Download Free Report Of The Eighth Session Of The Scientific Sub Committee Of The Fishery Committee For The Eastern Central Atlantic Abidjan Cote Divoire 23 26 October 2018 Rapport De La Huitieme Session Du Sous Comite Scientifique Du Comite Des Peches Pour Lat Book in PDF and EPUB Free Download. You can read online Report Of The Eighth Session Of The Scientific Sub Committee Of The Fishery Committee For The Eastern Central Atlantic Abidjan Cote Divoire 23 26 October 2018 Rapport De La Huitieme Session Du Sous Comite Scientifique Du Comite Des Peches Pour Lat and write the review.

Topics discussed at the meeting included: the reports of the working groups on artisanal fisheries, small pelagic and demersal species; fisheries management measures in the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF) region; the contribution of fisheries to national economies; a review of progress on the CECAF Project; and future work programmes in the region.
This report presents the outcomes of the twenty-first session of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Fisheries (SAC) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) held in Cairo, Egypt, from 24 to 27 June 2019. During the session, the Committee reviewed the work carried out during the 2018–2019 intersession, including within its four subregional subsidiary bodies. Ce rapport présente les résultats de la vingt et unième session du Comité scientifique consultatif des pêches (CSC) de la Commission générale des pêches pour la Méditerranée (CGPM) tenue au Caire, Égypte, du 24 au 27 juin 2019. Au cours de la session, le Comité a passé en revue les travaux réalisés pendant la période intersessions 2018-2019, notamment dans le cadre de ses quatre organes subsidiaires sous-régionaux.
The Committee reviewed work by its subcommittees during the intersessional period, appraised scientific activities, formulated advice on fishery management and identified complementary research needs. It agreed on its workplan for 2005. In particular, SAC emphasized the need to ensure the availability of more scientific contributions, data and analysis, as well as a greater coverage of GFCM Geographical Sub-Areas. - Le Comit� a pass� en revue les t�ches effectu�es par ses sous-comit�s pendant la p�riode intersession, a �valu� leurs activit�s scientifiques, formul� des avis sur l'am�nagement des p�cheries et identifi� les besoins de recherche aff�rente. Il a convenu d'un programme de travail pour l'ann�e 2005. Plus particuli�rement, le Comit� a soulign� le besoin de garantir la disponibilit� d'un nombre plus important de contributions scientifiques, de donn�es et analyses et de s'assurer une meilleure couverture scientifique de toutes les zones g�ographiques sous-r�gionales de la CGPM.
The Committee appraised the activities of its subsidiary bodies and those of the regional projects supporting the Commission. It acknowledged the strengthening of the stock assessment process through joint assessment by experts. It favoured the use of the data from trawl survey and requested to pay special attention to the hake (Merluccius merluccius) in 2008. SAC reviewed fishery management proposals from its Sub-Committees. It took note of progress achieved for defining fisheries restricted areas and the activities on the ecosystem approach for fisheries and marine protected areas. The SAC established ad hoc Working Groups on recreational fisheries and on trawl selectivity. It provided guidance regarding the activities of the GFCM/International Commission and agreed upon its work plan for 2008. - Le Comite a examine les activites de ses organes subsidiaires et celles des projets regionaux qui soutiennent la Commission. Il a note le processus d'evaluation des stocks, notamment par des evaluations conjointes des experts. Il s'est prononce en faveur de l'utilisation des donnees des campagnes de chalutage et a demande d'accorder un interet particulier au merlu (Merluccius merluccius) en 2008. Le CSC a examine les propositions relatives a l'amenagement de pecheries de ses sous-comites. Le Comite a pris note des progres realises en ce qui concerne la definition de zones de restriction de la peche et les activites concernant la mise en oeuvre de l'approche ecosystemique des peches et les aires marines protegees."