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Studies in many African countries show that charcoal making is among the primary drivers of deforestation and subsequent land degradation. In the case of Ethiopia, charcoal is produced from state-owned (public) forests and woodlands. There is little regulatory intervention from the government side. Moreover, production is more traditional and the producers have little idea that charcoal can be produced efficiently with modern technologies. Although charcoal meets significant portion of urban households energy needs in the country, and also support the livelihood of tens of thousands of rural households, it hardly attracted the attention of policy makers and development agents. A good majority of urban population who use charcoal on regular basis doesnt seem to know how charcoal is made, from where it comes, and its adverse environmental impacts. In cognizant of the potential environmental impact of charcoal production and marketing in the country, FSS commissioned this study with the objective to understand the environmental, social and economic implications of charcoal production, marketing and consumption in Ethiopia with aim to generate/increase awareness among the general public and incite a policy debate among concerned key stakeholders.
Studies in many African countries show that charcoal making is among the primary drivers of deforestation and subsequent land degradation. In the case of Ethiopia, charcoal is produced from state-owned (public) forests and woodlands. There is little regulatory intervention from the government side. Moreover, production is more traditional and the producers have little idea that charcoal can be produced efficiently with modern technologies. Although charcoal meets significant portion of urban households' energy needs in the country, and also support the livelihood of tens of thousands of rural households, it hardly attracted the attention of policy makers and development agents. A good majority of urban population who use charcoal on regular basis doesn't seem to know how charcoal is made, from where it comes, and its adverse environmental impacts. In cognizant of the potential environmental impact of charcoal production and marketing in the country, FSS commissioned this study with the objective to understand the environmental, social and economic implications of charcoal production, marketing and consumption in Ethiopia with aim to generate/increase awareness among the general public and incite a policy debate among concerned key stakeholders.
Specifically, the paper identifies and analyzes several direct drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in Ethiopia including: forest clearance for both subsistence and large-scale agriculture; illegal and unsustainable extraction of wood mainly for charcoal and firewood; overgrazing; and recurrent forest fires. It also reviews underlying drivers including: rapid population increase and the associated growing demand for land and energy; extensive legal and institutional gaps including lack of stable and equitable forest tenure; lack of stakeholder participation in forest management and benefit-sharing schemes; and weak law enforcement. These drivers and the dominant actors behind them – ranging from small-scale subsistence farmers to national and global investors – are discussed in the context of the political economy, including the policy and institutional framework of the country. The implications of the overall forest condition to the objectives and requirements of REDD+ are evaluated, and key issues that need to be addressed for efficient, effective and equitable implementation of REDD+ are discussed. These key issues include: reconciling the apparently contradictory policies and programs, particularly those that negatively affect the forestry sector; improving the forest tenure and governance system; augmenting economic return from forests to communities and individuals; creating more efficient and effective forest institutions at all levels; and enhancing sectoral and regional coordination among implementing agencies.
Editorial: Tuyeni H Mwampamba, Rob Bailis, Adrian Ghilardi Urbanization, food, and water consumption trends in many tropical countries show that demand for charcoal (as a source of cooking energy), meat, grain and water will rise to proportions that surpass the ability of existing ecosystems to supply these services simultaneously and at desired qualities. Consequently, drastic changes to policy and practice are needed to improve ecosystem potential and/or alter demand trends. Traditional charcoal production in sub-Saharan Africa, South East Asia and Latin America often competes or co-exists with livestock keeping and agriculture and has a tendency to occur in water-limited woodlands. The co-occurrence of charcoal and food production results in complex landscapes characterized by strong interactions between subsystems, managed by multiple sets of actors, with potentially competing objectives. These social-ecological systems provide goods and services that are essential to millions of people throughout the global south. Nevertheless, there have been very few detailed studies of such systems, particularly on the individual and combined effects of charcoal, crop, and livestock production on the hydrological system that maintains them and vice versa. As a result, these multi-use landscapes are typically managed by short-sighted, highly generalized, mono-sectorial policies that ignore important tradeoffs and undercapitalize on synergies. A system-level approach could provide important insights that improve and expand current understanding of this energy-food-water nexus. Tackling urgent and complex problems composed of multiple and interrelated factors lies at the heart of nexus thinking - an approach that “examines the inter-relatedness and interdependencies of environmental resources and their transitions and fluxes across spatial scales and between compartments” (UNU-FLORES 2015) and relies on interdisciplinary research and multi-sector policy teams. It has attracted significant interest from international organizations, the private sector and governments as a way to develop integrated equitable solutions that involve inputs from multiple stakeholders. However, this approach is notably absent in the research arena. Identifying appropriate interventions for achieving sustainable charcoal and food production and maintaining the underlying hydrological system on which they depend requires that the systems are considered simultaneously and that their biophysical, social, and political inter-relations are well understood. Taking charcoal as the nexus entry-point, this Research Topic aims to generate new understanding of charcoal production systems by incorporating agriculture and hydrology into the matrix. We were interested in empirical articles, reviews, meta-analytical articles and perspective papers that address at least two of the three nexus components and which offer provocative and insightful perspectives into the nexus as a whole. We hope that this Research Topic will 1) facilitate identification of research gaps, policy opportunities and priorities for the nexus, 2) kick-start the development of a community of researchers and practitioners working on the nexus, and 3) permit the development of a research agenda that explores the nexus globally across multiple study sites.
This literature review explores how political, economic and resource management policies and programs can reduce forest degradation and increase the contribution of forest goods and services to sustainable livelihood strategies. In Ethiopia, studies indicate that forest dependency is strong throughout the country, but the importance of forest income varies across different regions and wealth categories. Research suggests that improving forest product market governance is key to strengthening forest livelihood resiliency. Recent experiments with forest governance devolution have shown mixed results in terms of improving forest conditions and livelihoods. Smallholder land certification has met with considerable success, whereas participatory forest management schemes have positive ecological outcomes but fall short in terms of livelihood gains. In South Sudan, civil war has limited the depth and scope of research on dryland forests and livelihoods. Food security analyses indicate that the importance of forest income varies by region and season. Markets are poorly developed and forest governance systems are weak in many parts of the country. Key threats to forest livelihoods in both countries include: shifting climatic conditions, large-scale population movements, large-scale land acquisitions and weakened governance institutions; and in South Sudan, continuing violent conflict. In Ethiopia, research and policy reform should focus on the relationship between forest rights devolution, livelihoods, forest management practices and forest conditions as well as on the impacts of demographic change on forest-based livelihoods, forest management and forest cover. In South Sudan, research should focus on documenting the impacts of conflict on forest-based livelihoods with an view to structuring humanitarian aid programs in ways that mitigate the negative impacts.
Ethiopia is facing environmental and poverty challenges, and urgently needs effective management of its environmental resources. Much of the Ethiopian landscape has been significantly altered and reshaped by centuries of human activities, and three-quarters of the rural population is living on degraded land. Over the past two decades the country has seen rapid economic and population growth and unparalleled land use change. This book explores the challenges of sustaining the resource base while fuelling the economy and providing for a growing population that is greatly dependent on natural resources for income and livelihoods. Adopting a political ecology perspective, this book comprehensively examines human impacts on the environment in Ethiopia, defining the environment both in terms of the quantity and quality of renewable and non-renewable natural resources. With high levels of economic production and consumption also come unintended side effects: waste discharges, emissions of pollutants, and industrial effluents. These pollutants can degrade the quality of water, air, land, and forests as well as harm the health of people, animals, and other living organisms if untreated or disposed of improperly. This book demonstrates how the relationship between society and environment is inherently and delicately interwoven, providing an account of Ethiopia’s current environment and natural resource base and future considerations for environmentally sustainable development.
The aim of this two-volume book series is to highlight some of the most pervasive sustainability challenges that Sub-Saharan Africa faces. The two volumes contain 20 chapters that illustrate very diverse sustainability challenges throughout the continent, adopting interdisciplinary and problem-oriented research approaches, and methods from the natural and the social sciences. The very diverse case study chapters are put into perspective with chapters that introduce key sustainability challenges using a regional focus. Through this multi-scale and interdisciplinary approach the two volumes provide an authoritative source about the major sustainability challenges in the continent, and how to mobilise such perspectives to develop appropriate solutions. The two volumes have a uniquely broad focus that fills a major gap in the emerging Sustainability Science scholarship. Parts I-II highlight specific case studies on major sustainability challenges from Eastern and Southern Africa. Part III synthesizes the main lessons learnt from the chapters in the two edited volumes.