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The analysis thoroughly covers the major issues that have arisen in the application of the Convention, including the following: - the use of reservations made by Contracting States; - the distinctions between recognition and enforcement and between recognition sought at the seat of the arbitration and outside the seat; - the role of the courts in reviewing arbitral awards and, in particular, the Convention's focus on safeguarding due process standards; - the more favourable rightsA" principle embodied in Article VII(1); - the relevance of forum shopping and asset spotting to the application of the Convention; and - the role of formalities and formalism. The end result is an invaluable work that will prove enormously useful to all international commercial arbitration practitioners and scholars, regardless of location.
Merely obtaining a favorable arbitral award or judgment at the end of a dispute holds little value unless the prevailing party is able to enforce it. This book, more thoroughly than any other source, shows practitioners how to navigate the relevant laws in New York—a leading global financial center known for its pro-enforcement policies and the powerful discovery tools it makes available to creditors. No other resource explores the current state of the law in New York as comprehensively as this book. Beyond its sheer practical significance given the likelihood of debtors having assets in (or routing U.S. dollar transactions through) New York, this book provides creditors and their counsel with the critical information they need to define their global enforcement strategy and facilitate their enforcement efforts not only in New York but potentially worldwide. Among the issues and topics that the book tackles are the following: • review of the fundamentals of U.S. practice and procedure for non–New York practitioners; • easy to understand, jargon-free explanation of the often daunting state and federal procedures for enforcement; • up-to-date, clear presentation of the relevant case law, including key state and federal decisions; • explanation of how state and federal laws intersect with international law; • review of significant recent developments impacting a creditor's ability to reach foreign defendants and their assets outside the U.S. in post-judgment execution proceedings; and • comprehensive advice on the practicalities of executing a judgment. Given the critical role New York plays in a host of cross-border transactions and its status as a hub for worldwide judgment and award enforcement, the demand to better understand the laws and judicial system within the state has never been higher. This comprehensive yet practical guide to navigating award and judgment enforcement in New York provides the understanding both the basics and the nuances in this area that is critical for any domestic or international practitioner when advising a client as to the likelihood of collection in or through New York.
This concise yet comprehensive textbook introduces the reader to the law and practice of international arbitration. Arbitration is a complex field due to the variety of disciplines involved and necessitates an approach that takes nothing for granted. Written by a renowned scholar and practitioner, this book explains the divergent issues of civil procedure, contracts, conflict of laws, international law amongst others in an accessible manner. Focusing mainly on international commercial arbitration, the book also features a distinct chapter on consumer and online arbitration and an equally comprehensive chapter on international investment arbitration.
This book examines how the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, commonly known as The New York Convention, has been understood and applied in [insert number] jurisdictions, including virtually all that are leading international arbitration centers. It begins with a general report surveying and synthesizing national responses to a large number of critical issues in the Convention’s interpretation and application. It is followed by national reports, all of which are organized in accordance with a common questionnaire raising these critical issues. Following introductory remarks, each report addresses the following aspects of the Convention which include its basic implementation within the national legal system; enforcement by local courts of agreements to arbitrate (including grounds for withholding enforcement), recognition and enforcement of foreign awards by local courts under the Convention (including grounds for denying recognition and enforcement), and essential procedural issues in the courts’ conduct of recognition and enforcement. Each report concludes with an overall assessment of the Convention’s interpretation and application on national territory and recommendations, if any, for reform. The New York Convention was intended to enhance the workings of the international arbitral system, primarily by ensuring that arbitral awards are readily recognizable and enforceable in States other than the State in which they are rendered, subject of course to certain safeguards reflected by the Convention’s limited grounds for denying recognition or enforcement. It secondarily binds signatory states to enforce the arbitration agreements on the basis of which awards under the Convention will be rendered. Despite its exceptionally wide adoption and its broad coverage, the New York Convention depends for its efficacy on the conduct of national actors, and national courts in particular. Depending on the view of international law prevailing in a given State, the Convention may require statutory implementation at the national level. Beyond that, the Convention requires of national courts an apt understanding of the principles and policies that underlie the Convention’s various provisions. Through its in-depth coverage of the understandings of the Convention that prevail across national legal systems, the book gives practitioners and scholars a much-improved appreciation of the New York Convention “on the ground.”
The Guide on the New York Convention provides an insight on the application of the Convention by State courts.
Worldwide interest in the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards has never been higher, and the New York Convention of 1958, currently adhered to by 159 States including the major trading nations, remains the most successful treaty in this area of commercial law. This incomparable book, marking the Convention’s 60th anniversary, provides a fully updated analysis of the Convention’s application from international, comparative, and national perspectives. Drawing on a global conference held in Seville in April 2018 that was actively supported by UNCITRAL, the book’s 27 chapters, by highly qualified international practitioners and academics from different jurisdictions, address the subject with critical eyes, well aware of current developments and future challenges in the field of arbitration. Among the issues and topics covered are the following: Multi-tiered dispute resolution clauses. Applicability of the UN Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts. Complexities of enforcing orders determined by software. Enforcement of annulled awards. European Union law and the New York Convention. Enforcing awards against States and State entities. Sovereign immunity as a ground to refuse compliance with investor-State awards; Enforcement against non-signatories. Public policy exception. Arbitrating and enforcing foreign awards in specific countries and regions, including China, sub-Saharan Africa, and the ASEAN countries. Ample reference is made throughout to leading cases and practice. Familiarity with the intricacies of the New York Convention, as the most universally acknowledged framework in which cross-border economic exchanges can flourish, is essential for judges, practitioners, legal staff, business people, and scholars working with or applying international commercial arbitration anywhere in the world. This book’s combination of highly thought-provoking topics and the depth with which they are addressed will prove invaluable to all interested parties
This incisive book is an indispensable guide to the New York Convention's uniform regime on recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. Framing the Convention as a uniform law instrument, the book analyses case law from major arbitration jurisdictions to explain its scope of application, the duty to recognize arbitral agreements and awards as well as their limitations, and the procedure and formal requirements for enforcing arbitral awards.
The 15 sovereign states that emerged from the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in 1991, having all adopted the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, today are drawing increasing attention from international law firms and global arbitral institutions. This book, compiled under the editorship of the Secretary General of the Russian Arbitration Association, is the first full-scale commentary in English on the application of the New York Convention in Russia and the other 14 former USSR states, with attention also to the various relevant national laws and procedures. A total of 71 contributors, all leading experts on arbitration and litigation in the covered jurisdictions, provide in-depth research encompassing the following approaches: article-by-article commentary on the New York Convention with emphasis on the practice of Russian state commercial (arbitrazh) courts; commentary on the relevant provisions of the Russian International Commercial Arbitration Law and the Code of Commercial Procedure; analysis of law and practice on setting aside, recognition, and enforcement of arbitral awards in all non-Russian former USSR states, state by state, written by experts in each jurisdiction; and a unique statistical study of all international commercial arbitration cases under the New York Convention conducted in Russia between 2008 and 2019, showing which grounds of the New York Convention are widely used by the Russian courts in different instances. With this detailed information, practitioners will be able to understand how judicial developments in the covered jurisdictions have impacted the enforceability of arbitral awards, and how parties can take steps to ensure that they secure enforceable awards. In addition, they will clearly discern the enforcement track record for arbitral awards in Russia and former USSR states and how each jurisdiction treats enforcement applications, greatly clarifying decisions on choices by parties and determination of seat of arbitration. Because this book makes arbitration law and procedure in Russia and the former USSR states accessible for the first time in English – thus assisting evaluation of prospects of enforcing foreign arbitral awards in that part of the world – it will be warmly welcomed by in-house counsel, arbitrators, arbitral institutes, judges, researchers, and academics focused on international arbitration.
This book initiates a discussion of the law and practice of recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in both common law and civil law countries. In terms of law, this book principally focuses on the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1958, and the harmony or clash between the New York Convention and national arbitration laws of both common law and civil law countries including the UK and the USA (as common law countries), and France, Germany and Greece (as civil law countries). In terms of practice, this book deeply and extensively examines the judicial application of the New York Convention in national courts of common law and civil law countries, and sheds light on the best practices related to the judicial application of the New York Convention, while also highlighting how future disputes can be resolved in national courts. As such, this book provides solutions for salient and recurring problems arising out of the erroneous judicial application or interpretation of the New York Convention by national courts, and encourages the adoption of a more liberal regime in favour of the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards generally, and the adoption of a more liberal interpretation of the New York Convention in national courts of both common law and civil law countries particularly. This book, which is based on more than 100 courts’ decisions from common law and civil law countries, is a valuable resource for academics, arbitrators, practicing lawyers, corporate counsels, law students and researchers interested in international commercial arbitration, as well as for business professionals involved in international trade, and those who are willing to solve their commercial disputes through arbitration.
The book presents arguments derived from primary sources related to international arbitration in South Asian jurisdictions, a list of the same is made available therein. The book is a research statement on the contemporary concerns within international commercial arbitration, especially related to enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. Importantly, the book through a unique methodology of interface, presents the gratuitous nature of Article 34 of the UNCITRAL Model Law when read with Article V of the New York Convention, especially the plea to the States within Article VII of the same Convention to ease the restrictions and the process of enforceability of foreign arbitral awards. The book also articulates another important and immediate need with regard to international arbitration – the delimitation of public policy exception to recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. It critiques the jurisprudence related to arbitration in jurisdictions spread across different geographic regions, thereby enabling the reader to gain an insight into their practices, apart from ensuring a comparative perspective. The book addresses the primary concern related to international arbitration – enforcement of foreign arbitral awards and the grounds for challenges articulated within the New York Convention and the UNCITRAL Model Law. It addresses these grounds, and articulates the necessity for carving the criteria for the application of public policy exception. The book will not only be a useful resource for policy makers, students and researchers interested in international commercial arbitration, and private international law, but also for practitioners working on dispute resolution in trans-jurisdictional disputes in South Asia and beyond. “...The present book is not just another book contributing to the endless list of literature already widely used in International Commercial Arbitration on public policy but, in my opinion, is unique in many respects. The distinguishing factor of this book is its regional perspective..." - Justice Deepak Verma, Former Judge of Supreme Court of India and Arbitrator “...This book addresses this core element of the success story of arbitration: enforcement and refusal to enforce and, hence, its relevance cannot be overstated...” - Csongor István Nagy, Professor of Law and Head, Department of Private International Law, University of Szeged, Hungary Detailed Forewords are available in the book and can be freely downloaded from