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Manny is not like other children. He doesn't talk. He doesn't leave the house. His parents desperately try to arrange their world so that Manny does not get upset. Because, when he does, well, the aggression was getting worse. Too many times Tomas had to leave work to rescue his wife from the havoc of their son's meltdowns. At ten, Manny was becoming difficult to handle. Passing by a bakery made all the difference. There, they met people who understand autism, along with its strengths and challenges. They learn ways to help Manny communicate and socialize and to have his needs met. Dare they consider letting him go to school? Is there a chance that Manny actually belongs there? You bet.Meet Kyle, Ben, Mel and the other characters you read about in the Amazon bestseller Autism Goes to School and see how they've grown and progressed.Don't think it is going to be boring. It will hold your attention from the dramatic opening right through to the conclusion. Kudos to Dr. Mitchell, once again, for this innovative approach to sharing her knowledge of the subject matter. - Connie W.
Manny is not like other children. He doesn't talk. He doesn't leave the house. His parents desperately try to arrange their world so that Manny does not get upset. Because, when he does, well, the aggression was getting worse. Too many times Tomas had to leave work to rescue his wife from the havoc of their son's meltdowns. At ten, Manny was becoming difficult to handle. Passing by a bakery made all the difference. There, they met people who understand autism, along with its strengths and challenges. They learn ways to help Manny communicate and socialize and to have his needs met. Dare they consider letting him go to school? Is there a chance that Manny actually belongs there? You bet. Meet Kyle, Ben, Mel and the other characters you read about in the Amazon bestseller Autism Goes to School and see how they've grown and progressed.
Ethan is only in grade one and already has been kicked out of one school due to his tantrums and pattern of running away when in a panic. Now, his mom's enrolled him in a new school but remains glued to her phone, waiting for the call to tell her to come pick him up, that they can't handle him, that they don't know what to do with a child who has autism. How can she trust these strangers to look after her son, just one small child among hundreds, when he has run from own parents so very many times? They don't know the terror of losing your child in a mall or watching him run blindly into traffic. What started as a fun chase game when Ethan was a toddler has turned into a terrifying deviation. The adults in his life never know when he might take off. Rather than attaching an adult to his side to keep him safe, this new teacher talks about calming strategies and choices. Do they not realize what could happen if Ethan flees the building? The impact of a car on one small body? Sara is about to learn if this new school is up to the challenge. Meet Kyle, Mel, Ben and the other characters you got to know in the Amazon bestseller Autism Goes to School. See what they've been up to in the last year and how they join forces to help Ethan. Then, return to Madson School to see if Manny, a child with severe autism belongs in their midst. Read Manny's story in Autism Belongs. Dr. Sharon A. Mitchell has worked as teacher, counselor, psychologist and consultant for several decades. Her Masters and Ph.D. degrees focussed on autism spectrum disorders and helping kids to reach as high a level of independence as possible. One in sixty-eight American children has an autism spectrum disorder and one in every forty-two boys. Every teacher will have a child with autism in their classroom. Every coach will meet a child with autism. If autism has not touched your family, it will affect your friends or neighbors. When parents receive the news that their child has autism, they spend countless hours researching the subject, usually at night, after an exhausting day. There is a lot of information out there, much of it by competent authorities. But after a hard day of work and family responsibilities, who wants to read a textbook? What if you could just read a good story and still gain ideas to try? Yes, life with autism has it's struggles, but there are strengths as well and the fun parts that any family experiences. So, the novel "Autism Goes to School" was born - a story about a single dad doing the best he can with his five year old son. The book's full of the challenges inherent in autism plus strategies that make life easier for all concerned. It's followed by Autism Runs Away. When six year old Ethan gets overwhelmed, he flees blindly. One school has already asked him to leave, fearing that they can't keep him safe. Will his new school be up to the challenge? Book 3 in the series, Autism Belongs, is about Manny and his family. Manny is nonverbal and as he has grown, so does his level of aggression. His parents cope the best the can, remaining cocooned in their home, tiptoeing around their son. When he's invited to go to school, his parents can't believe that he'd belong. In Autism Talks and Talks, Karen is a highly verbal 12 year old who find social situations hard. Join the kids and staff of Madson School as they learn and grow and welcome others with special needs into their midst. The fifth book in the series, Autism Grows Up, shows what life too often becomes for high functioning young adults on the spectrum, and ways to make positive changes. Autism Boxed Set - Purchase Autism Goes to School, Autism Runs Away and Autism Belongs e-books packaged together for one low price. Prequel to Autism Goes to School (coming in 2017) What were the teen years like for Jeff? What led Mel down the career path she has taken? Find out their early stories in the Prequel to Autism Goes to School. The Autism Goes to School Workbook
"We're thrilled to announce that this Amazon bestseller is also a B.R.A.G. Medallion winner!" After suddenly receiving custody of his five year old son, Ben must learn how to be a dad. The fact that he'd even fathered a child was news to him. Not only does this mean restructuring his sixty-hour workweek and becoming responsible for another human being, but also Kyle has autism. Enter the school system and a shaky beginning. Under the guidance of a gifted teacher, Ben and Kyle take tentative steps to becoming father and son. Teacher Melanie Nicols sees Ben as a deadbeat dad, but grudgingly comes to admire how he hangs in, determined to learn for his son's sake. Her admiration grows to more as father and son come to rely on Melanie being a part of their lives. When parents receive the news that their child has autism, they spend countless hours researching the subject, usually at night, after an exhausting day. Teachers, when they hear that they'll have a student with an autism spectrum disorder, also try to learn as much as they can. This novel was written for such parents and teachers - an entertaining read that offers information on autism and strategies that work. Bonus Section At the back of the book are links and references useful to parents and teachers. What Are Reviewers Saying? "A gem of a book" " A true delight - Highly, highly recommended Just couldn't put it down" "Highly informative and extremely helpful - Couldn't take my eyes off it" I loved this book from beginning to end - Just plain awesome I could feel the author's passion - What a great way to learn about autism "Entertains, entrances & educates: 3 for the Price of One!" "This wonderful book is about a Dad, Ben, meeting his autistic son Kyle for the very first time, when Mom dumps him suddenly on his doorstep, saying she can no longer take care of him. Through the eyes of Ben, we get a glimpse of both the challenges and joys of being a parent of a child who sees the world in different ways." "Unlike some stories that speak of autistic children, this one brings a wealth of hope and information! As we look over Ben's shoulder, we see a glimpse of the learning tools currently being used in the classroom today, and we get glimpses of things that could be helpful in the day to day life of an autistic child." "I appreciated this story on several levels. First I enjoyed the story of Ben discovering what it means to be a parent, especially a single parent. Second, I enjoyed watching Kyle find his own means of success in this new and upside down world. " "I enjoyed the glimpse into classroom life and options available today. Finally I enjoyed the quiet romance between Mel and Ben." About the Author Dr. Sharon A. Mitchell has worked in schools as a teacher, counselor and consultant for thirty years. Her Master's and Doctorate degrees focused on autism. She has delivered workshops and seminars to thousands participants including at national conferences. She is a co-author of the Amazon bestseller The Official Autism 101 Manual (http: // Hundreds of her articles and responses to questions appear on All (http: //
Karen is a grade 6 student who has Asperger's Syndrome. She is bright, vivacious and highly verbal. Too verbal. She finds certain topics fascinating, and is all too willing to share her knowledge with others. She goes on and on and on, not realizing that she is alienating the other kids with her endless monologues. Karen remains on the fringe, looking at other adolescents having fun together and wondering if she could ever be a part of the group. Her protective mom tries to shield her from the world, limiting her contact with peers in case she might be bullied. Is this all there is for Karen? Come join us and see.
A child left with no way to communicate but with aggression. Manny is not like other children. He doesn't talk. He doesn't leave the house. His parents desperately try to arrange their world so that Manny does not get upset. Because, when he does, well, the aggression was getting worse. Too many times Tomas had to leave work to rescue his wife from the havoc of their son's meltdowns. At ten, Manny was becoming difficult to handle. Dare they consider letting him go to school? Is there a chance that Manny actually belongsthere? You bet! Meet Kyle, Ben, Mel and the other characters you read about in the Amazon bestseller Autism Goes to School and see how they've grown and progressed. Author Dr. Sharon A. Mitchell has worked in schools as a teacher, counselor and consultant for thirty years. Her Master's and Doctorate degrees focused on autism. She has delivered workshops and seminars to thousands participants including at national conferences.
At twenty-one, Suzie has withdrawn from a world she finds alien and confusing. Ability is not the problem, nor is interest - many things fascinate her. But, she has Asperger's Syndrome and high anxiety. To her, the world is a harsh, scary place where she does not fit. She spends much of her day sleeping and most of her nights on the computer. Her mother, Amanda, wishes Suzie would get a job, go to school or at least help out around the house. Suzie feels that her time is amply filled with the compelling world lurking within her computer. Amanda has two full time jobs - one involves working at the office every day, the second involves looking after Suzie. Amanda wants more for Suze, but does not know how to help her move forward. When she tries putting pressure on her, Suzie suffers from paralyzing anxiety, resulting in morose withdrawal or worse, lengthy tantrums. Suzie is most content when alone in the basement with her computer. Staring at her monitor, the rest of the world falls away and she feels at home. Amanda is torn. She met this gentleman, Jack. It would be nice to spend time with someone other than her brother and daughter but Suzie wouldn't like it and she needs her mother desperately. Amanda's brother asks uncomfortable questions like what will become of Suzie if something happens to Amanda. Jack gently persists and Amanda glimpses what her life could be like. Suzie resents the time her mom spends with Jack and makes her mother pay for the hours not devoted to her daughter. Then, they have a home invasion. When an intruder breaks into the house, Amanda has only Suzie to rely on.
If you like realistic stories, compassionate characters, and overcoming adversity, then you'll adore these stories of love and family. Autism Goes to School - A single dad. An autistic boy. A teacher. Can they be what each other needs? After suddenly receiving custody of his five year old son, Ben must learn how to be a dad. The fact that he'd even fathered a child was news to him. Not only does this mean restructuring his sixty-hour workweek and becoming responsible for another human being, but also Kyle has autism. Enter the school system and a shaky beginning. Under the guidance of a gifted teacher, Ben and Kyle take tentative steps to becoming father and son. Teacher Melanie Nicols sees Ben as a deadbeat dad, but grudgingly comes to admire how he hangs in, determined to learn for his son's sake. Her admiration grows to more as father and son come to rely on Melanie being a part of their lives. Autism Runs Away - An autistic child flees in a panic. His last school couldn't cope. Now, his mom's enrolled him in a new school but remains glued to her phone, waiting for the call to tell her to come pick him up, that they can't handle him, that they don't know what to do with a child who has autism. How can she trust these strangers to look after her son, just one small child among hundreds? Autism Belongs - Manny doesn't talk. He doesn't leave the house. His parents desperately try to arrange their world so that Manny does not get upset. Because, when he does, well, the aggression was getting worse. Dare they consider letting him go to school? Is there a chance that Manny actually belongs there? From the creative mind of a psychologist, teacher, and specialist in autism disorders comes a collection of five memorable novels of life and love on the spectrum. Featuring schoolkids, shut-ins, and chefs, these unique fictional accounts depict the challenges and celebrate the joys of raising children and young adults with special needs. Buy Autism School Daze Trilogy to join a brave journey of love and understanding today!
After suddenly receiving custody of his five year old son, Ben must learn how to be a dad. The fact that he'd even fathered a child was news to him. Not only does this mean restructuring his sixty-hour workweek and becoming responsible for another human being, but also Kyle has autism. Enter the school system and a shaky beginning. Under the guidance of a gifted teacher, Ben and Kyle take tentative steps to becoming father and son. Teacher Melanie Nicols sees Ben as a deadbeat dad, but grudgingly comes to admire how he hangs in, determined to learn for his son’s sake. Her admiration grows to more as father and son come to rely on Melanie being a part of their lives. When parents receive the news that their child has autism, they spend countless hours researching the subject, usually at night, after an exhausting day. Teachers, when they hear that they'll have a student with an autism spectrum disorder, also try to learn as much as they can. This novel was written for such parents and teachers - an entertaining read that offers information on autism and strategies that work. Dr. Sharon A. Mitchell has worked in schools as a teacher, counselor, psychologist and consultant for decades. Her Master's and Doctorate degrees focused on autism. She has delivered workshops and seminars to thousands participants including at national conferences. She continues to write and teaches university classes about students who learn differently.