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For centuries, the life of Jesus Christ has divided human history into two eras: the before and the after. Who He is, what He said, what He did, and what was done to Him--these are, without a doubt, among the most dissected, discussed and debated subjects ever. Jesus fielded many questions. Some were from sincere seekers of truth; others were from devious manipulators of truth: "Which is the great commandment in the Law?" "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" "Why do your disciples break the tradition?" "Who gave you this authority?" Often, Jesus answered a question with a question. Jesus' skill went beyond rhetoric to challenge ideas, inflame faith, and spur action. Jesus asked the rich young ruler, "Why do you call me good?" When questioned about taxes, Jesus held up a coin and asked, "Whose likeness and inscription is this?" Before revealing His divine identity to the disciples, He asked them, "Who do you say I am?" The answer to that question makes all the difference. This book is full of questions about Jesus. The answers are based on what Jesus said about Himself and what the Holy Spirit inspired the biblical writers to record.
Jesus rarely answered questions He was asked, but instead turned the tables by asking a piercing question of His own. Questions Jesus Asks goes through a broad spectrum of these, dealing with issues like morality, suffering, humility, faith, and much more. Explore the unique paradox of Jesus’ divinity and humanity Be challenged by the questions Jesus asks each of us Learn more about Jesus and find the answers to your own life’s questions. John 17:3 tells us: “And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” There is no higher purpose in life than the knowledge of God through His Son. Prepare to learn far more about God and the nature of Jesus than you thought was possible. Jesus asks penetrating questions that cut passed the pretense and reach the target of our hearts.
This accessible reference offers short and to-the-point answers to fifty pressing questions people have about God, the Bible, and Christianity, including - Are there errors or contradictions in the Bible? - Do science and faith conflict? - Is hell a real place? - What will heaven be like? - Is it possible to prove God exists? - Why did Jesus have to die? - Does God hate sex? - Do Christians have to go to church? - and many more This book is for those who want a clear introduction to the essential teachings of Christianity to help them grow in faith and in preparation to share the basics of Christian belief.
Contrary to some common assumptions, Jesus is not the ultimate Answer Man, but more like the Great Questioner. In the Gospels Jesus asks many more questions than he answers. To be precise, Jesus asks 307 questions. He is asked 183 of which he only answers 3. Asking questions was central to Jesus’ life and teachings. In fact, for every question he answers directly he asks—literally—a hundred. Jesus is the Question considers the questions Jesus asks—what they tell us about Jesus and, more important, what our responses might say about what it means to follow Him. Through Jesus’ questions, he modeled the struggle, the wondering, the thinking it through that helps us draw closer to God and better understand, not just the answer, but ourselves, our process and ultimately why questions are among Jesus’ most profound gifts for a life of faith. A game-changer of a book.
An introduction to the life, death and ministry of Jesus through stories, questions, memory verses, activities and prayers.
"How do I know that God is real? Is the Bible really the Word of God, or is it just an ancient book? Why are Christians so exclusive? Is there really only one way to heaven? All of these are tough questions, but in The God Questions, they are addressed head on with hard-hitting facts that tell the truth. The God Questions gives brief, simple, and easy to understand answers to the eight key questions everyone asks about Christianity. Divided in 40 short, readable chapters, this book will help you understand God and the universe He created.'"--Book cover
The Jesus Questions is a small group study that explores the questions of Jesus in the gospels.
Questions run the breadth of the Mormon experience, including doctrinal questions as well as questions about the LDS lifestyle.
"Where are you?" God called out to the first couple in the Garden of Eden. He never stops asking us the same question. The divine search for us continues in the person of Jesus Christ, the Word of God made flesh. When Jesus himself asks questions in the New Testament, he asks not because he needs an answer, but to draw us out of the shadows and into his presence. And he asks a lot of questions: "Do you want to be healed?" "Who do the crowds say that I am?" "Why do you call me good?" "Whom do you seek?" In A God Who Questions, author Leonard J. DeLorenzo examines twenty of the questions Jesus asks in the Gospels, showing us how they reveal the hidden secrets of our hearts and invite a true encounter with God. Really listening to the questions of Jesus can be painful but wonderful, unsettling yet illuminating, inconvenient but always inspiring.