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A careful consideration of the place of families in our national fabric.
Between the pressure to meet standards and the overwhelming number of different learning needs of students, planning math lessons has become more complex. In this Judith Storeygard provides proven approaches to understanding the behaviors of children with special needs and effectively teaching all students. Using research-based and field-tested methodology, this book’s teaching strategies include differentiated instruction, with an emphasis on co-teaching between general educators and special educators. Included are examples from teachers who have put these techniques into practice and guidelines for reproducing their successes in your classroom. Key topics include: Strategies for teaching students with autism, ADHD, and various learning disabilities Ways to develop students’ cognitive flexibility How to help learners plan, organize and self-monitor in mathematics class A new focus on mathematical strengths and learning ability rather than on deficits and labels There are numerous resources to help teachers address literacy needs, but few address mathematics. Count Me In! will bring out the full potential in all of your students—and in you as an educator.
For millennia people have held folk beliefs about the existence of the doppelganger--"double walker" in German--a look-alike second self that is often the antithesis of one's identity and is usually considered an omen of misfortune or death. The theme of the double has inspired works by E.T.A. Hoffmann, Poe, de Maupassant, Dostoevsky and others, and has been the basis for many classic mystery, horror and science fiction movies. This critical survey examines the double in more than 100 films by such acclaimed directors as Alfred Hitchcock, Mario Bava, Roger Corman, David Cronenberg, George Romero, Fritz Lang, James Cameron, Robert Siodmak, Don Siegel, John Frankenheimer, Terry Gilliam, Brian De Palma and Roman Polanski.
Antigone Kefala is one of the most significant of the Australian writers who have come from elsewhere; it would be difficult to overstate the significance of her life and work in the culture of this nation. Over the last half-century, her poetry and prose have reshaped and expanded Australian literature and prompted us to re-examine its premises and capacities. From the force of her poetic imagery and the cadences of her phrases and her sentences to the large philosophical and historical questions she poses and to which she responds, Kefala has generated in her writing new ways of living in time, place and language. Across six collections of poetry and five prose works, themselves comprising fiction, non-fiction, essays and diaries, she has mapped the experience of exile and alienation alongside the creativity of a relentless reconstitution of self. Kefala is also a cultural visionary. From her rapturous account of Sydney as the place of her arrival in 1959, to her role in developing diverse writing cultures at the Australia Council, to the account of her own writing life amongst a community of friends and artists in Sydney Journals (2008), she has reimagined the ways we live and write in Australia.
Psychologist of religion, ethicist, theological psychologist, cultural critic, philosophical anthropologist, marriage and family expert, practical theologian, and religion and law scholar -- these are some of the many labels one could use to describe the history of Don Browning's work. Yet in spite of the multi-faceted nature of Browning's work, abiding themes and central concerns consistently emerge. Perhaps the title which best describes Browning's noteworthy contributions is that of 'horizon analyst.' Browning is always at his best when he is helping us see the world of implicit assumptions and normative images which govern various perspectives. He has an eye for metaphors which, as his mentor Ricoeur famously said, give rise to thought. Perhaps Browning's greatest academic asset has been his ability to explore the philosophical underpinnings of various psychological theories. This book focuses on Browning's rich investigative journey into Freud's dual instinct model, the relationship between human biology and culture, evolutionary psychology, William James' instinctual pluralism, Erik Erickson's notion of generativity, the ethical implications of self-actualization in the humanistic psychologies of Rogers and Maslow, evil and self-realization in Carl Jung, the place of self-injury in the thought of Heinz Kohut, as well as other issues. Beginning with a discussion of Browning's critical hermeneutical approach, heavily influenced by Gadamer, Ricoeur, and David Tracy, this book then systematically explores Browning's critical assessments of the most significant contemporary psychological movements.
Of all the books on the often misunderstood concept of co-dependence, this is probably the clearest, most complete and informative. Charles Whitfield is a frontline clinician who has been assisting co-dependents in their healing for over twenty years. He has researched the literature on co-dependence, which he summarizes in this widely read book. He sees co-dependence as a way to more accurately describe the painful and confusing part of the human condition. In careful detail he describes just what co-dependence is and what it is not, how it comes about, and how to heal its painful aftereffects.
In the passage to modernity we in the West have lost the ability to see things whole. We've closed our minds to all things transcendent and default to unbelief, and can't make sense of the persistent echoes of the voice of God that reverberate in our souls. In Rediscovering God's Grand Story, James Roseman picks up the strands of science, philosophy, history, the arts, and theology, and reweaves the tapestry to see a coherent story that makes the best sense of the world and provides real meaning and significance to our lives--God's Grand Myth. We see that the signals of transcendence that confound our culture of doubt are a universal language and vocabulary of the heart echoing the voice of God; and in the very Judeo-Christian story we so readily jettison is found the Author enabling us to see the world whole again. This essay tells why the story and promise of Christianity is so hard to hear today but won't go away. Could it be that, as T. S. Eliot wrote in the mid-twentieth century, "at the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time"?
Issues of scale have become increasingly important to ecologists. This book addresses the structure of regional (large-scale) ecological assemblages or communities, and the influence this has at a local (small-scale) level. This macroecological perspective is essential for the broader study of ecology because the structure and function of local communities cannot be properly understood without reference to the region in which they are situated. The book reviews and synthesizes the issues of current importance in macroecology, providing a balanced summary of the field that will be useful for biologists at advanced undergraduate level and above. These general issues are illustrated by frequent reference to specific well-studied local and regional assemblages -- an approach that serves to relate the macroecological perspective (which is perhaps often difficult to comprehend) to the everyday experience of local sites. Macroecology is an expanding and dynamic discipline. The broad aim of the book is to promote an understanding of why it is such an important part of the wider program of research into ecology. Summarises the current macroecological literature. Provides numerous examples of key patterns. Explicitly links local and regional scale processes. Exploits detailed knowledge of one species assemblage to explore broad issues in the structuring of biodiversity.