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Si entendemos la temática ambiental como elemento del desarrollo sostenible, podemos identificar problemáticas ambientales transversales a los diferentes niveles de gobernanza y establecer preocupaciones comunes para la humanidad, como la protección de la biodiversidad y el cambio climático. América Latina, una de las zonas más urbanizadas del mundo, requiere procesos de expansión y crecimiento urbano más sostenibles. A partir de tal necesidad, este libro toma como objeto de estudio las Reservas Naturales Urbanas (RNU's), ecosistemas importantes para las ciudades por las funciones ambientales que cumplen en los perímetros urbanos y periurbanos, y cuyo establecimiento les garantiza procesos de planificación respetuosos de las dinámicas ambientales, mitigar algunas consecuencias del cambio climático y adaptarse a este. De esta forma, en la presente obra se identifican los beneficios ambientales, económicos y sociales que la creación de RNU's representa para las ciudades latinoamericanas, con el fin de responder cuáles son las razones que permiten afirmar que estas reservas son una herramienta de planificación urbana y, adicionalmente, de mitigación del cambio climático, en el marco de agendas globales como la Agenda 2030 y la Nueva Agenda Urbana.
This book may seem a simple accumulation of twenty-one public space projects in eight Latin American cities. On closer inspection, the presentation of project descriptions, photographs, and annotated drawings reflects a concern to analytically explain the operative aspects at work. The publication is not intended to serve only as a catalogue, guide, or manual on how to produce public space in spontaneous settlements. Rather, it goes beyond the aims of an index of best practices. It is intended, instead, as an empirical base for a critical and theoretical engagement with the problematic of development, social inclusion, public investment, (in)formal settlement, civil society and the public sphere. The publication achieves its final function at this third level, by providing a compelling argument to expand the agency of architects and urban designers and creatively find ways of justifying, financing, and building public spaces in communities —spaces that have a catalytic effectiveness in achieving significant urban and social transformation. This book was awarded by a Graham Foundation Grant and CAF Development Bank of Latin America. FEATURED CASE STUDIES: CONSERVATION 72 Linear parks along the Estero Salado | Guayaquil, Ecuador 80 National Park Babil.nia and Chap.u Mangueira | R.o de Janeiro, Brasil 88 Urban agriculture along the Rimac River | Lima, Peru WASTE MANAGEMENT 96 Moravia Ecological Park | Medellin, Colombia 104 Plaza La Cruz, La Palomera | Caracas, Venezuela RISKMANAGEMENT 112 El Guasmo Beach, floodable park | Guayaquil, Ecuador 120 Safety plazas in Santa Mar.a El Triunfo | Lima, Peru 128 Recovery of the Juan Bobo Creek | Medellin, Colombia INFRASTRUCTURE 136 Northeast metrocable parks Comuna 1, La Popular | Medell.n, Colombia 144 Barrio Las Independencias escalators and walkways | Medellin, Colombia 152 Funicular in Dona Marta | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 160 Complexo do Alem.o | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 168 Ecotecnia Urbana Miravalle | Mexico City, Mexico PAVEMENT, PATHS AND THE SPACE SURROUNDING BUILDINGS 176 Pavement, paths and stairs Cerro Santo Doming and Cerro Toro |, Chile 184 Cerro Santa Ana urban rehabilitation | Guayaquil, Ecuador 192 Fernando Botero Library | Medellin, Colombia 200 Moravia Cultural Center | Medellin, Colombia 208 Espa.o Crian.a and community programs | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 216 Plaza in Villa Tranquila | Buenos Aires, Argentina ACTIVITY 224 Casa Kolacho Comuna 13 | Medellin, Colombia 232 AfroReggae Cultural Center | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 240 Alto Per. | Lima, Peru 248 El Calvario Puertas Abiertas | Caracas, Venezuela
Bu kitap kent doğasının rekreasyon amaçlı kullanımına bir kapı aralamaktadır. Türkiye’den İstanbul, Avusturya’dan Salzburg şehirleri örnek alınarak kentlerin doğal dinlenme alanlarına odaklanılmıştır. Doğa temelli park, göl, akarsu, deniz, orman gibi rekreasyon alanlarının bir bölümü kentin içerisindeyken bir bölümü de yakın çevresinde bulunuyor. Bu alanlar kentsel yaşam için çok değerlidir. Korunmalı, ihtiyaç olan bölgelerde ise yenilerinin oluşturulması gerekmektedir. Bu alanlar kentteki yaşam kalitesinin önemli göstergelerinden biridir. Kişi başına düşen yeşil alan miktarı Salzburg’da İstanbul’un 6 katı kadardır. İstanbul için kişi başına düşen yeşil alan miktarı nasıl arttırılabilir? Kitapta bu soruya cevap bulacaksınız.
Loreto: The Future of the First Capital of the Californias is a bilingual (English and Spanish) collection of 17 essays written by scholars from the United States and Mexico that dicusses the historial development as well as challenges that Loreto, Baja California Sure, faces.