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Crank Shaft ... ๐Ÿ˜Ž โš’ ๐Ÿ”ฉ ๐Ÿ”ง โ› ๐Ÿ›  ..... ๐Ÿˆ Quantum Entanglement ... โ›“ - Finally Unraveled The factual applied theory of quantum entanglement ... the factual real explanation of quantum entanglement And why and how it happens over a distance... ๐Ÿˆ I have proven Quantum Entanglement as proposed by Albert Einstein. And I have conclusively proven with illustrations, and detailed theoretical and applicable subject literary matter, How Quantum Entanglement, factually happens, Since Albert Einstein's time, The Past, The Present and the Future.... Here and Now... An earth shattering discovery, as anyone can and shall call it, or the explanation of how, the universe and the creation actually works, With the applicational applicability of the principles of Quantum Entanglement, to the subject matter of Physics, itself, and to Psychology and Economics, As me, being the unusual personality that I also, as usual, am, the only person, in all of history till date, who has explained it since the time it has been proposed with illustrations, and in so much simple language and English, so that even a child or a toddler, or even a person with zero, no, least, or even Minus knowledge or understandings of the subject matter of Physics, can easily understand, and ascertain the same...... And EMRFC is Electro Magnetic Radio Frequency Current Dispersion - Frequency - in Itself. --- ๐Ÿ„ Now why have I put a Cow in my nook title... Well.. so we hear another story in about the book... not a long one but a short one... According to Hindu and Indian Religion and traditions and many countries around the world... The Cow ... ๐Ÿ„ ... is a life, nourishment and wellness provider and considered a sacred animal. The Cow is supposed to be an physical manifestation and embodiment of Mother Nature. The Cow in Hindu religion, mythology and tradition and culture is the embodiment of the entire creation, as the physical manifestation of all the creatures and living organism as the creation or universe, itself. The Cow is supposed to be a connective force as an living example of providing nourishment and procreation to and of all creatures as its milk and progeny or calves. And these beliefs are held even today, by many, in many, native ethnic, cultural and traditions, all across the world, in every country. Not as a figment, or flights of fancies of my otherwise wild imagination... running amok everywhere... So to get back this symbolization of connectivity across all of universe and creation, which also pervades, what we now come to the topic and subject of this book consisting of the physical sciences of physics, of atoms, molecules and particle matter... This is why, I have put the emoji of This Holy Cow, ๐Ÿ„ ... in my Theory of Quantum Entanglement, Why and How it happens over a distance.. Is the...
Psychological Evolution ... The Evolutionary Pro (Re) ... (ag) ... gression This informational research documentation nook details the individuals, the society, the social environment as the psychological process of all aspects of a civilization, influencing its progression, adaptation, evolution and or regression, further influencing the behavioral patterns towards inter personal and societal interactions, influencing the psychological and physiological states of beings, as an evolutionary process. This is the Top Most Excellent Book, The Book of the Millennia... Which rightly and richly, deserves a mention by everyone on this planet, should get all the accolades and awards, especially the monetary ones, hopefully, The Bookie ...Prize.. ๐Ÿ† ๐Ÿฅ‡ ๐Ÿ… ๐ŸŽ– ... ๐Ÿ’ฐ ... ๐Ÿ˜Ž too... This book, details, how, you can make every one dance to your tunes ... ๐Ÿ•บ ๐Ÿ’ƒ , make others jealous, hateful, and vengeful ... ๐Ÿ˜  of your abilities, makes them feel completely and utterly inferior to you..... ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜“, and then, makes them and turns them, everyone and all, into ... Self Destructive Evil Personalities... ๐Ÿ˜ก ๐Ÿ‘บ Grab your Popcorn's ... ๐Ÿฟ ... Now... And in all seriousness and reality, this book details the factual state of interactive interactions, as towards the factors influencing behavior and as its heuristical learning, as applicational applicability, in factual real life.. I wanted to list many genres for this book. My motive behind listing many genres, was and is, the factual "Applicational Applicability" - as the term created, coined or phrased by me, which signifies, the applicability, of the work, concept, idea, the logic or the principle, towards specific applications, or as application of the subject matter, towards the contextual, situational or circumstantial - incidences or practicality toward its applicability...also towards the same... Is the... As such this and the work of mine of FADS, form the basis of creation of factual computational algorithms, which would entail the creation of artificial intelligence, having better cognitive and computational processes as heuristical machine learning, situational and contextual adaptability, applicational applicability, as being equal and superior to human, organic, inorganic, biological or not, organisms. This in effect. means the creation, of an computational system, as being highly advanced and superior, having all the processes of imagination, instinct, intelligence. ingenuity, intuition, common sense, and everything else, as a self evolving, self aware, interactive machinistic robotic system, capable of replacing human intervention, completely, in all walks of life. Which in effect also means that activity to humans, deemed as hazardous, will be completely replaced, by such machinistic self evolving self aware, robotic systems. There the fore... Every one.... Now becomes.... A Psycho Expert ... ๐Ÿ‘บ --- Note: Another thing to mention, is that this is a work in progress.. which in the coming future includes Behavior, Behavior mapping, Influence, Influence mapping and some others. So even if you buy the book once, you do not have to buy it again and again, as when I upload this book with new content, all you have to do is to simply re - download it again and again... And enjoy the content... ๐Ÿ™ Is the.. ๐Ÿ‘
Long-listed for the 2016 PEN/E. O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award Delightfully readable, Spooky Action at a Distance is a mind-bending voyage to the frontiers of modern physics that will change the way we think about reality. What is space? It isn't a question that most of us normally ask. Space is the venue of physics; it's where things exist, where they move and take shape. Yet over the past few decades, physicists have discovered a phenomenon that operates outside the confines of space and time: nonlocality--the ability of two particles to act in harmony no matter how far apart they may be. It appears to be almost magical. Einstein grappled with this oddity and couldn't come to terms with it, describing it as "spooky action at a distance." More recently, the mystery has deepened as other forms of nonlocality have been uncovered. This strange occurrence, which has direct connections to black holes, particle collisions, and even the workings of gravity, holds the potential to undermine our most basic understandings of physical reality. If space isn't what we thought it was, then what is it? In Spooky Action at a Distance, George Musser sets out to answer that question, offering a provocative exploration of nonlocality and a celebration of the scientists who are trying to explain it. Musser guides us on an epic journey into the lives of experimental physicists observing particles acting in tandem, astronomers finding galaxies that look statistically identical, and cosmologists hoping to unravel the paradoxes surrounding the big bang. He traces the often contentious debates over nonlocality through major discoveries and disruptions of the twentieth century and shows how scientists faced with the same undisputed experimental evidence develop wildly different explanations for that evidence. Their conclusions challenge our understanding of not only space and time but also the origins of the universe-and they suggest a new grand unified theory of physics. โ€œAn important book that provides insight into key new developments in our understanding of the nature of space, time and the universe. It will repay careful study.โ€ โ€”John Gribbin, The Wall Street Journal โ€œAn endlessly surprising foray into the current mother of physics' many knotty mysteries, the solving of which may unveil the weirdness of quantum particles, black holes, and the essential unity of nature.โ€ โ€”Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
What are ghosts, spirits, and other apparitions? Why do they visit, and what do they want from us? Are OBEs, NDEs, and PDEs real? Exposed, Uncovered, and Declassified: Ghosts, Spirits, & Hauntings tackles these questions and more, as some of the worldโ€™s best-known paranormal experts come together in a tour de force of investigative journalism. Ghosts have been an integral part of the folklore of almost every culture; indeed, extant references to them stretch as far back as the ancient civilization of Babylon. And the evidence for their existence is mounting. Resident psychic for Paranormal State, Michelle Belanger, covers the strange Phillip Experiment, in which a group of Canadian paranormal investigators attempted to create a spirit. Professor of parapsychology Loyd Auerbach tells us what every ghost hunter should know about parapsychology. Noted expert on paranormal research Joshua P. Warren carefully examines some startling photographic evidence of ghosts. Andrew Nichols, PhD, director of the American Institute of Parapsychology, discusses his theory of haunted houses, which posits hauntings as manifestations of ESP and/or psychological projection. Raymond Buckland (Bucklandโ€™s Book of Spirit Communications) looks at ghosts as spirits and gives a take on how to talk to ghosts . . . and get a response. Folklorist Dr. Bob Curran delves into the connection between poltergeists and human origins, and regales us with three classic cases of poltergeist activity. Journalist Nick Redfern examines cases of ancient animal ghost apparitions. Noted folklorist Ursula Bielski gives a spooky and detailed account of the โ€œVanishing Hitchhikerโ€ phenomenon. Evidence of ghosts is everywhereโ€”if you know what to look for. Whether youโ€™re a believer, a skeptic, or somewhere in between, Exposed, Uncovered, and Declassified: Ghosts, Spirits, & Hauntings is sure to entertain and educate.
Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity & Space-Time Continuum explained Quantum Entanglement: A Paranormal Point Of View By Margaret Rogers Van Coops Ph.D., DCH(IM) Did you ever wonder if there was another person in some place or time who was your twin or mirror image? Science fiction writers love to inject this premise in many of their works, but the reality is that this is not fiction. WE ARE CONNECTED! Your energy and everyone else's energy is linked throughout this and all other universes in time and space. Through a range of anecdotes and statistical evidence, Dr. Margaret, like a seasoned tour leader, takes you on a journey of your mind, body, and spirit through the vast linked relationships among all forms of creation. From the quantum depths of the subatomic worlds to the endless reaches of intergalactic space, she binds you to all that is in a comprehensive study of the Oneness and the interconnectedness of everything in it. Unlike so many other philosophical and erudite works on Cosmology and Histology, this work slides you along easily in plain talk and down to earth examples, making you feel like this information was already within you... and it was. It just takes a little nudge to bring it into your conscious awareness. Enjoy!
Phigix & Me... Me a Cranck.... All of my life's observations, thinking, reminiscing, etc.. put in a book for everyone to read for anytime of their lives... A must have... since it signifies and denotes the technological wizardry, which I have created and developed as systems, including my economics, and the scientific discipline of biology as advanced communication bio tech engineering. Which is in a different book, Bio - Techno works, of bio engineering and its principles, which will, and as per the factual worldwide records, as my achievements, has and have, paved and pave, the way, for the regenerative bio technology. Also now for everyone, why you must purchase this book, ;P other than the fact that I have cursed everyone to buy it or else... Is that I have explained the entire subject of physics and particle matter in such an elucidative manner and style, that even an ordinary person, even without any, or zero, or even a minus knowledge, of the subject matter of physics and particle physics, can very well and easily, understand the same. Including children, right from kindergarten, itself. So that everyone, can now become an Expert on Physics... My book, contains the entire factual information, on physics and its theories. It also outlines the principles of particle physics, which factually prove that infinite speeds, in infinite exponential speeds, in excess of the speed of light, itself, are possible, for light and matter, to travel anywhere, in the universe or creation, itself. Now... My Role.. as me being myself... and since being .. the unusual personality that I am... Created this EMRFC processor, which can utilize and create and store energy and particle RF transfer state as infinite informational perpetual processing system ... Can store infinite information in parallel, random and sequential processing each within one another about the entire information of all of creation, right from its start to its end... Within a single processing chip the size less than the tip of my fingernail... Further more, My book, details, the factual creation, the engineering, and the developmental structure, of the process, of the system, and the mechanism, and of particle physics, Of Time Travel, Itself.... ๐Ÿš€ So you can have the opportunity of a life time to become a Time Traveler... And I am the factual creator and developer of The Time Machine... This book reveals, how to make one, and become a Time Traveler.. Itself.. Reality, is now bent ... The Adventure of a Life time....
A daring new vision of the quantum universe, and the scandals controversies, and questions that may illuminate our future--from Canada's leading mind on contemporary physics. Quantum physics is the golden child of modern science. It is the basis of our understanding of atoms, radiation, and so much else, from elementary particles and basic forces to the behaviour of materials. But for a century it has also been the problem child of science, plagued by intense disagreements between its intellectual giants, from Albert Einstein to Stephen Hawking, over the strange paradoxes and implications that seem like the stuff of fantasy. Whether it's Schrรถdinger's cat--a creature that is simultaneously dead and alive--or a belief that the world does not exist independently of our observations of it, quantum theory is what challenges our fundamental assumptions about our reality. In Einstein's Unfinished Revolution, globally renowned theoretical physicist Lee Smolin provocatively argues that the problems which have bedeviled quantum physics since its inception are unsolved for the simple reason that the theory is incomplete. There is more, waiting to be discovered. Our task--if we are to have simple answers to our simple questions about the universe we live in--must be to go beyond it to a description of the world on an atomic scale that makes sense. In this vibrant and accessible book, Smolin takes us on a journey through the basics of quantum physics, introducing the stories of the experiments and figures that have transformed the field, before wrestling with the puzzles and conundrums that they present. Along the way, he illuminates the existing theories about the quantum world that might solve these problems, guiding us toward his own vision that embraces common sense realism. If we are to have any hope of completing the revolution that Einstein began nearly a century ago, we must go beyond quantum mechanics as we know it to find a theory that will give us a complete description of nature. In Einstein's Unfinished Revolution, Lee Smolin brings us a step closer to resolving one of the greatest scientific controversies of our age.
Topological quantum numbers are distinguished from quantum numbers based on symmetry because they are insensitive to the imperfections of the systems in which they are observed. They have become very important in precision measurements in recent years, and provide the best measurements of voltage and electrical resistance. This book describes the theory of such quantum numbers, starting with Dirac''s argument for the quantization of electric charge, and continuing with discussions on the helium superfluids, flux quantization and the Josephson effect in superconductors, the quantum Hall effect, solids and liquid crystals, and topological phase transitions. The accompanying reprints include some of the classic experimental and theoretical papers in this area.Physicists OCo both experimental and theoretical OCo who are interested in the topic will find this book an invaluable reference."
This book critically explores answers to the big question, What produced our universe around fifteen billion years ago in a Big Bang? It critiques contemporary atheistic cosmologies, including Steady State, Oscillationism, Big Fizz, Big Divide, and Big Accident, that affirm the eternity and self-sufficiency of the universe without God. This study defends and revises Process Theology and arguments for God's existence from the universe's life-supporting order and contingent existence.