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All papers have been peer-reviewed. This conference is focused on research activities on all areas of Optics, mainly in Latin-American and Iberic countries, but also in other countries all over the world as well. A specific session for Education in Optics is also included. The main interest of this conference is offering a general view of the present research activities and trends on Optics in the Latin-America area because all countries in the region with a significant activity in Optics were well represented, including senior and young researchers as well as graduated students talking about their PhD and MSc thesis work. Topics discussed included: atmospheric optics; color, vision and radiometry; diffractive optics; education for optics; guided optics; holography and interferometry; lasers and quantum optics; metamaterials; nonlinear optics; optical instruments; optical materials and applications; optical metrology; optical processing; optical spectroscopy; thin films.
T The Turn analyzes the research of information seeking and retrieval (IS&R) and proposes a new direction of integrating research in these two areas: the fields should turn off their separate and narrow paths and construct a new avenue of research. An essential direction for this avenue is context as given in the subtitle Integration of Information Seeking and Retrieval in Context. Other essential themes in the book include: IS&R research models, frameworks and theories; search and works tasks and situations in context; interaction between humans and machines; information acquisition, relevance and information use; research design and methodology based on a structured set of explicit variables - all set into the holistic cognitive approach. The present monograph invites the reader into a construction project - there is much research to do for a contextual understanding of IS&R. The Turn represents a wide-ranging perspective of IS&R by providing a novel unique research framework, covering both individual and social aspects of information behavior, including the generation, searching, retrieval and use of information. Regarding traditional laboratory information retrieval research, the monograph proposes the extension of research toward actors, search and work tasks, IR interaction and utility of information. Regarding traditional information seeking research, it proposes the extension toward information access technology and work task contexts. The Turn is the first synthesis of research in the broad area of IS&R ranging from systems oriented laboratory IR research to social science oriented information seeking studies.
This book presents substantial scientific, archaeological, and historical evidence in support of the Christian worldview. The author argues Christianity is the only religion that affirms God as revealed by nature, identifies the terrible predicament of mankind lost in sin, provides a unique solution to the predicament, and is confirmed true by miracles. Classical arguments for the existence of God are presented in detail. Evidence from modern astronomy reveals a cosmos that had an absolute beginning, was stretched, and is decaying. Evidence from modern science reveals the earth is a privileged planet uniquely suited for intelligent life, not by chance but by design. The inadequacies of evolutionary theory are explained. The author argues intelligent design and creation are superior explanations for the origin of life and the appearance of complex living organisms. Ancient Assyrian chronicles and monuments provide extrabiblical evidence of Old Testament people, places, and events. The Old Testament Law, which appears harsh by our contemporary standards, is amazingly merciful when examined in its ancient Near East context. Archaeological evidence confirms that Israel’s pagan neighbors engaged in hideous religious practices, including extensive child sacrifice. The evidence shows God had morally sufficient reasons to destroy the pagan Canaanite nations. Historical evidence supports belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and in the subsequent rise of the early church. The author presents evidence from both Christian and non-Christian sources from the New Testament era. Examination of ancient manuscripts confirms the Bible was preserved, transmitted, and translated accurately throughout history. The author contrasts Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as examples of monotheistic ethical religions. He argues that while all three affirm certain truths, only Christianity solves mankind’s predicament of being lost in sin. Christian truth stands on the greatest miracle of all, the resurrection of Christ and His bodily appearances, confirmed by eyewitnesses.
This book is devoted to logic synthesis and design techniques for asynchronous circuits. It uses the mathematical theory of Petri Nets and asynchronous automata to develop practical algorithms implemented in a public domain CAD tool. Asynchronous circuits have so far been designed mostly by hand, and are thus much less common than their synchronous counterparts, which have enjoyed a high level of design automation since the mid-1970s. Asynchronous circuits, on the other hand, can be very useful to tackle clock distribution, modularity, power dissipation and electro-magnetic interference in digital integrated circuits. This book provides the foundation needed for CAD-assisted design of such circuits, and can also be used as the basis for a graduate course on logic design.
The Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval (CIIR) was formed in the Computer Science Department ofthe University ofMassachusetts, Amherst in 1992. The core support for the Center came from a National Science Foun- tion State/Industry/University Cooperative Research Center(S/IUCRC) grant, although there had been a sizeable information retrieval (IR) research group for over 10 years prior to that grant. Thebasic goal ofthese Centers is to combine basic research, applied research, and technology transfer. The CIIR has been successful in each of these areas, in that it has produced over 270 research papers, has been involved in many successful government and industry collaborations, and has had a significant role in high-visibility Internet sites and start-ups. As a result of these efforts, the CIIR has become known internationally as one of the leading research groups in the area of information retrieval. The CIIR focuses on research that results in more effective and efficient access and discovery in large, heterogeneous, distributed, text and multimedia databases. The scope of the work that is done in the CIIR is broad and goes significantly beyond “traditional” areas of information retrieval such as retrieval models, cross-lingual search, and automatic query expansion. The research includes both low-level systems issues such as the design of protocols and architectures for distributed search, as well as more human-centered topics such as user interface design, visualization and data mining with text, and multimedia retrieval.
Traditionally, scientific fields have defined boundaries, and scientists work on research problems within those boundaries. However, from time to time those boundaries get shifted or blurred to evolve new fields. For instance, the original goal of computer vision was to understand a single image of a scene, by identifying objects, their structure, and spatial arrangements. This has been referred to as image understanding. Recently, computer vision has gradually been making the transition away from understanding single images to analyz ing image sequences, or video understanding. Video understanding deals with understanding of video sequences, e. g. , recognition of gestures, activities, fa cial expressions, etc. The main shift in the classic paradigm has been from the recognition of static objects in the scene to motion-based recognition of actions and events. Video understanding has overlapping research problems with other fields, therefore blurring the fixed boundaries. Computer graphics, image processing, and video databases have obvious overlap with computer vision. The main goal of computer graphics is to gener ate and animate realistic looking images, and videos. Researchers in computer graphics are increasingly employing techniques from computer vision to gen erate the synthetic imagery. A good example of this is image-based rendering and modeling techniques, in which geometry, appearance, and lighting is de rived from real images using computer vision techniques. Here the shift is from synthesis to analysis followed by synthesis.
Proceedings of SPIE present the original research papers presented at SPIE conferences and other high-quality conferences in the broad-ranging fields of optics and photonics. These books provide prompt access to the latest innovations in research and technology in their respective fields. Proceedings of SPIE are among the most cited references in patent literature.
In 1975 the Marcel Grossmann Meetings were established by Remo Ruffini and Abdus Salam to provide a forum for discussion of recent advances in gravitation, general relativity, and relativistic field theories. In these meetings, which are held once every three years, every aspect of research is emphasized - mathematical foundations, physical predictions, and numerical and experimental investigations. The major objective of these meetings is to facilitate exchange among scientists, so as to deepen our understanding of the structure of space-time and to review the status of both the ground-based and the space-based experiments aimed at testing the theory of gravitation.The Marcel Grossmann Meetings have grown under the guidance of an International Organizing Committee and a large International Coordinating Committee. The first two meetings, MG1 and MG2, were held in Trieste (1975, 1979). A most memorable MG3 (1982) was held in Shanghai and represented the first truly international scientific meeting in China after the so-called Cultural Revolution. Three years later MG4 was held in Rome (1985). It was at MG4 that ';astroparticle physics'; was born.MGIXMM was organized by the International Organizing Committee composed of D Blair, Y Choquet-Bruhat, D Christodoulou, T Damour, J Ehlers, F Everitt, Fang Li Zhi, S Hawking, Y Ne'eman, R Ruffini (chair), H Sato, R Sunyaev, and S Weinberg. Essential to the organization was an International Coordinating Committee of 135 members from scientific institutions of 54 countries. MGIXMM was attended by 997 scientists of 69 nationalities. It took place on 2-8 July 2000 at the University of Rome, Italy. The scientific programs included 60 plenary and review talks, as well as talks in 88 parallel sessions. The three volumes of the proceedings of MGIXMM present a rather authoritative view of relativistic astrophysics, which is becoming one of the priorities in scientific endeavour. The papers appearing in these volumes cover all aspects of gravitation, from mathematical issues to recent observations and experiments. Their intention is to give a complete picture of our current understanding of gravitational theory at the turn of the millennium.The Marcel Grossmann Individual Awards for this meeting were presented to Cecille and Bryce DeWitt, Riccardo Giacconi and Roger Penrose, while the Institutional Award went to the Solvay Institute, accepted on behalf of the Institute by Jacques Solvay and Ilya Prigogine. The acceptance speeches are also included in the proceedings.
The book presents a state-of-the-art overview of the fundamental theories, established models and ongoing research related to the modeling of these materials. Two approaches are conventionally used to develop constitutive relations for highly deformable fibrous materials. According to the phenomenological approach, a strain energy density function can be defined in terms of strain invariants. The other approach is based on kinetic theories, which treats a fibrous material as a randomly oriented inter-tangled network of long molecular chains bridged by permanent and temporary junctions. At the micro-level, these are associated with chemical crosslinks and active entanglements, respectively. The papers include carefully crafted overviews of the fundamental formulation of the three-dimensional theory from several points of view, and address their equivalences and differences. Also included are solutions to boundary-value problems which are amenable to experimental verification. A further aspect is the elasticity of filaments, stability of equilibrium and thermodynamics of the molecular network theory.