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This dissertation describes a theoretical, experimental, and modeling investigation of the equatorial electrojet. We review low latitude ionospheric current models, synthesizing developments from the early times until the present. We then show how to utilize equatorial electrojet irregularities to infer E region electron density and wind profiles from coherent scatter radar experiments. The procedure involves a numerical model of the equatorial ionosphere that relates the vector electric field and current density to the winds. We present electron densities inferred in the equatorial electrojet inferred using a new bistatic radar system installed between Paracas and Jicamarca, Peru. The radar system monitors density profiles using a coherent scatter radar technique that utilizes the Faraday rotation of the scattered signal. Radar measured density profiles are validated by comparing with other electron density measures. A three dimensional electrostatic potential model of the equatorial ionosphere in a magnetic dipole coordinate system is described. The model incorporates realistic ionospheric conductivities, electric fields, winds, and includes anamalous collision effects. The model utilizes bistatic radar measured densities, coherent scatter spectral measurements made at large zenith angles, and electric fields derived from 150 km echo drifts. The model is also constrained by magnetometer records. We next present a technique for extracting zonal winds in the equatorial electrojet from the Doppler shifts of type II radar echoes measured by a narrow beam, obliquely oriented antenna at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory. The wind profiles were retrieved by combining the 3-D model with theory and measurements of type II echo Doppler shifts. The amplitude and phasing of the calculated wind profiles are in general agreement with satellite and rocket-borne wind measurements. We have used height varying type I radar echoes and large-scale electrojet irregularities inferred from interferometric imaging to validate wind profiles estimates derived from type II echoes. (Abstract).
This is the first book to review all the fields of equatorial electrojet phenomena and their relevant theories in one volume. In certain relevant sections, the book discusses both the equatorial electrojet and the world-wide parts of the Sq current systems. Onwumwchili is an internationally known and highly respected expert in the equatorial electrojet field- a brand of geomagnetism.
The Dynamical Ionosphere: A Systems Approach to Ionospheric Irregularity examines the Earth’s ionosphere as a dynamical system with signatures of complexity. The system is robust in its overall configuration, with smooth space-time patterns of daily, seasonal and Solar Cycle variability, but shows a hierarchy of interactions among its sub-systems, yielding apparent unpredictability, space-time irregularity, and turbulence. This interplay leads to the need for constructing realistic models of the average ionosphere, incorporating the increasing knowledge and predictability of high variability components, and for addressing the difficulty of dealing with the worst cases of ionospheric disturbances, all of which are addressed in this interdisciplinary book. Borrowing tools and techniques from classical and stochastic dynamics, information theory, signal processing, fluid dynamics and turbulence science, The Dynamical Ionosphere presents the state-of-the-art in dealing with irregularity, forecasting ionospheric threats, and theoretical interpretation of various ionospheric configurations. Presents studies addressing Earth’s ionosphere as a complex dynamical system, including irregularities and radio scintillation, ionospheric turbulence, nonlinear time series analysis, space-ionosphere connection, and space-time structures Utilizes interdisciplinary tools and techniques, such as those associated with stochastic dynamics, information theory, signal processing, fluid dynamics and turbulence science Offers new data-driven models for different ionospheric variability phenomena Provides a synoptic view of the state-of-the-art and most updated theoretical interpretation, results and data analysis tools of the "worst case" behavior in ionospheric configurations
The aurora is the most visible manifestation of the connection of the Earth to the space environment and has inspired awe, curiosity, and scientific inquiry for centuries. Recent advances in observing techniques and modeling and theoretical work have revealed new auroral phenomena, provided a better understanding of auroral dynamics, and have led to an enhanced capability for auroral forecasts. This monograph features discussions of: New auroral phenomena due to the ring current ion and polar rain electron precipitation Various auroral forms and hemispheric asymmetry Auroral model development and MHD simulations Application of the auroral observations for radio absorption and scintillation Aurora nowcast and forecast for space weather operations Auroral Dynamics and Space Weather is a valuable contribution for scientists, researchers, space weather operators, and students of Earth's space environment.