, tropical music, and pop, including reggaeton), dance (flamenco, tango and salsa), radio, newspapers, magazines, libraries, and blogs produced in Spanish, in Japan, by Latin Americans and Spaniards who have lived in that country over the last three decades. Based on in-depth research in archives throughout the country as well as field work including several interviews, Japanese-speaking Mexican scholar Araceli Tinajero uncovers a transnational, contemporary cultural history that is not only important for today but for future generations.