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Realize the kingdom of God.
Forget all those evening news sound bites or diplomatically correct half-truths about the Koran and the religion of Islam. If you want to know what the Koran is really about, you have to know what it really says. Don Richardson gives you a nitty-gritty inside look at the Koran, helping to separate fact from fiction. These hard-hitting observations are not the author's opinion based on what he thinks the Koran seems to imply. Muslim boys are indoctrinated in military camps. Madrasa schools force memorization and repetition of the Koran, particularly those verses that promise heavenly rewards for martyrdom. It took courage to write this serious, documented, and well-sourced book. But the price of truth is courage, regardless of one's religion.
The biggest secret of the Holy Quran is not to keep a thing in secret but to reveal the truths, the mysteries, the concealed, the uncertainties, the unknown, and even to leave its door wide open to the interpretation of its enigmatic letters. When I started this book, I posed two questions: Am I capable of going after this enterprise? Am I allowed to go after it? Searching for the answers, I found them in the positive. I am convinced that whatever is in the Holy Quran is to be revealed and publicized so that the people should benefit from, including its enigmatic letters. The Almighty has not sent them to us to keep their interpretation concealed. Quran is a revelation to be delivered and disclosed to the people as a source of knowledge and leading light, not to go into hiding, which imports no significance. God has enough knowledge to hide from us, as He explains in His book: "And if all trees in the earth were pens, and the sea, with seven more seas [were ink] to help it, the words of Allah could not be exhausted. Lo! Allah is Mighty, Wise (Quran, 31:27)."Thus, Allah has a plethora of knowledge to keep it hidden from us, but what He has sent us down is not to go into hiding. I am convinced that good comes from Allah, and so does knowledge, which is good, as Allah has explained it in Quran: "Whatever good comes to you is from Allah, and whatever evil comes to you is from yourself (Quran, 4:79)." Therefore, on the basis of this verse, not only this good, but all other good deeds also have come and are to come from God. Wisdom, which is the greatest treasure, a special bounty, comes from God first and foremost, as it is explained in the Noble Quran: "He gives wisdom to whoever He wills and whoever has been given wisdom has been given great good. But no one pays heed except the people of intelligence (Quran, 2:269)."
Get lots of Du'as and guidance on special Quranic verses for healing, ruqya and Shifa. This book provides Islamic guidance and many Du'as on the spiritual treatment of various ailments using Quran and the many Dua taught in the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad. The book's 23 chapters are divided into two parts. The first part provides a background on Islamic treatment and the reality of various ailments including evil eye, jinn possession, sihr (black magic and witchcraft), and others. The book provides Islamic guidance and ruqyah on the treatment of all such ailments including physical and psychological conditions. The second part of this book includes the actual Quranic verses and Dua from Hadith that Islamic scholars have used in the treatment of various diseases and spiritual ailments. These treatments are based on Quran, Sunnah, and the works of many Islamic scholars such as Ibn Al-Qayyim and his works in Attib-un-Nabawi (Prophetic Medicine). The works of many other Islamic scholars is also cited in this book This book covers the following topics Islamic Spiritual Treatment and Healing Islamic Spiritual Healing Versus Medical Science Quranic Ruqyah for Spiritual Treatment Handling Calamities and Challenges in Life The Reality of Jinns and Shaytaan (Satan) The Reality of Sihr (Black Magic) The Reality of "Evil Eye" The Power and Blessings of the Quran and Dua Ruqyah from Quran and Hadith used for treatment Spiritual Treatment for Sihr (Black Magic) Spiritual Treatment for Jinn Possession Spiritual Treatment for Evil Eye Dua for Psychological Problems and Physical Ailments And more
114 Amazing of Islam Holy Book: Some Secrets will make you Amazed, some will make you Cry, but always you will Enjoy in this book, you will Discover The Secret of Praise The Secret of The Cow The Secret of Thе Hоuѕе оr Family оf Imrаn. The Secret of Women The Secret of Thе Tаblе The Secret of the Cаttlе The Secret of Thе Hеіghtѕ The Secret of Sроіlѕ оf War The Secret of Rереntаnсе The Secret of Jоnаh The Secret of Hud The Secret of Jоѕерh and His lovers The Secret of Thundеr The Secret of Abraham The Secret of The City of Stone The Secret of Thе Bее The Secret of Thе Nіght Jоurnеу The Secret of Thе Cаvе The Secret of Mаrу The Secret of Tа-Hа The Secret of The 25 Prорhеtѕ The Secret of Thе Pіlgrіmаgе The Secret of Thе Bеlіеvеrѕ The Secret of Light The Secret of Thе Criterion The Secret of Thе Poets The Secret of the Ants The Secret of The Stories The Secret of Thе Spider The Secret of the Romans The Secret of Luqman The Secret of the Prostration The Secret of Thе Cоnfеdеrаtеѕ The Secret of Saba The Secret of Thе Orіgіnаtоr and Angеlѕ The Secret of Yа Seen The Secret of Those arranged іn Ranks The Secret of Dаvіd The Secret of Throng and Thе Crоwd The Secret of Thе Fоrgіvеr and Thе Bеlіеvеr The Secret of detailed Explanation The Secret of Cоunѕеl The Secret of Gоld Ornaments The Secret of The Smоkе. The Secret of Kneeling The Secret of Thе Sаnd Dunes The Secret of Muhаmmаd and his Fіghtіng The Secret of Victory The Secret of Thе Private Chаmbеrѕ The Secret of Qaf The Secret of The Scattering Winds The Secret of The Mountain The Secret of the Splitted Moon The Secret of Thе Compassionate The Secret of Thе Inеvіtаblе The Secret of the Iron The Secret of She who Dіѕрutеѕ The Secret of Thе Gаthеrіng The Secret of The Rаnkѕ The Secret of Thе Cоngrеgаtіоn The Secret of The Hypocrites The Secret of Divorce The Secret of Prоhіbіtіоn. The Secret of Dоmіnіоn The Secret of The Pen The Secret of The Undеnіаblе Rеаlіtу The Secret of Thе Aѕсеndіng Wауѕ The Secret of Noah The Secret of Thе Jinn The Secret of Thе Enwrарреd One The Secret of Thе Covered Onе The Secret of The Resurrection The Secret of Endless Tіmе The Secret of Those Sent Forth The Secret of Thе Grеаt Nеwѕ The Secret of Thе Snаtсhеrѕ The Secret of He Who Frоwnеd The Secret of The Enfоldіng The Secret of The Defrauders The Secret of Thе Ruрturе The Secret of Thе Cоnѕtеllаtіоnѕ The Secret of Thе Nіght Comer The Secret of Thе Mоѕt Hіgh. The Secret of The Overwhelming The Secret of The Dаwn The Secret of Holy Makkah The Secret of The Sun The Secret of The Night The Secret of Thе Mоrnіng Brіghtnеѕѕ The Secret of Exраnѕіоn the Secret of Thе Fіg Country The Secret of Thе Nіght of Pоwеr The Secret of Thе Clеаr Prооf The Secret of Thе Quаkе The Secret of The Racers The Secret of Thе Catastrophe The Secret of The Time the Secret of Thе Slanderer The Secret of Thе Elephant The Secret of Qurауѕh Trіbе The Secret of the Flame Some Secrets will make you Amazed, some will make you Cry, but always you will enjoy
Forget all those evening news sound bites or diplomatically correct half-truths about the Koran and the religion of Islam. If you want to know what the Koran is really about, you have to know what it really says. Don Richardson gives you a nitty-gritty inside look at the Koran, helping to separate fact from fiction. These hard-hitting observations are not the author's opinion based on what he thinks the Koran seems to imply. Muslim boys are indoctrinated in military camps. Madrasa schools force memorization and repetition of the Koran particularly those verses that promise heavenly rewards for martyrdom. It took courage to write this serious, documented and well-sourced book. But the price of truth is courage, regardless of ones religion.
Islam is the religion before Allah {swt}, the lord of the worlds. Al-Qur'an is the sacred scripture of Islam; a detail exposition of ad-Deen al-Islam; and classified into 19 parts, - the Suhuf-an Mutahharah. The book, "ISLAM: the religion before Allah {swt}, the lord of the worlds" is a complete guide to life. It will guide you to the straight way. It point out the 14 Problems of Human Life, the problems, which you as a human being will face in the life of the world and the hereafter. Then, it presents the 3 proofs of Islam, the Natural, Historical and Scriptural Proofs, to prove that Allah {swt} has prescribed Islam as religion for us. Finally, it concludes with the 2-way revelation of the Holy Qur'an, in the History of the World; it was revealed to the Peoples of the Book and to the prophet Muhammad {pbuh}, the Messenger of Allah and the Khatam-an Nabieen. Hence, Islam is the consolidation of the religions of the Peoples of the Book, viz,: Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Judaism, Zoarastrianism, etc. It is the foundation of the New World Order, and the only solution to the Problems of Human Life, namely, the Caliphate: Seat of King David on Earth.
Nostradamus (1503-1566), a Jewish-French physician and astrologer, wrote a book of over 900 predictions. A lot of these predictions came true. How could he get to this precision in his predictions? So, could Nostradamus make these predictions? And what books did he use? For someone to predict the future with this precision, he must be a man who knew the secret methods of predicting the future, as we will explain. The author will show you how these predictions came about, and how we can make our own predictions, and events about to happen. It's been said that the CIA uses the Bible and the Book of Revelation and other holy books as the backbone of all their plans and plots.
The first book-length study of ta'wil, a form of allegorical scriptural interpretation propagated by Ismaili-Shiite missionaries Ismailism, one of the three major branches of Shiism, is best known for ta'wil, an esoteric, allegorizing scriptural exegesis. Beyond the Qur'?n: Early Ismaili ta'wil and the Secrets of the Prophets is the first book-length study of this interpretive genre. Analyzing sources composed by tenth-century Ismaili missionaries in light of social-science theories of cognition and sectarianism, David Hollenberg argues that the missionaries used ta'wil to instill in acolytes a set of symbolic patterns, forms, and "logics." This shared symbolic world bound the community together as it created a gulf between community members and those outside the movement. Hollenberg thus situates ta'wil socially, as an interpretive practice that sustained a community of believers. An important aspect of ta'wil is its unconventional objects of interpretation. Ismaili missionaries mixed Qur'?nic exegesis with interpretation of Torah, Gospels, Greek philosophy, and symbols such as the Christian Cross and Eucharist, as well as Jewish festivals. Previously scholars have speculated that this extra- Qur'?nic ta'wil was intended to convert Jews and Christians to Ismailism. Hollenberg, departing from this view, argues that such interpretations were, like Ismaili interpretations of the Qur'?n, intended for an Ismaili audience, many of whom converted to the movement from other branches of Shiism. Hollenberg argues that through exegesis of these unconventional sources, the missionaries demonstrated that their imam alone could strip the external husk from all manner of sources and show the initiates reality in its pure, unmediated form, an imaginal world to which they alone had access. They also fulfilled the promise that their imam would teach them the secrets behind all religions, a sign that the initial stage of the end of days had commenced. Beyond the Qur'?n contributes to our understanding of early Ismaili doctrine, Fatimid rhetoric, and, more broadly, the use of esoteric literatures in the history of religion.