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A little child chases after a fun-loving mongoose in Hawaii. A fun, rhyming tale for youngsters; unfortunately the illustrations do not quite follow the story (e.g., an outrigger canoe depicted as a kayak).
This book is a mini tutorial full of code examples and strategies to give you plenty of options when building your own applications with MongoDB.This book is ideal for people who want to develop applications on the Node.js stack quickly and efficiently. Prior knowledge of the stack is not essential as the book briefly covers the installation of the core components and builds all aspects of the example application. The focus of the book is on what Mongoose adds to you applications, so experienced Node.js developers will also benefit.
The Mongoose System is not only a possible way to coach middle school and youth basketball, but the optimum way to coach at this level! This book has been written to teach you how to coach the System to middle school and youth basketball teams. Other books on the System have been organized for college and high school level teams, and we wanted to provide the lessons we have happily learned to you for your kids at the middle school level. We have written this book for you. You picked this book up because no matter how much you already know about basketball, you know there is more to learn. If you are a parent or teacher just starting out in coaching, you have picked this up to begin to learn to coach. If you have already coached for 5 years, you may be looking for a new approach to the game. If you have coached 10 years or more, you know that the more you know about the game, the more there is to learn.
Developing applications for Android and other mobile devices using web technologies is now well within reach. When the capabilities of HTML5 are combined with CSS3 and JavaScript, web application developers have an opportunity to develop compelling mobile applications using familiar tools. Not only is it possible to build mobile web apps that feel as good as native apps, but to also write an application once and have it run a variety of different devices. While the HTML5 specification is still evolving, there is a lot that can be used right now to build mobile web apps. Mobile web apps are now starting to provide many of the features that were once only available to native-language-based apps in Java, Objective-C, etc. Pro Android Web Apps teaches developers already familiar with web application development, how to code and structure a web app for use on the Android mobile platform. Understand both the why and how of mobile web app development, focusing on the Android platform. Learn how to structure mobile web apps through a number of practical, real-world application examples. Discover what cloud platforms such as Google AppEngine have to offer Android web apps, for both hosting web apps and providing device to cloud data synchronization solutions. Get a real picture of the status of HTML5 on Android and other mobile devices, including some things to watch out for when building your own applications. Understand the capabilities of the web application stack, and how to complement those with native bridging frameworks such as PhoneGap to access native features of the device. Gain an understanding of the different UI frameworks that are available for building mobile web apps. Learn how to include mapping and leverage location-based services in mobile web apps to create engaging mobile experiences. Enable social integration with your Android web app and gain access to millions of potential users. After reading this book, you will not only have a greater understanding of the world of web apps on Android, but also how to leverage additional tools and frameworks to increase the reach of your mobile web apps. Additionally, through the practical samples in the book you will have been given solid exposure of where both the opportunities and challenges lie when building mobile apps the web way.
An upstart Jamaican rebellion, some key international interests in bauxite, an Englishman who follows trouble like a terrier, and an American engineer, Bill Stacy, who reluctantly runs him a close second...Interested in the cause of Gregorius, who has a massive Christopher-complex and wants to be King, Stacy is persuaded to sign on with him by Lady Felicia Bantry, whose endless diffidence and pure Irish fascination get him. Once having crossed the Atlantic to Jamaica, however, Felicia’s charms cool and her cruelty heightens, Gregorius’ uprising peters out, Bill’s own life is in jeopardy, as is that of his English friend, and the Americans and the British get the situation back under control.... A glamourous novel, which takes the reader on a journey from the dark cantles of Ireland to the sunnier beaches of Montego Bay!
JavaScript is everywhere, both as a pure language and in popular libraries like Angular, jQuery and Knockout, but users of modern object-oriented languages like Java and C# often find JavaScript frustrating to use and hard to extend to large-scale applications. TypeScript is an innovative open source language from Microsoft that combines powerful language features and enhanced tooling support with the key attractions of JavaScript as a flexible, dynamic language that can run in any browser and on any operating system. Pro TypeScript tells you everything you need to know about this exciting new language and how to use it in your applications. Starting with an introduction to the language and its features, the book takes you through some of the major features of TypeScript in depth, from working with the type system through object-orientation to understanding the runtime and the TypeScript compiler. The book then covers some of the factors you need to consider when running a TypeScript application in the browser, including interacting with the DOM, making asynchronous requests, and working with useful browser APIs, followed by a demonstration of server-side TypeScript using the popular Node.js framework. Because TypeScript compiles to plain JavaScript, exception handling, memory management and garbage collection can differ depending on where you run your program, so these topics get a chapter to themselves. You’ll also find out how to include popular JavaScript frameworks in your applications, so you can combine the benefits of TypeScript with some of the best JavaScript code that’s already out there waiting to be used. The final chapter gives an overview of automated testing for TypeScript applications. Pro TypeScript offers a balanced and practical guide to a language that will transform your experience of JavaScript development.
This book is ideal for anyone who already knows JavaScript and would like to get a broad understanding of Three.js quickly, or for those of you who have a basic grasp of using Three.js but want to really make an impact with your 3D visualizations by learning its advanced features. To apply the recipes in this book you don’t need to know anything about WebGL; all you need is some general knowledge about JavaScript and HTML.
Practical Node.js is your step-by-step guide to learning how to build a wide range of scalable real-world web applications using a professional development toolkit. Node.js is an innovative and highly efficient platform for creating web services. But Node.js doesn't live in a vacuum! In a modern web development, many different components need to be put together — routing, database driver, ORM, session management, OAuth, HTML template engine, CSS compiler and many more. If you already know the basics of Node.js, now is the time to discover how to bring it to production level by leveraging its vast ecosystem of packages. As a web developer, you'll work with a varied collection of standards and frameworks - Practical Node.js shows you how all those pieces fit together. Practical Node.js takes you from installing all the necessary modules to writing full-stack web applications by harnessing the power of the Express.js and Hapi frameworks, the MongoDB database with Mongoskin and Mongoose, Jade and Handlebars template engines, Stylus and LESS CSS languages, OAuth and Everyauth libraries, and the Socket.IO and Derby libraries, and everything in between. The book also covers how to deploy to Heroku and AWS, daemonize apps, and write REST APIs. You'll build full-stack real-world Node.js apps from scratch, and also discover how to write your own Node.js modules and publish them on NPM. You already know what Node.js is; now learn what you can do with it and how far you can take it!