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Summary of the analysis and insights of the Quadrennial Defense Review 2001 Working Group, a project of the Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense University.
Every new Presidential administration seeks to implement its policy objectives rapidly, but in the vast organization of the U.S. Government, such changes take time. The Quadrennial defense Review (QDR) of 2001 offers the new Bush administration an important opportunity, as well as a great responsibility, to reexamine America's defense priorities in a comprehensive, top-to-bottom, strategy-to-program approach and provide early guidance for change. This is a gargantuan task. Current legislation requires the final report of QDR 2001 to be provided to Congress in September 2001. Even with early Senate confirmation of top defense officials, completing such a thorough review in just eight months is a daunting charge. One of the lessons learned during QDR 1997 was the advance efforts to identify key issues for the review process can be critical to success. Fortunately for the incoming administration, an independent effort to develop intellectual capital for QDR 2001 was started in the autumn of 1999. This effort consisted of a small working group which was chartered by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and established in the Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense University. Leading the group was Michele A. Flournoy, a veteran of the QDR 1997 effort and the former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Threat Reduction. This volume is a product of the group's work as well as contributions from outside experts associated with the project. A major conference on the project was held at NDU in November 2000, at which a final report was issued. This book provides the intellectual underpinnings of that report. To some extent this book is very much like the results of screening at an archeological dig. The issues in the book are not new; they are already part of the defense policy debate of our great democracy. But the authors carefully unearthed insights and options in a systematic manner, placing the issues in context. No defense issue lives in isolation; all are part of the process of priority-setting that is required to craft a successful strategy in the context of a finite budget. To help the new administration set its priorities, the working group and outside contributors have outlined a series of integrated paths that lead from strategy alternatives to force-sizing criteria to force structure and other programmatic issues, and they identify the forks in each path and the signposts along the way. This valuable book provides a unique service to the Department of Defense and the Nation, whether the new administration uses the QDR or some other review process as its primary vehicle for setting defense priorities. It represents an effort to transcend both the tyranny of the urgent and the bureaucratic rivalries that tend to dominate the analyses conducted within the Pentagon. It does so in a practical, logical, and supportive manner. It does not provide solutions but instead offers options form which the Bush administration can craft a new defense policy. In a sense this book represents a consummate menu of choices: an outside view that only knowledgeable insiders can provide. There are options identified in this book that some might support enthusiastically, and others might oppose. But no one can fail to be impressed by the fairness of this effort and the professional skill with which it was completed. This book represents a service to the Department of Defense and the new administration with few parallels. It provides an excellent starting point for a review of defense strategy, policies and programs.
Partial contents include: (1) Design, Approach, and Implementation of the Quadrennial Defense Review; (2) The Global Security Environment; (3) Defense Strategy; (4) Alternative Defense Postures; (5) Forces and Manpower; (6) Force Readiness; (7) Transforming U.S. Forces For the Future; (8) Achieving a 21st Century Defense Infrastructure; (9) Defense Resources Section; and (10) Comments by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
As an After-action report, this documented briefing summatizes analysis performed for the Joint STaff in preparation for and in support of the second Quadrennial Defense Review(QDR). The authors concluded that QDR 2001 like QDR 1997, was useful inproviding information on requirements for military capabilties and resource. The report recommend that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff use existing processes to routinely address cross-cutting issues from a military perpective.
As the Bush administration settled into office, the United States confronted an international environment marked by growing volatility and rapid change. What security challenges would the new administration face, and what strategies were available for managing these challenges? To answer these questions, leading policy specialists in the Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense University recently prepared a series of assessments for the Department of Defense. These perspectives are presented in this occasional paper. Together with the Institute's previously published Report of the National Defense University Quadrennial Defense Review 2001 Working Group, these assessments offer a broad menu of security policy choices.
The Department of Defense (DoD) has gone through some monumental changes in the last two decades, and it faces some enormous future challenges. The changes include the Goldwater-Nichols Defense Reform Act of 1986, which realigned authorities and responsibilities in the defense establishment, and the end of the Cold War, which brought about significant reductions in force structure. The challenges encompass the rise of new commitments and missions, the problem of adapting revolutionary information technology, and the evident need to reshape DoD's support systems, processes, and infrastructure. Both the changes and the challenges have made the need for defense reform evident. Numerous studies, commissions, panels, and Congressional reports have revolved around the single issue of transforming the Department to cope with the security needs of the 21st century. This Addendum offers recommendations that focus on structure and process, but here the NSSG also clearly states a vision--a set of desired outcomes--if the Department is to implement these recommendations. Thus, this summary aims to avoid a stovepiped examination of individual recommendations. Rather it offers an overview of the major recommendations and how they mutually reinforce each other to create excellence. This effort suggests seven future DoD outcome-oriented objectives worthy of pursuit that, if implemented, would make a remarkable difference in America's national security posture.
A product of the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) Working Group (WG). The WG works in 3 areas: defense strategy, criteria for sizing conventional forces, and force structure for 2005-2010. This report assesses the future security environment to the year 2025. It documents major areas of agreement and disagreement across a range of 36 studies completed since the last QDR in 1997. Because it distills a variety of sources and organizes and compares divergent views, this volume makes a unique contribution to the literature. It also provides a particularly strong set of insights and assumptions on which both strategists and force planners can draw in the next QDR.