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When the crew of a deep space transport ship extracts a devilish-looking alien corpse from a frozen world, they unwittingly unleash a destructive force upon the galaxy Only one man - the twin brother of the 'Destroyer' has the power to stop the total annihilation of existence
Return To Armageddon by Gar Wilson released on Mar 25, 1984 is available now for purchase.
In this compelling narrative, find the keys to unlock the mysteries of the Book of Revelation in an uncomplicated unveiling of biblical prophecy. The end times will come alive! Get ready to understand the last days, the hope of the rapture and the purpose of the tribulation. Unveil the deception of Antichrist, the treachery of the world union of governments and the foreshadowing of the abomination of desolation. Explore Israel’s peace treaty with the man of sin and discover the apocalyptic purpose for the third temple in Jerusalem. Celebrate God’s victory at Armageddon and joy in the return of Jesus Christ to Israel, as He unveils the wonders of His millennial reign. Observe the restoration of the Jews and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, as you glory in the defeat of Satan and the ultimate triumph of God. Filled throughout with Scriptural references for observation, take an easy to understand journey with an angelic witness to discover how the world will end, to prepare for the creation of the new heavens and earth. The nations will declare that Jesus Christ is the King of kings and the Lord of lords! Biblical Themes Explored: * Jesus on the Last Days. * The Key to the End Times. * Six End of the Age Signs. * Israel and the Jews. * Church Apostasy. * Holy Spirit Awakening. * 666 – Mark of the Beast. * The Third Jewish Temple. * Media Bias and Antichrist. * Preparation for One World Government. * Work of Antichrist spirits & Signs of the Times. * Foundations for the Man of Sin. * Censorship to Prepare for Antichrist. * Escaping the Seven Year Tribulation. * The Rapture of the Church of Jesus. * The Divided Tribulation Explained. * Seven Seals & Seven Trumpets. * Seven Thunders & Seven Bowls of Wrath. * Antichrist’s Peace Treaty with Israel. * Four Horses of the Apocalypse. * The Jews and the 144,000 Evangelists. * Antichrist Smashes Israel’s Peace Treaty. * War on Israel & the Invasion of Jerusalem. * Abomination of Desolation, Temple Defiled. * War on the Saints and Persecution of the Jews. * The Counterfeit Antichrist Resurrection. * The Meaning of the Beast from the Earth. * Supernatural Power & the Beast out of the Sea. * Two Supernatural Witnesses, Elijah & Moses. * Armageddon Apocalypse, Nuclear War. * Restoration of the Jews to the Messiah. * Return of Jesus Christ, Every Eye Will See Him. * Millennial Reign on Earth, Perfect Peace. * Devil Bound for a Thousand Years. * The Total Defeat of Satan & the Demonic. * Great White Throne Judgment. * The Nephilim and Antichrist. * The End of Earth in Fire. * New Heaven, New Earth.
The groundbreaking, bestselling series—millions of copies sold worldwide! A classic of ancient human history—and one of the inspirations behind the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens—Zecharia Sitchin’s Earth Chronicles series is the revelatory and deeply provocative masterwork that forever altered humankind’s view of our history and our destiny. The fantastic conclusion to the groundbreaking Earth Chronicles series brings together past and present to offer a radical vision of the future Thirty years ago, Zecharia Stichin challenged established notions of the origins of Earth and man. In a series of provocative books, he offered a radical new theory, based on indisputable documentary evidence, of extraterrestrial beings—the Anunnaki—who arrived eons ago to plant mankind’s genetic seed. In this triumphant final volume, he closes the circle, exploring the profound question that has troubled us throughout time—from the Bible’s Daniel to Sir Isaac Newton to modern Americans—When will the end come? In The End of Days, Sitchin solves ancient enigmas, dechipers the original meaning of religious symbols, analyzes scientific calculations, explores Messianic expectation, and bridges the links between history and prophecy—between the 21st century, A.D. and the 21st century B.C.—to present a startling vision of what is to come for us all.
The bestselling author uncovers fundamentalists of all religions who are setting much of the world’s political agenda in their race toward the end times. In Racing Toward Armageddon, Michael Baigent, the New York Times–bestselling author of The Jesus Papers and Holy Blood, Holy Grail, exposes the conspiracy of religious extremists in the Holy Land and their efforts to bring about the end of the world in our lifetime. Baigent warns against the many diverse, public, and clandestine figures who are driving this perilous messianic message forward, and poses a pressing question: can we really afford to remain oblivious much longer?
New York Times Bestseller AT STAKE: THE FUTURE OF AMERICA The 2016 election is truly America's Armageddon—the ultimate and decisive battle to save America, a fight to defeat Hillary Clinton and the forces seeking to flout our constitutional government and replace it with an all-powerful president backed up by an activist judiciary that answers to no one. Already President Obama has moved America far down this path, and a President Clinton will act as his "third term," institutionalizing the excesses of the past eight years. In Armageddon, bestselling author and political strategist Dick Morris provides a winning game plan to take back the White House, and America. Because this is our last chance: • Our last chance to stop socialist uniformity, corruption and executive usurpation • Our last chance to curb welfare programs that are destroying the economic and social fabric of the nation • Our last chance to secure our border and keep our sovereignty • Our last chance to stand up against ISIS and terrorism • Our last chance to protect the Second Amendment We can do it. We must. It's our last chance. Read Armageddon, or risk losing the battle to save America! On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, American voters will make a momentous decision. They will decide whether or not this great country will remain a free market, constitutional democracy. The stakes could not be higher. If Hillary Clinton is elected president, it will mean the end of the America we know and love. Armageddon, by New York Times bestselling authors Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, is a call to arms, a call to join that ultimate battle. Few know Hillary Clinton better than Dick Morris. For almost two decades he served as a special adviser to both her and her husband, Bill Clinton. He knows their strengths, their vulnerabilities, and even their deepest secrets. In Armageddon, Morris offers a manual on how to win this battle and defeat Hillary once and for all. He argues that a typical Republican campaign won’t work—and that Hillary’s opponent must strike her in a very unorthodox and powerful way. Morris says it’s a winning strategy and voters play a critical role. A noted political strategist, Dick Morris has created winning strategies for numerous presidential campaigns in the U.S. and abroad. In this book he lays out a war plan, one the Republican nominee must use to prevent her victory: • Throw a surprising right jab: terrorism and healthcare • Throw the left hook: jobs, immigration, Wall Street • Play her game on class warfare: women, Latinos, and young voters Republicans need to stop playing by the old rules of the game. Those rules don’t work—they elected Barack Obama twice. Obama has changed America in fundamental ways and Morris posits that Hillary’s opponents need to grasp this and implement a strategy that can finally defeat her.
Ronald E. Powaski offers the first complete, accessible history of the events, forces, and factors that have brought the world to the brink of a nuclear holocaust. He traces the evolution of the nuclear arms race from FDR's decision to develop an atomic bomb to Reagan's decision to continue its expansion in the 1980's. Focusing on the forces that have propelled the arms race and the reasons behind the repeated failures to check the proliferation of nuclear weapons, Powaski discusses such topics as the Manhattan Project, the decision to drop the bomb on Hiroshima, the debate over whether to share atomic information, the effect of nuclear weapons on U.S. military and foreign policy, and the role of these weapons in arms control negotiations in the last five presidential administrations.
Before the First World War, the British Admiralty conceived a plan to win rapid victory in the event of war with Germany-economic warfare on an unprecedented scale.This secret strategy called for the state to exploit Britain's effective monopolies in banking, communications, and shipping-the essential infrastructure underpinning global trade-to create a controlled implosion of the world economic system. In this revisionist account, Nicholas Lambert shows in lively detail how naval planners persuaded the British political leadership that systematic disruption of the global economy could bring about German military paralysis. After the outbreak of hostilities, the government shied away from full implementation upon realizing the extent of likely collateral damage-political, social, economic, and diplomatic-to both Britain and neutral countries. Woodrow Wilson in particular bristled at British restrictions on trade. A new, less disruptive approach to economic coercion was hastily improvised. The result was the blockade, ostensibly intended to starve Germany. It proved largely ineffective because of the massive political influence of economic interests on national ambitions and the continued interdependencies of all countries upon the smooth functioning of the global trading system. Lambert's interpretation entirely overturns the conventional understanding of British strategy in the early part of the First World War and underscores the importance in any analysis of strategic policy of understanding Clausewitz's "political conditions of war."
The purpose of this book is to investigate and ascertain the possible prophetic variables that will lead to the ultimate Battle of Armageddon. The presumption is that certain events in the Middle East, in particular have been building up perhaps to this apocalyptic event that will involve the nations of the world, the redemption of Israel and the return of the King, Jesus Christ. This study assumes that 'Armageddon' will be a literal event yet to be fulfilled, if the Bible account of the Book of Revelation is to be taken literally. Although the topic of Armageddon has a multitude of possible themes to consider, only certain aspects relevant to the theory of its Biblical fulfillment will be considered and discussed in a conceptual way from a compilation of essays related to the End Time topics leading up to the Countdown to Armageddon.