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To offer security in the maritime domain, governments around the world need the capabilities to directly confront common threats like piracy, drug-trafficking, and illegal immigration. No single navy or nation can do this alone. Recognizing this new international security landscape, the former Chief of Naval Operations called for a collaborative international approach to maritime security, initially branded the "1,000-ship Navy." This concept envisions U.S. naval forces partnering with multinational, federal, state, local and private sector entities to ensure freedom of navigation, the flow of commerce, and the protection of ocean resources. This new book from the National Research Council examines the technical and operational implications of the "1,000-ship Navy," as they apply to four levels of cooperative efforts: U.S. Navy, Coast Guard, and merchant shipping only; U.S. naval and maritime assets with others in treaty alliances or analogous arrangements; U.S. naval and maritime assets with ad hoc coalitions; and U.S. naval and maritime assets with others than above who may now be friendly but could potentially be hostile, for special purposes such as deterrence of piracy or other criminal activity.
Global Mission is General “Hap” Arnold’s personal story of his life and military career and a history of American military aviation with particular emphasis on World War II. “For twenty years prior to World War II General Arnold was a tireless and effective evangelist for American air power. No other foresaw more clearly than he the revolutionary impact of the airplane upon the methods and conduct of war. Hap Arnold performed still another public duty in recording for us the results and the conclusions of his lifetime experiences. Whatever he has to say about air power deserves the close attention of all his fellow citizens.” — General Dwight D. Eisenhower, US Army “The compellingly interesting autobiography of a great soldier-statesman and one of the finest presentations I have ever seen of the history of American military aviation.” — Lieutenant General James H. Doolittle, US Air Force “[T]his book is more than the chronicle of a flier’s life; it is in a sense a saga of United States air power, and particularly a top-level picture of the United States Army Air Force in World War II... Global Mission will take an important place in the growing library of war books... a delightful book; it brings out so strongly the lovable personality of “Hap” Arnold. It is an important book... these reminiscences are a monument to him.” — Hanson W. Baldwin, The New York Times “[An] interesting and important book” — Robert Gale Woolbert, Foreign Affairs “There are many groups of people who will profit by a careful reading of Global Mission. As General Bradley well said in a recent letter to me, ‘It is “must” reading for the young military men of today who will have to be the Marshalls and Arnolds and Kings in any future emergency.’ The thinking people of the United States will make wiser decisions in the selection of their leaders, both military and civil, if they have read Global Mission. They will understand more clearly the frightful errors which have been made in the past and their cost in blood and treasure... Any who are tempted to be pacifists or isolationists in the future had better read Global Mission to learn the implications which can flow from false doctrines. The historian who has the difficult job of painting the true picture of the Second World War needs to read Global Mission for background. Here alone will he find some of the missing pieces in his puzzle... by any yardstick, [Global Mission] is worthy reading for any American.” — Lieutenant General Ira C. Eaker, USAF (Ret.), Air University Quarterly Review “[General Arnold’s] book is a very important contribution to the history of the Second World War; one reads it with passionate interest from start to finish. It is written in a lively way and also with that frankness, that outspokenness, which always surprises French people from the pen of such a high authority. It is also extremely revealing about the American character.” — René Jouan, Revue d’histoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale “[This] book will be of enduring value.” — Ordnance
Contents: Complexity, Change, and Challenge; The 1980s in Retrospect: Geopolitics, Militarization, Intervention, and Instability; The Changing Strategic Environment: Meaning of Security, Global Military and Political Power, Economic Relationships, and Rethinking Policy Priorities; Territorial Disputes; Caribbean Geonarcotics: Trafficking Patterns, Modus Operandi, National Countermeasures, Regional and International Countermeasures; Security Collaboration: Why Collaborate?, Regional Security System; Strengthening Democracy.