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Rainbow messages from the Angels of Light is a beautiful enlightening book of prayers poems messages and quotes. These prayers are powerful and each Angel brings a separate message. The wording is simple, spiritual, healing and magical. There is amazing images displayed throughout which compliment the prayers, quotes and poems. These healing words and prayers connect with the light of the Angels. There is fifteen Archangels depicted in this book along with prayers to our guardian Angels. These messages came through from these fifteen Archangels and my guardian Angels to give to the world. This book is magical and a feeling of Love Peace Faith and Hope comes from within and around this book . This book is suitable for adults, young adults and children alike. A wonderful peace and guidance comes through the words of the Archangels and Guardian Angels . These healing Angels bring Love, Light, Wisdom and abundance to all .
This book gives humans a deeper perspective of why our souls were created and what our purpose is on earth. It also helps us to understand that by using our own natural gifts and talents, we can help change the world and bring about peace on earth. This book answers some deep-rooted spiritual questions: Do bad people have angels too? How does life and death affect my lifes purpose?
They come to our aid when we least expect it, and they disappear as soon as their work is done. Invisible helpers are available to all of us. In fact, we all regularly receive messages from our guardian angels and spirit guides, but usually fail to recognize them. This book will help you to realize when this occurs. And when you carry out the exercises provided, you will be able to communicate freely with both your guardian angels and spirit guides.
This book consists of direct-channeled teaching from the Guides and Angels of the Light. Alongside every word in the book, there is an uplifting angelic frequency. As you read, you will be guided to open your heart, shift your perspective within, and feel, experience, see, and know that you are in the presence of angels. To gain the most benefit from reading, think of this book as a reading meditation. Take your time as you read the pages, allowing yourself to enter into a soft, relaxed state of being, as if the angels are in your presence, and speaking directly to you.... One word at a time. They are! Angels transcend time and space, and can be with everyone who calls upon them at the same time. When you read these words, know that you are in the direct presence of your guides and angels, who lovingly and powerfully assist you in tuning into the love, wisdom and uplifting frequency available for you now. Read What Others Are Saying About Channeling the Guides and Angels of the Light: "WOW! Amazing read! How did you know all this about me and what I'm experiencing? It's as though this was written for me! Thank you! I received numerous pieces of information from this and above and beyond it reaffirmed I'm on the right path. Even on those days it seems "off". But now I know why those "off" days happen! Thank you thank you thank you!!!" ~Lawna "This if great. More people should be practicing communicating with their Angels. Also It's a refreshing reminder how we can create our own future." ~Marie "Thank you Melanie angels of the light. Thank you for the support & encouragement. The connection and energy boost. Love and light." ~Joan "Thank you for sharing these beautiful and important messages. Blessings." ~Clare "All these messages are wonderful and very good transformation to ascend on this path, Thank you so much Melanie may GOD AND ANGELS bless you in this path to transform many souls." ~Kalai "Thank you so much, your writings are so loving.. I can feel them changing my life already.. Love & light to you x." ~Pauline "Melanie, these messages are amazing. Thank you for bringing them through and thank you to the Beings involved. This is exactly how my guides have shown me to connect and work and exactly how I do." ~Charlotte "Hi Dear Melaine! What an incredible and invaluable messages you give to us and to humanity! This is exactly what we need at the moment! I am so grateful for your generous and kind sharing of such useful and helpful messages with us ! Also, thank you my beloved angels, my best best friends!" ~Stella "I love these messages. They are so honest so authentic. Each time they guide me to a higher vibration! They really help me to connect me with my True Self. Thanks Melanie!" ~Marga
Love is the only healing and supporting power. Hearts will open up to healing, as long as we have our angels guiding us. Life is full of situations which ask us to go other ways. While doing this we get in touch with our angels through our hearts. The angels' messages show us how to turn towards fond changes in life. From my deepest heart, Your Madhavi Veronika Broszinski
Born out of the author's cry for help, and the surprise at receiving an answer from angels, come these inspirational channelled messages giving guidance and answers to questions that are universal to all mankind. The angels made it clear that their words in print carry the essence of the divine, positively affecting all who read them. The methods and techniques given by the angels to heal physical and mental pain, in answers to the author's questions, are in fact answers to issues we all face at this time. The key theme throughout the angels' messages is Transformation. Transformation from Fear, Despair and Ill Health to Joy, Abundance, Happiness and Well-being by following the Truth of our Hearts, by the Power of our Minds, by Forgiveness (of ourselves and others), and through Gratitude and Trust. This book is not a story but a guide to self-empowerment through the power of light and love. A power which transforms, as it did for the author, all that is negative and dark to all that is positive and light.
This book contains 13 powerful angel messages of healing love and light. Simply reading these messages will help you to open your heart. With a clear mind, and an open heart you will be able to directly connect with the one source energy flowing throughout all that is. You will also be able to connect with your guides and angels. Unconditional love and guidance from the angels is always available to you. At any moment you can clear your mind, take a deep breath, and open your heart to connect with your angels. Once this connection is established, you will feel their unconditional love and you can begin to work with your angels to create the life you desire.Whether you desire spiritual guidance, healing or help attracting more love into your life, your angels are ready to help. No matter if this is your first time connecting with your angels or if you have been working with your angels for years, this book will help you connect with the next steps in your spiritual path. Staying centered, grounded and connected is essential for you to live your inspired life. Melanie helps thousands of people connect with their angels every month. See what others who have connected with Melanie's channeled angel messages are saying: "This is wonderful. I spent my drive into work thanking my guides and Metatron for their presence and encouragement in my life at this time. Thank you, especially, for being a graceful channel! Blessings,"-Tiffany "I cannot tell you how much benefit I get from these channelings, they are honestly wonderful beyond description!" -Gary "Thank you for the inspired channeling! It was Beautiful! I feel Great, Exceptionally happy, and as if I have been super energised from within!" -Debra "Melanie is a kind and humble soul who clearly and naturally channels Metatron, Uriel, other angels and beings of great light, ready to assist humanity in progress and towards ascension"-Camilla, Sweden "Dear Melanie, what a Godsend to find you! There are not the words available in the English language to express my gratitude to you dear one, to Metatron and all Archangels and Angels. THANK U all. The channeled meditations are a lifeline." -Antonia "These messages are full of love, light and compassion and connect you directly with your soul. Thanks to Melanie's great work, my life's changed for better."-Mariusz, Polland "Thank you so much for transmissioning this clear, precious, clear answer from Archangel Uriel to me. I am very grateful to receive such a helpful answer! I can feel the LOVE in which you are serving, so that the Energies and Assistance of the Angelic Ream can flow purely through you. In love and gratitude." -Helga, Germany "Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude Thank you for channeling the highest Divine love. My heart is grateful for your presence. With Love, Namaha Shivaya." -Vanessa
Angel Messages: Breathe And Lift In Angelic Love, Light And Compassion contains the following 7 channeled messages from the angels:1. Letting Go & Connecting With Your Soul Light ~Archangel Haniel2. Through Love All Things Are Possible ~Archangel Metatron3. Connect with Your Angel Energy Healing Team ~Angel Guide Orion4. Express Your Creative Source Light ~Archangel Gabriel5. Healing Through Forgiveness ~Archangel Metatron6. Release and Rebirth ~Archangel Michael7. Return Home to Consciousness and to Love ~Archangel MetatronAs a clear channel of the light, Melanie has been recording and distributing angel messages since 2009. With the intention to get messages of love, light and compassion out into the world, this book was created.By reading these messages and tuning into the angelic frequencies they contain, you are able to connect with the one divine energy for love, healing and to bring more joy and abundance in to your life.Manifesting blessings in your life and the life of others is an important aspect of your true purpose here on Earth. As you build up your spiritual light, you are able to more easily share positive blessings and you become more protected from the negativity of every-day life.See what others have said about Melanie's channeled messages:"Thank You for helping me connect with my Angels! I am very grateful for the healing and insight I received...Blessings" ~Brianne"Thank you, Melanie. The channeled messages are amazing and have been of great help to me! Much love," -Quana"I cannot tell you how much benefit I get from your channelings, they are honestly wonderful beyond description!" - Gary
Messages from Your Angels is a sequel to the bestselling Angel Therapy, 75,000 sold! This is a channeled book that contains uplifting and fresh information from the angelic realm. The angels, including Archangel Michael, provide healing messages that help readers to heal from emotional pain, find their life's purpose, understand their love life, and make decisions about important life areas. Doreen receives many letters from people who find Angel Therapy a steady source of comfort and guidance. Many people keep Angel Therapy next to their bed, and open it randomly, like an oracle. Messages from Your Angels will offer new levels of comfort, inspiration, and guidance, and will function as a divination tool as well.