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Will you be ready for Christ's return? The Rapture: Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh! examines this question and offers a prediction about what will take place when that event occurs. Author Debbie Furey has spent countless hours in prayer and study uncovering hidden prophecies throughout the Bible related to Jesus Christ's second coming. One such prophecy in the book of Ruth paints a picture of the return of the Jews coming back into their land shortly before the marriage of Jesus Christ and His church. Another prophecy is hidden in the Song of Solomon—the parable of the five wise and five foolish virgins of Matthew 25, which explains what will happen to those who are ready and those who are not. For those who have ever wondered about the rapture or questioned how to be prepared, this insightful guide uses the truths of Scripture to answer questions such as: • Will all Christians be taken in the rapture? • What will happen during the seven-year tribulation period? • How is Jesus's return like the 'days of Noah'? • How is the rapture a picture of the ancient Jewish wedding customs? • What is the hidden prophetic meaning of the number two? May those who have ears to hear and eyes to see be ready when the shout is given, Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh!
This re-edition of the classic examines four views of the church's role in the tribulation: partial rapturism, pre-tribulationism, mid-tribulationism, and post-tribulationism, with special emphasis on the debate between pre-tribulationism and post-tribulationism. Bibliography and index are included.
This booklet goes from Genesis to Revelation, pointing out the Biblical proof for a pre-tribulation Rapture.
On my search for finding the meaning of life, I made the most amazing discovery, which is what this book is all about. I discovered how to remember who we truly are and how to reconnect to God, Creator of all that is, the source of all life. Life is a journey. As we travel along the road, discovering life, we realize that there is no road map for life, just a moment-by-moment discovery of selfdiscovering who we are and, more excitingly, who we want to be or become. This book has taken me over ten years to write since I had a powerful, prophetic dream in August 2005. I have been on a personal journey of discovery and of immense growth since then, resulting in all the beliefs that I had since a young girl to be turned upside down. If anybody had told me what I know today ten years ago, I would have argued with them and told them that they were being misled and would have considered it heresy. An age-old parable talks about an old beggar who was sitting on a box at the side of the road. When a stranger came walking past, the beggar asked the stranger for some spare cash. The stranger replied that he had no money to give him but then asked the beggar what was inside the box that he was sitting on. The beggar replied that it was an old box that he had been sitting on for as long as he could remember and that he had never looked inside as it was surely empty. The stranger encouraged him to open the box and to look inside, which the beggar duly did, only to find that the box was filled with gold. All these years, this beggar has been begging for money and eating scraps of food or any morsel that he could find, while if he had only looked inside, he would have realized that he was extremely wealthy. The first few chapters of this book are written with an extremely religious tone due to the fact that I was writing from my belief at that time. However, this is not a religious book. You will notice how my beliefs change as the book unfolds. This book has been written from my belief, which I believe God revealed to me through many hours of studying the Bible, praying, and listening to the still small voice within. I had many hours of quiet time with God. I am sharing information with you that I have gathered on my personal journey, but what you do with this information is up to you, as you always have a choice.
Mistress To the Marquee They whisper her name in the ballroom's shadows; the marquis's mistress! It will take all of Alice Sweetly's renowned acting skills to play this part: smile until it no longer hurts, until they believe your lie, until you believe. Pretend he means nothing. If the Marquis of Razeby thinks he can let his mistress go easily, he is so very wrong. Each night she appears before a rapturous Covent Garden audience, taunting him with her beauty. But Razeby must marry, and while Alice could grace his bed she can never grace his arm. Mistaken Mistress To her spiteful aunt, Kathryn Marchant is little more than a servant: she does not deserve a place in polite society. That's about to change, when Kathryn accidentally falls into the arms of the most notorious rake of them all. Lord Ravensmede draws the line at seducing virgins. Yet once he has tasted the lips of the delectable Miss Marchant, he wants her! He has the distinct impression that she's in need of a protector, but, no matter how much he strives to be honorable, her temptation may prove just too sweet to resist!
Millions and millions have disappeared around the world! Where did they go? Will it happen again? What's next? These are just some of the questions that our lost family and friends might have while they search for answers to what has happened. Though the rapture hasn't taken place yet, we Christians look for Jesus's return any day now; this book is intended for those left behind when they come searching for answers. There it will be, lying on a coffee table, kitchen table wherever in plain sight, so when our family comes looking for us and have questions to be answered, there it will be. Take out of the book of Revelation what is now happening and for the next seven years and to let them know what we all have told them. But there is still hope for them, maybe it will lead them to the Bible and most importantly to Jesus. This book may also be used to evangelize the gospel to let them know they can repent now while there is time and pray they're counted worthy to escape all these things to come on this earth and before the rapture. Now what?
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Unfortunately, most of our modern day teachings on this most important doctrine are misleading, to say the very least. Bill Vincent has studied for years and now is releasing his findings in this book, The Rapture. A careful scrutiny of the Scriptures will reveal the truth about the second coming of Christ, which we generally refer to as "the rapture". In The Rapture, he has set out to correct the most obvious errors of the pre-tribulation doctrine and to establish the basic foundation for understanding the truth of the matter. Great care is taken to follow the guidelines of Scripture and the Biblical basis of doctrinal interpretation, precept upon precept and line upon line. This is the only method of interpretation used in the pages of The Rapture. Since God Himself revealed His method of understanding doctrine, it is believed by the author to be the best method to use. Therefore, with Bible in hand, follow along with the Scriptures quoted and see if you don't find truth within its pages. In The Rapture, Bill answers questions that many do not know the answers to. Be open and allow this page turner to open up the biggest controversial subject of the rapture of Jesus Christ. If you are a lover of truth, you will enjoy this very basic presentation of Biblical facts concerning the doctrine of the "gathering together" of Christ's saints unto Himself.
Biblical Studies on the Prophecies of the Rapture and Revelation - is an introduction to and exploration of the Bibles teachings on the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. It distinguishes the Rapture from the Revelation. It affirms the Premillennial / Pre-tribulation Rapture / and Dispensational views. Explored are various theological positions of the Return of Christ, Biblical history, Church history, and insights from key Scripture passages. Russell writes for inquiring laity, clergy and seminarians. This work provides edification, inspiration, a wealth of Biblical knowledge; working together strands of history, theology, Biblical studies, statistics and even humor. The book addresses the Unconditional Covenant God made with Israel; kindly refutes Replacement theology / the Amil and Postmil views; defines Daniels 70th Week; considers the future Tribulation, Millennium; reminds of Gods Sovereignty and Providence, warns of sensationalism, date setting; presents signs of the times, and touches on Apostasy. The book is a comprehensive eschatological work with significant amounts of doctrine, Biblical history, the history of Christianity, and interrelated eschatological considerations. It also admonishes practical Christian living and encourages seeking paths of holy living. If you desire to understand the distinctions between the Rapture and the Revelation, seek a challenging and rewarding journey of study, and if you would find your faith strengthened and your understanding increased, this book will be a helpful guide to your exploration.
Biblical presentation of the timing of the rapture of the Church and provides many biblical and logical arguments for the prewrath rapture position.