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La Guía abarca el universo de los agentes que interaccionan en la salud de las masas forestales del sur de Europa y por extensión de los ecosistemas de ámbito mediterráneo. Se han revisado y corregido los datos y fotografías de los agentes ya descritos en
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Este libro plantea, de un modo comprensible, los aspectosmás importantes a considerar en el control de plagas y enfermedades forestales. Los agentes nocivos que causan enfermedades a las plantas leñosas en el medio forestal pueden ser bióticos (patógenos) o abióticos, ya sean estos por causas naturales (vientos, incendios, etc.) o bien debidos a las actividades humanas directas (podas, deforestaciones, etc.) e indirectas (contaminaciones). Diferentes animales invertebrados (insectos, ácaros, etc.) actúan como parásitos de árboles y arbustos, formando plagas en el monte cuando eluden los mecanismos naturales que controlan sus poblaciones. El primer capítulo estudiará los agentes que causan daños a las plantas forestales. En el segundo capítulo se analizarán los productos y tratamientos fitosanitarios, así como su peligrosidad para la salud humana o el medio ambiente y los residuos generados por ellos. Los diferentes equipos de aplicación fitosanitaria varían según el método que utilizan para llevar a cabo el tratamiento, así como por la naturaleza física de cada producto químico empleado: sólido-líquido-gaseoso. Los distintos estados físicos en los que se pueden distribuir los productos químicos aplicados a la sanidad vegetal, dan lugar a diversos equipos de tratamiento fitosanitario, que serán tratados en el tercer capítulo. Los productos fitosanitarios tienen la consideración legal de sustancias químicas peligrosas y su aplicación en los montes ha de seguir la normativa vigente respecto a la correcta gestión de los residuos generados y la protección a la salud humana y el medio ambiente, cuyo incumplimiento daría lugar a infracciones y sanciones. El cuarto capítuloabordará esta materia. El quinto y último capítulo transmite los conocimientosbásicos necesarios para estudiar la lucha biológica contras las plagas forestales, así como su normativa.
Agentes causantes de danos; Insectos; Otros animales; Hongos; Bacterias; Nematodos; Virus; Plantas parasitas; Factores abioticos; Estructuras danadas y sus consecuencias; Danos causados por animales; Danos causados por patogenos; Nociones generales sobre el combate de plagas y enfermedades; Medidas preventivas; Medidas curativas; Medidas posteriores al combate; Combate mediante plaguicidas; Aspectos basicos; Clasificacion de los plaguicidas; Formulaciones; Equipo de aplicacion; Efectos colaterales; Precauciones; Pautas para el uso de plaguicidas; Metodos y tecnicas para la inspeccion de danos y la recoleccion y preparacion de muestras; Inspeccion en el campo; Recoleccion de muestras; Preparacion de muestras; Formulario de campo.
The demand for comparable, long-term, high quality data on forest ecosystems' status and changes is increasing at the international and global level. Yet, sources for such data are limited and in many case it is not possible to compare data from different monitoring initiatives across space and time because of methodological differences. Apart from technical manuals, there is no comprehensive multidisciplinary, scientific, peer-reviewed reference for forest monitoring methods that can serve and support the user community. This book provides in a single reference the state-of-the-art of monitoring methods as applied at the international level.The book present scientific concepts and methods that form the basis of the transnational, long-term forest monitoring in Europe and looks at other initiatives at the global level. Standardized methods that have been developed over two decades in international forest monitoring projects are presented. Emphasis is put on trans-nationally harmonized methods, related data quality issues, current achievements and on remaining open questions. - A comprehensive overview of needs, requirements, organization and possible outcomes of an integrated monitoring program - Tested and quality assured, internationally harmonized methodologies based on a complete revision of existing methods carried out in 2009-2011 - Connection with monitoring results allows assessment of the potential of the monitoring method
The assessment and evaluation of tree condition and vitality is an essential part of the ICP Forests monitoring programme. Due to the complex structure of forest ecosystems, a number of different indicators of tree condition are adopted. In this chapter, they are described also in terms of their ecological relevance. Special emphasis is laid on biotic agents affecting forest ecosystems and explaining tree responses to stressors. For operational reasons, definitions and recommendations for the use of the indicators are given. Tree condition assessment in forest monitoring is closely linked to field measures of Quality Assurance and Control. Examples of results show that the methods currently used in tree condition monitoring are sensitive to detect the effects of climate change on forests and identifying main spatial and temporal patterns and damaging agents.
Because of its peculiar biology, its negative impacts on forestry, and its urticating larvae affecting human and animal health, pine processionary moth has largely been studied in many European countries during the last century. However, knowledge remained scattered and no synthesis has ever been published. Since the IPCC retained the moth as one of the two insect indicators of climate change because of its expansion with warming up, filling this gap became increasingly important. Led by INRA, this book associates 101 authors from 22 countries of Europe, Minor Asia and North Africa, combining all the concerned research fields (entomology, ecology, genetics, mathematical modelling, medical and veterinary science, pest management) in a multidisciplinary approach to understand and model the processes underlying past, present and future moth expansion and to propose adapted management methods. Besides, the major biological patterns of the related processionary species are also detailed.
This is the first part of the World Catalogue of Insects of the superfamily Yponomeutoidea with the most current scientific classification, synonymies and misspellings. Primary type locations, status, depositories, reference citations, zoogeographic distributions, known host plants, explanatory notes and corrections are given. In addition, new primary types are designated, new synonymies and combinations are proposed.