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Research brief summarizes an analysis of information derived from interviews with former senior Iraqi officials to determine factors contributing to the rapid collapse of Iraqi resistance to the Coalition invasion of Iraq in March and April 2003.
A description of a series of seven public polls conducted from January-September 2003 dealing with the conflict in Iraq. Respondents were probed for key perceptions and beliefs as well as their attitudes on what US policy should be. "... It was discovered that a substantial portion of the public had a number of misperceptions that were demonstrably false or were at odds with the dominant view in the intelligence community."--Introduction.
A unique and revealing portrait of Saddam Hussein's Iraq which was every bit as authoritarian and brutal as Stalin's Russia or Mao's China.
Identified as a member of the "axis of evil" by President George W. Bush, Saddam Hussein's Iraq continues to pose a major threat to the region and to Western society. Saddam has doggedly pursued the development of weapons of mass destruction, despite U.N. sanctions imposed at the conclusion of the Gulf crisis. To deal effectively with Saddam Hussein requires a clear understanding of his motivations, perceptions, and decision-making. To provide a framework for this complex political leader, a comprehensive political psychology profile has been developed, and his actions since the crisis analyzed in the context of this political psychology assessment.
This volume provides a collection of insightful essays on all phases of the Iraq War: both US-led major combat operations to defeat the Ba’athist regime as well as efforts to reconstruct the country and defeat the insurgency. Written by leading scholars on the Iraq War, many of whom have practical first-hand experience of the war, the book includes a Conclusion by leading US strategic thinker Eliot Cohen. This is the first work on the Iraq War to incorporate an understanding of the Iraqi side of the war, based on a systematic analysis of captured Iraqi archives. War in Iraq will be of great interest to students of the Iraq War, small wars and insurgencies, international security and strategic studies in general.
Saddam Hussein, one of the world’s most infamous dictators, rose to power through Iraq’s powerful Baath Party and became the nation’s president in 1979. His goals included achieving pan-Arabism, more evenly distributing the nation’s oil wealth, and extending the party’s power by reaching into every aspect of Iraqis’ lives. However, through his failed economic programs, greed, corruption, and the murder of thousands, Hussein and his government brought ruin to the nation. His dictatorship came to an end with the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. Saddam was later captured by U.S. forces, tried in an Iraqi court and convicted of mass murder, and executed in 2006 by Iraqi authorities. Read this book to learn more about the internal workings of one of the world’s most devastating dictatorships.
The moment came at a funeral for a soldier. Republican Congressman Walter Jones (North Carolina, 3rd District) had voted to go to war in Iraq but had begun to question that decision, and the dubious claims by the Bush administration that Saddam Hussein harbored weapons of mass destruction. At the service for U.S. Marine Michael Bitz--killed three days into the war--Jones saw Bitz's two-year-old son, Joshua, and was overcome with grief. Jones, whose district is home to Camp Lejeune and two Marine Corps air stations, set out to learn the truth--and was compelled to publicly acknowledge he had made "a grievous mistake." "We were lied to about the justifications for going to war in Iraq," he writes. "I was lied to; the nation was lied to." In these pages, with insights from family, colleagues and former members of the military, Jones recounts his journey to becoming a more independent thinker, a renegade within his party and a more faithful public servant.