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If you want to discover how to best raise bees and perhaps even create a profitable honey business from it, then keep reading... Just diving into the world of bees? Have you wanted to start your own hive, but have been confused by the conflicting information on the Internet? Looking for an authoritative source on how to go about the business of bees and make money while you're at it? Then Backyard Beekeeping: What You Need to Know About Raising Bees and Creating a Profitable Honey Business is the only book you need! In this book, you're going to learn: The 10 start-up guidelines How to confidently identify the different breeds of honey bees How to successfully put together your very own hive 17 supplies every beekeeper must have How to create the most beautiful bee-friendly garden The best ways to tackle pests and diseases that most amateurs ignore The best plants to give your bees all the sweet nectar they need to thrive and more The role every bee plays in providing the best honey-and how to keep them producing honey for years to come An unbelievably easy way to understand bee behavior so you can give the buzzers what they need The proper way to harvest your honey and beeswax, so there's no waste, and it's all high-quality product How to market your epic, delicious honey, get back your investment, and then some Where to find hot buyers that are ready and eager to buy your product And so much more! With this book, you will find that you have everything you need to know and then some. Many amateur beekeepers proceed with no confidence and get terrible advice from terrible sources. With this guide, you can start your beekeeping hobby or business, knowing that you've got all the info you need so you won't miss a beat! Whether you're new at this, or you're a long-time beekeeper, there are amazing tips here to take your beekeeping to the next level. So, are you ready to step up your game? Of course you are! Click the "add to cart" button now.
This essential guide to beekeeping will introduce you, in a simple and effective way, to all the various steps you need to take in order to generate your beehives and make them prosper. One of the most common mistakes among beginners is to think that all bees are capable of producing honey. You need to know that there exist more than 20.000 species of bees, but only a small part of those can actually produce honey! It is then important to understand which kind of bee to raise to be able to produce good honey, pollen, propolis and royal jelly. There currently are many references about the beneficial properties of honey for our health, and there are also many studies dedicated to these. Obviously, in order to enjoy all the benefits provided by honey, you need to prefer the raw one, the one that has not undergone industrial processing. In fact, such processes deprive it from many of its useful nutrients, impoverishing its quality and reducing its effectiveness. From picking the right hive and bringing your bees home to surviving winter and collecting honey, experienced beekeeper Amanda Ross takes you on an easy-to-follow journey through your first year of beekeeping and beyond. Beekeeping for beginners includes: Just the essentials―Learn everything you need to know to begin your first colony―written with brand new beekeepers in mind. Modern beekeeping―Start your colony off right with guides that feature the newest practices and current, natural approaches. Learn to speak the bee language―Clearly defined terms and a complete glossary will have you talking like a pro beekeeper in no time. The following are just some of the great benefits and properties of natural raw honey: It is very rich in antioxidants; It can counteract bacterial proliferation; It has anti-inflammatory properties; It is effective in the treatment of cough; It is an excellent source of energy, and also a healthier sweetener compared to to normal sugar. Honey can even help healing wounds! Isn't it amazing? It is in fact being proved that the application of the substance on wounds can stimulate the healing process and helps with tissue regeneration; it also helps to prevent infections and reduce inflammations. So, wouldn't it be great to have healthy hives in your backyard and a good supply of honey at your disposal? Thanks to this book you will learn: How to start beekeeping even if you are an absolute beginner; The structure of a hive; Everything you need to know about bees (honey bees, bee society, anatomy...); How to select the best location, and position the new bee colonies for both their safety and yours; Which tools you need to have; How to set up and take care of your colonies; The honey-bee reproduction; How to feed bees with nectar, pollen and honey substitutes; How to solve problems related to beekeeping; How to keep hives healthy; How to enjoy rich honey production, how to harvest it, store it, and which are the other beehive products you can enjoy;
This classic work has been greatly enhanced and extended with both photographs and images to illustrate the many facets of Beekeeping. A guide for the aspiring apiarist. All you need to know to get started in beekeeping. In this updated edition, a compilation of advice from Langstroth, Quinby, Huber, and a number of contemporary contributors, you will find everything you need to know about Honeybees, Apiculture, Honey and Pollen, the Hive, the Apiary, Breeding, Pasturage, Feeding, Swarming, Replacing the Queen, Enemies of Bees, Colony Collapse Disorder, and the mysterious Behavior of Bees. Well illustrated.
Keeping backyard honey bees is much easier then you may think. By just checking on your honey bees a few times per month, you should be collecting honey in no time. In this book we will review the steps needed, from getting your honey bees, to taking care of your hive, gathering honey, and what to expect in between. Grab a drink and a small bite to eat, find a comfy place to sit and together we will discover what joy beekeeping can be. In this book we will walk you through: Why Keep Bees Tools and Equipment You Need Overcoming the Fear of Getting Stung Setting Up Your Hive Identifying the Three Different Castes of Bees Choosing a Bee Breed for your Hive Obtaining Your Initial Bee Colony How to Open Your Bee Hive Major Bee Diseases When to Harvest Honey From Your Hive Have a joyful life with this book and your new found love for honey bees.
• Author Dave Hunter is at the leading edge of bee and pollinator issues • Mason bees are part of the solution to honeybees’ decline • No other bee book addresses the topic with such depth and interest • Includes useful information about leafcutter bees too! The national media regularly features dire stories on honeybee colony collapse and its danger to our food supply. But there's another, unsung bee that has the potential to save the planet—the mason bee. Mason Bee Revolution explains how docile, hard-working, solitary mason bees (and their compatriots, the leafcutter bees) are even more productive pollinators than honeybees, and keeping them can be a fun, easy, backyard hobby for gardeners, conservationists, foodies, and families everywhere. Why these bees? Bee pollination is critical for about 80 percent of US agricultural crops, increasing crop value by an estimated $15 billion annually. Since 2006, nearly a third of all honeybee hives have been lost each year, due to parasites, pesticides, habitat loss, climate change, and a newer malady called Colony Collapse Disorder. While scientists search for answers to save the honeybee, Dave Hunter and his company, Crown Bees, are leading the effort to increase the population of other highly efficient pollinators: One mason bee can produce twelve pounds of cherries, via pollination, where it would take sixty honey bees to achieve the same. Mason Bee Revolution is an easy-to-follow guide to keeping both mason and leafcutter bees. It tells you how to set up, care for, and harvest your own bees and what types of plants and habitat encourage mason and leafcutter bees, as well as provides general information on other common pollinators and bee-related facts, projects, and personalities.
How honeybees make collective decisions—and what we can learn from this amazing democratic process Honeybees make decisions collectively—and democratically. Every year, faced with the life-or-death problem of choosing and traveling to a new home, honeybees stake everything on a process that includes collective fact-finding, vigorous debate, and consensus building. In fact, as world-renowned animal behaviorist Thomas Seeley reveals, these incredible insects have much to teach us when it comes to collective wisdom and effective decision making. A remarkable and richly illustrated account of scientific discovery, Honeybee Democracy brings together, for the first time, decades of Seeley's pioneering research to tell the amazing story of house hunting and democratic debate among the honeybees. In the late spring and early summer, as a bee colony becomes overcrowded, a third of the hive stays behind and rears a new queen, while a swarm of thousands departs with the old queen to produce a daughter colony. Seeley describes how these bees evaluate potential nest sites, advertise their discoveries to one another, engage in open deliberation, choose a final site, and navigate together—as a swirling cloud of bees—to their new home. Seeley investigates how evolution has honed the decision-making methods of honeybees over millions of years, and he considers similarities between the ways that bee swarms and primate brains process information. He concludes that what works well for bees can also work well for people: any decision-making group should consist of individuals with shared interests and mutual respect, a leader's influence should be minimized, debate should be relied upon, diverse solutions should be sought, and the majority should be counted on for a dependable resolution. An impressive exploration of animal behavior, Honeybee Democracy shows that decision-making groups, whether honeybee or human, can be smarter than even the smartest individuals in them.
Easy beekeeping for new-bees. Wouldn't it be great to raise your own bees, have a fresh supply of honey, and bring thousands of healthy pollinators into your yard? Beekeeping for Beginners is a simple, step-by-step guide that helps you learn the fundamentals of modern beekeeping. You (and your bees) will be buzzing with delight. From picking the right hive and bringing your bees home to surviving winter and collecting honey, experienced beekeeper Amber Bradshaw takes you on an easy-to-follow journey through your first year of beekeeping and beyond. Beekeeping for Beginners includes: Just the essentials--Learn everything you need to know to begin your first colony--written with brand new beekeepers in mind. Modern beekeeping--Start your colony off right with guides that feature the newest practices and current, natural approaches. Learn to speak bee--Clearly defined terms and a complete glossary will have you talking like a pro beekeeper in no time. Begin your beekeeping the right way--and avoid getting stung by mistakes--with Beekeeping for Beginners.
The Backyard Beekeeper, now in its 4th edition, makes the time-honored and complex tradition of beekeeping an enjoyable and accessible backyard pastime that will appeal to urban and rural beekeepers of all skill levels. More than a guide to beekeeping, this handbook features expert advice for: Setting up and caring for your own colonies Selecting the best location to place your new bee colonies for their safety and yours The most practical and nontoxic ways to care for your bees Swarm control Using top bar hives Harvesting the products of a beehive and collecting and using honey Bee problems and treatments What's New? Information for urban bees and beekeepers Using your smoker the right way Better pest management Providing consistent and abundant good food Keeping your hives healthy With this complete resource and the expert advice of Bee Culture editor Kim Flottum, your bees will be healthy, happy, and more productive.