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Finally, a book which simplistically, insightfully and systematically presents an integrated, concrete overview of the 22 chapters, or 404 verses, of the book of Revelation. "Revelation Unsealed" is unique in a number of major areas. It is the first book to approach the text of Revelation from what is termed the Pre-Wrath Rapture perspective. This is the hotly debated view that the church will enter the Seventieth Week, undergo the great tribulation of the Antichrist, and be gathered off the earth before the wrath of God unfolds. This view is presented in a logical scenario, which is then placed within the overall context of the Apocalypse. Also contained is an entirely fresh biblical perspective of the emergence of the Antichrist. Additionally, this book also fully covers the relevance of world events, the amazing track record of biblical prophecy, the fulfillment of the seven religious feast of Israel, the battle of Armageddon, and the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ. All of these issues are addressed in a concise and simple manner with numerous charts and illustrations to aid the reader in easily conceptualizing and visualizing what is outlined. Its contents will challenge both the newest Christian and the seasoned biblical scholar.
This narrative commentary systematically examines John's Apocalypse from a narrative critical perspective. After an introduction to narrative criticism, the volume focuses on point of view, setting, rhetoric, character, and plot in the Book of Revelation. The rhetorical and symbolic significance of numerals are discussed at length as are the multifaceted characters in the book such as demonic animals (locust, beasts, dragon, birds) and apocalyptic animals (lamb, four living creatures). The symbolic significance of topographical, architectural, agricultural, and other settings is emphasized. The final chapter of the book is a summary of some of the major theological themes of Revelation. The volume provides a useful methodology for the study of a much disputed book of the Bible.
The Revelation to John is a 'sealed' book which means it is closed up and only the Biblical 'law of witnesses' can unlock it's secrets.
Who truly understands the book of Revelation? Surprisingly, answers to God's secrets have always been right before our eyes! We just had to wait on God's timing. Beware of man's prophecies. Jesus said most will be false. Only the Bible can be trusted. With end-time knowledge, you can see Revelation truth if you know how scriptures connect. Just look at the first prophesy in Revelation. Verse 5:5 confirms Daniel's 12:4 prophecy almost word for word. God's end-time secrets will be opened and unsealed by Jesus as knowledge increases during later days. That time has now arrived. This book is a guide showing where to look. Once you see the hidden connections between scriptures, prophecies of Revelation will be clearly understood in a miraculous way. Jesus foretold of great tribulation in Mark and Matthew. Both include this sentence: "Let the reader understand". Now is the time for that to happen by reading directly from the Bible. With guidance from this book, you can finally see answers to secrets of: the abomination of desolation; Paul's "third Heaven"; the seven seals; horsemen of apocalypse; the kings of Daniel chapter eleven; Daniels 12:1-3 "time of distress"; hidden details of trumpets and wrath; rapture; Armageddon; Gog and Magog; details of life during tribulation; details of life during millennium; and much more.
Religion, Non fiction: Study of Revelation interpretations using Bible sources rather than prophecies
3 Steps of True Repentance Conviction. The Holy Spirit will reveal the areas in which we've sinned and convict us of wrongdoing. Through Scripture, the Spirit shows us God's standard and what needs to change. Repentance begins with understanding where we have gone astray. Contrition. The next step--grieving over our iniquity--is followed by confession to the Lord. Genuine sorrow arises from the knowledge that we've sinned against Him. In contrast, human unhappiness often comes from being caught misbehaving. Other times we are miserable because of where our choices led us, or feel shame that people know about our sin. True contrition is followed by humble confession. Commitment to act. Real repentance is complete when we wholeheartedly pledge to turn from our old behavior and move toward righteous ways. God knows we won't live perfectly, but He looks for a surrendered heart that diligently seeks to obey Him. A Prayer for Repentance Dear Lord, thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you for not abandoning us to our mistakes, but for reaching out instead to bring us home. Help convict me of sin and help me accept your mercy without shame. Thank you for the love you have poured out for me and all of your children. Help me live out of that love today. In Jesus' Name, Amen