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Twenty-two essays on Roman remains in different areas of Yorkshire-Humber adn environs, the Wolds and the Vale of Pickering, the Vale of York, the Dales and Northeast Yorkshire. Most of the essays discuss settlements or landscape; the contributors include: P. Didsbury, J. S. Dent, M. Millett, P. A> Rahtz, B. R. Hartley, A. Sumpter, R. Inman, V. Rigby and J. Evans.
At the frontiers of the Roman Empire, military settlements had a profound influence on local crafting traditions. Legions were not just fighting units - they contained a large number of craftsmen, and the fortress would have been a centre of manufacturing activity. A timber legionary fortress, for example, required vast numbers of nails, many of which would have been made by legionary smiths on site, and an army of thousands would require many more pots, shoes and tents than could be produced by local domestic potters and leather workers. But can all developments in local craft and industry be seen as a result of the appearance of the Roman army? The ten papers in this volume focus on craft production in Roman Yorkshire, and the evidence for the role of the army in local manufacturing activities. Several papers examine broad questions surrounding the organisation and scale of production in urban and rural areas. Others consider the local evidence for individual materials and production processes, including those associated with pottery, glass, copper alloys, non-ferrous metals, leather, jet, and building stone.
At the frontiers of the Roman Empire, military settlements had a profound influence on local crafting traditions. Legions were not just fighting units - they contained a large number of craftsmen, and the fortress would have been a centre of manufacturing activity. A timber legionary fortress, for example, required vast numbers of nails, many of which would have been made by legionary smiths on site, and an army of thousands would require many more pots, shoes and tents than could be produced by local domestic potters and leather workers. But can all developments in local craft and industry be seen as a result of the appearance of the Roman army? The ten papers in this volume focus on craft production in Roman Yorkshire, and the evidence for the role of the army in local manufacturing activities. Several papers examine broad questions surrounding the organisation and scale of production in urban and rural areas. Others consider the local evidence for individual materials and production processes, including those associated with pottery, glass, copper alloys, non-ferrous metals, leather, jet, and building stone.
According to the ancient Greek geographer Ptolemy, the Parisi tribe occupied the area of the present-day East Riding of Yorkshire during the Roman period. Over the last few decades our understanding of this region and its inhabitants has been transformed through the work of research projects, archaeological investigation, and even chance finds. Discoveries including the Hasholme logboat, chariot burials, hoards of Iron Age gold coins and Roman settlements and villas have all helped to develop our knowledge of this area and provide a fascinating insight into the lives of a local tribe and the impact of Rome on their development. Peter Halkon tells this captivating story of the history of the archaeology of the Parisi, from the initial investigations in the sixteenth century right through to modern-day investigations.
The main focus of this volume is upon pottery production sites. The major contribution comprises 'Excavations of Roman pottery kiln sites in Cantley Parish, South Yorkshire, 1956-1975' by Paul Buckland and the late John Magilton. Other contributions publish the well-preserved kiln complex and products at Lavenham, Suffolk (Andrew Newton, Andrew Peachey, et al.), mortaria and color-coated production at Newport, Lincoln (Ian Rowlandson and Hugh Fiske), a large typology of Roman pottery from Old Station Yard, York (Rob Perrin), an exploration of actions applied to pottery placed in graves across Kent (Martha Carter), and a review article considering the pottery assemblage from the Saxon Shore Fort at Oudenburg, Belgium, excavated by Sofie Vanhoutte.
Rossington Bridge lies next to the Roman road between Doncaster and Lincoln. Excavations between 1956-1961 discovered eight pottery kilns, a site of considerable significance. The kilns and material from the waster heaps excavated lie on a site with at least fifteen other unexcavated kilns and ancillary structures lying either side of the Roman road. The bulk of the finds clearly belong to the main period of activity on the site during the mid-2nd century when the mortarium potter Sarrius and his associates were involved in the production of mortaria, 'parisian' fine wares, black-burnished and grey wares intended for the military markets on the Northern frontier.
Studies on finds in Roman Britain and the Western Provinces have come to greater prominence in the literature of recent years. The quality of such work has also improved, and is now theoretically informed, and based on rich data-sets. Work on finds over the last decade or two has changed our understanding of the Roman era in profound ways, and yet despite such encouraging advances and such clear worth, there has to date, been little in the way of a dedicated forum for the presentation and evaluation of current approaches to the study of material culture. The conference at which these papers were initially presented has gone some way to redressing this, and these papers bring the very latest studies on Roman finds to a wider audience. Twenty papers are here presented covering various themes.
Adam Parker looks at some of the fascinating treasures that have been unearthed around the beautiful county of Yorkshire.