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Este libro es un verdadero recurso para cualquier persona interesada por restaurar a nuestra generación actual desde una perspectiva cristiana. El mensaje está diseñado para llevar al lector a identificar aspectos importantes en la restauración personal a su vez, destaca la importancia de dejar un legado y un ejemplo a seguir a las generaciones siguientes. Destaca nuestra responsabilidad como padres, o simplemente como seres humanos de impactar positivamente a nuestro entorno y motiva al lector a ser parte de importantes cambios en nuestra sociedad.
The entire book of Daniel demonstrates the battle between good and evil from the days of Daniel to the very end of the ages when sin is completely destroyed. It reveals the ongoing battle where the sacred verses the secular and the holy verses the unholy. The author’s goal is to produce an easy to read book explaining the intent of each chapter in the book of Daniel, leading the reader to get a clearer understanding of Bible prophecy. The objective is to help people realize an interpretation of the book of Daniel, for our day, for this generation, is indispensable. There is a soon coming time of trouble and a time of tribulation we should know about, understand, and prepare for. Daniel Bible questions to ponder: How many years were Daniel’s people to be in Babylon? And why? How long is the “seven times” in which King Nebuchadnezzar was punished? How long is “time, times, and half a time”? When do the 70 weeks, 1260, 1290, 1335, and 2300 days begin? What is the Holy Covenant? What is the “continual” of Daniel 12:11? What is the “abomination of desolation”? Can a seven year tribulation period be substantiated in the Bible? What does “the appointed time of the end” timeline look like as designed by the Bible? Todo el libro de Daniel demuestra la batalla entre el bien y el mal desde los días de Daniel hasta el final de los tiempos cuando el pecado es completamente destruido. Revela la batalla en curso donde los versos sagrados lo secular y los versos santos lo profano. El objetivo del autor es producir un libro fácil de leer que explique la intención de cada capítulo del libro de Daniel, lo que lleva al lector a obtener una comprensión más clara de la profecía bíblica. El objetivo es ayudar a la gente a darse cuenta de que una interpretación del libro de Daniel, para nuestros días, para esta generación, es indispensable. Pronto vendrá un tiempo de angustia y un tiempo de tribulación que debemos conocer, comprender y para el que debemos prepararnos. Preguntas de la Biblia de Daniel para reflexionar: ¿Cuántos años estuvo el pueblo de Daniel en Babilonia? ¿Y por qué? ¿Cuánto duran las “siete veces” en las que se castigó al rey Nabucodonosor? ¿Cuánto tiempo es "tiempo, tiempos y medio tiempo"? ¿Cuándo comienzan las 70 semanas, 1260, 1290, 1335 y 2300 días? ¿Qué es el santo pacto? ¿Qué es lo “continuo” de Daniel 12:11? ¿Qué es la “abominación desoladora”? ¿Puede fundamentarse en la Biblia un período de tribulación de siete años? ¿Cómo se ve la línea de tiempo del “tiempo señalado del fin” según lo diseñado por la Biblia? Earl B. Schrock
Since the release of his first feature in 1996, Alejandro Amenábar has become the ‘golden boy’ of Spanish filmmaking, a bankable star director whose brand virtually guarantees quality, big audiences and domestic box office success. He has directed three of the highest-grossing movies in Spanish film history and has enjoyed enormous international and critical acclaim, including an Oscar for Best Foreign Film for Mar Adentro/The Sea Inside, 2004. This book is the first full-length study in English of Amenábar’s shorts and feature films. It provides detailed analysis of his engagement with popular film genres as the basis for an auteur cinema and incorporates a reappraisal of his auteurism as fundamentally decentred and shared. An essential resource for students, scholars and fans of Amenábar, the book will also appeal to a wider readership, including professionals in the film, media and culture industries as well as those who have a general interest in the best of Spanish, European and world cinema.
An award-winning journalist and documentary filmmaker chronicles her personal year-long journey to discover the truth about her ancestry through DNA testing, sharing her findings as well as her insights into controversies surrounding modern Latino identity.
Island in the Light / Isla en la luz is a fascinating and insightful compilation that pairs contemporary Cuban visual art and literature by having 30 prominent writers respond to the works of 35 renowned artists. Contemporary Cuban art, literature, and music come together in Island in the Light / Isla en la luz. This bilingual compilation of the work of 35 artists and 30 writers began by selecting artwork by renowned artists and asking prominent writers to create original stories, poems, or essays in response. The result is a thoroughly original and captivating selection of visual arts and literature in dialogue that conveys a sense of the essence and energy of Cuban arts today. Artists represented include Tania Bruguera, Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons, Yoan Capote, Teresita Fernández, Roberto Fabelo, Carlos Garaicoa, and Enrique Martinez Celaya. Among the writers are Wendy Guerra, José Kozer, Jorge Enrique Lage, Legna Rodríguez Iglesias, Achy Obejas, Leonardo Padura, and Reina María Rodríguez. The works are drawn from the Jorge M. Pérez Art Collection; the majority have been gifted to the Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM), while the others are promised gifts to PAMM. The volume also includes music: Pavel Urkiza composed original scores inspired by several of the selections that readers link to through QR codes. In addition to the short stories, poems, and essays inspired by the artwork, the volume includes commentary and critical essays by Jorge M. Pérez, Carlos Garaicoa, and Wendy Guerra and Leonardo Padura. Proceeds benefit The Jorge M. Pérez Family Foundation, which will redirect the funds to arts organizations.
A quality stock textual and visual catalog of the fine collection of indigenous and creole masks held by IHNCA, including descriptions, history, and the restoration process by an institute for the conservation of historic artifacts in Valencia, Spain.
For years, the growing trend for a new gastronomic culture has been noticeable: cafes, bars and restaurants become design challenges for architects, interior architects and designers. With 400 pages and over 500 photos, this book gives the latest, up-to-the minute overview of cafes and restaurants from all over the world, with top-class interior design, supplemented by short descriptions, biographies of the architects and designers as well as all the important addresses. Book jacket.
Aprende las técnicas básicas del antiguo Arte de Jin Shin Jyutsu para usar con compañeros animales para promover la curación, la salud y la armonía del cuerpo, la mente y el espíritu. El libro está basado en los libros de Mary Burmeister Jin Shin Jyutsu Autoayuda 1 y 2, que se dice que contienen la esencia de este "Arte del Creador a través del Hombre Compasivo". Incluye instrucciones paso a paso e ilustraciones en color, que muestran las adaptaciones necesarias para trabajar fácilmente con especies de diferentes tamaños, incluidos: perros, caballos, gatos, pájaros, conejos y hámsters. Las páginas son claras y accesibles, con manos que muestran la ubicación de cada paso. Los flujos se adaptan según sea necesario en función de la relación de las Cerraduras de Energía de Seguridad (bloques de construcción del cuerpo) en diferentes especies, así como las diferencias físicas y de actitud necesarias para poder trabajar con animales domésticos.