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This Safety Report has been developed as part of the IAEA programme on occupational radiation protection to provide for the application of its safety standards in implementing a graded approach to the protection of workers against exposures associated with uranium mining and processing. The publication describes the methods of production associated with the uranium industry and provides practical information on the radiological risks to workers in the exploration, mining and processing of uranium. It is a compilation of detailed information on uranium mining and processing stages and techniques, general radiation protection considerations in the relevant industry, general methodology applicable for control, monitoring and dose assessment, exposure pathways, and radiation protection programs for the range of commonly used mining and processing techniques.
The present Safety Guide provides general guidance on the establishment of an effective radiation protection programme for occupational exposure, appropriate for the sources of radiation likely to be encountered in a range of industries, medical institutions, educational and research establishments and nuclear fuel cycle facilities. The report further provides the necessary guidance to meet the requirements as laid down in Safety Series No. 115, International Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources (1996).
This publication provides guidance and recommendations on arrangements to be made at the preparedness stage, as part of overall emergency preparedness, for the termination of a nuclear or radiological emergency and the subsequent transition from the emergency exposure situation to either a planned exposure situation or an existing exposure situation. It elaborates the prerequisites that need to be fulfilled so that responsible authorities can declare the nuclear or radiological emergency ended and it gives detailed guidance on adapting and lifting protective actions. This publication, jointly sponsored by 10 international organizations (FAO, IAEA, ICAO, ILO, IMO, INTERPOL, OECD/NEA, UN OCHA, WHO and WMO) is intended to assist Member States in the application of IAEA Safety Standards Series Nos GSR Part 3 and GSR Part 7.
In October 1982, a small international symposium was held at the Gesellschaft fUr Strahlen- und Umweltforschung mbH (GSF) in Munich as a satellite meeting of the IX International Conference on Analytical Cytology. The symposium focussed on cytometric approaches to biological dosimetry, and was, to the best of our knowledge, the first meeting on this subject ever held. There was strong encouragement from the 75 attendees and from others to publish a proceedings of the symposium. Hence this book, containing 30 of the 36 presentations, has been assembled. Dosimetry, the accurate and systematic determination of doses, usually refers to grams of substance administered or rads of ionization or some such measure of exposure of a patient, a victim or an experimental system. The term also can be used to describe the quantity of an ultimate, active agent as delivered to the appropriate target material within a biological system. Thus, for mutagens, one can speak of DNA dosimetry, meaning the number of adducts produced in the DNA of target cells such as bone-mar row stem cells or spermatogonia.
Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis: Radiation Physics and Detectors, Volume One, and Radioanalytical Applications, Volume Two, Fourth Edition, constitute an authoritative reference on the principles, practical techniques and procedures for the accurate measurement of radioactivity - everything from the very low levels encountered in the environment, to higher levels measured in radioisotope research, clinical laboratories, biological sciences, radionuclide standardization, nuclear medicine, nuclear power, and fuel cycle facilities, and in the implementation of nuclear forensic analysis and nuclear safeguards. It includes sample preparation techniques for all types of matrices found in the environment, including soil, water, air, plant matter and animal tissue, and surface swipes.Users will find the latest advances in the applications of radioactivity analysis across various fields, including environmental monitoring, radiochemical standardization, high-resolution beta imaging, automated radiochemical separation, nuclear forensics, and more. Spans two volumes, Radiation Physics and Detectors and Radioanalytical Applications Includes a new chapter on the analysis of environmental radionuclides Provides the latest advances in the applications of liquid and solid scintillation analysis, alpha- and gamma spectrometry, mass spectrometric analysis, Cherenkov counting, flow-cell radionuclide analysis, radionuclide standardization, aerosol analysis, high-resolution beta imaging techniques, analytical techniques in nuclear forensics, and nuclear safeguards Describes the timesaving techniques of computer-controlled automatic separation and activity analysis of radionuclides Provides an extensive table of the radiation characteristics of most radionuclides of interest for the radioanalytical chemist
Provides a coherent set of objectives and principles for protection against ionizing radiation and for ensuring safety in the use of radiation sources. The protection objective and the safety objective, together with the eleven principles that have to be applied to achieve them, represent an international consensus.