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Where does journalism fit in the media landscape of blogs, tweets, Facebook postings, YouTube videos, and literally billions of Web pages? Public Journalism 2.0 examines the ways that civic or public journalism is evolving, especially as audience-created content—sometimes referred to as citizen journalism or participatory journalism—becomes increasingly prominent in contemporary media. As the contributors to this edited volume demonstrate, the mere use of digital technologies is not the fundamental challenge of a new citizen-engaged journalism; rather, a depper understanding of how civic/public journalism can inform citizen-propelled initiatives is required. Through a mix of original research, essays, interviews, and case studies, this collection establishes how public journalism principles and practices offer journalists, scholars, and citizens insights into how digital technology and other contemporary practices can increase civic engagement and improve public life. Each chapter concludes with pedagogical features including: * Theoretical Implications highlighting the main theoretical lessons from each chapter, * Practical Implications applying the chapter's theoretical findings to the practice of citizen-engaged jouranlis, *Reflection Questions prompting the reader to consider how to extend the theory and application of the chapter. blogging and other participatory journalism practices enabled by digital technology are not always in line with the original vision of public journalism, which strives to report news in such a way as to promote civic engagement by its audience. Public Journalism 2.0 seeks to reinvent public journalism for the 21st century and to offer visions of how digital technology can be enlisted to promote civic involvement in the news.
The original edition of Public Journalism and Public Life, published in 1995, was the first comprehensive argument in favor of public journalism. Designed to focus the discussion about public journalism both within and outside the profession, the book has accomplished its purpose. In the ensuing years, the debate has continued; dozens of newspapers and thousands of journalists have been experimenting with the philosophy, while others still dispute its legitimacy. This larger second edition further develops the philosophy, responds to the arguments against it, outlines how specific principles can be applied, and explains the importance of public deliberation and the role of values in public journalism. Divided into three sections, it can be used as a supplement to the first edition or as a starting point for those being newly introduced to the ideas that have been the subject of debate within the profession and among those interested and involved in civic life at all levels. Section 1 summarizes two major arguments -- why journalism and public life are inseparably bound in success or failure and why the way journalism operates in the current environment fosters failure more often than success. Section 2 looks at the evolution of the profession's culture, its impact on the author's extensive career, and how he grew to believe that substantive change is needed in journalism. Section 3 deals with the implications of public journalism philosophy -- how it requires the application of additional values to daily work, its evolution in the early years and where its current focus should be, plus various questions about the future of cyberspace.
The Pursuit of Public Journalism is an engaging introduction to the theoretical foundations and practices of the journalistic reform movement known as 'public journalism.' Public journalism - stated briefly - seeks to reinvest journalism with its fundamental responsibilities to democracy and public life. This book argues against many deeply ingrained practices ranging from journalistic detachment to framing stories via polar conflict in favor of greater civic involvement on the part of journalists. Tanni Haas traces the historical context in which public journalism emerged, develops a philosophy for public journalism, reviews empirical research on public journalism’s performance to date and responds to the major criticisms directed at public journalism. He also examines the particular challenges that public journalism poses to curriculum and instruction: how can journalism educators teach students to write stories useful and of concern to citizens, and how can they encourage citizens to publicly criticize news coverage of given topics? Following review of the major challenges and criticisms of public journalism, the author offers practical solutions for improving public journalism and speculates on public journalism’s likely future.
In this text journalists, communications scholars, and political scientists assess the contemporary public journalism, looking at its origins, the arguments for and against public journalism, and the state of political knowledge.
Examines the ways that civic or public journalism is evolving, especially as audience-created content - sometimes referred to as citizen journalism or participatory journalism - becomes increasingly prominent in contemporary media. This book seeks to reinvent public journalism for the 21st century.
Rather than compete with tabloid television, Jay Rosen argues in his book, journalists need to repair the disconnect between the press and the public; regarding political coverage in particular, journalists must reshape the narrative of public life.
This volume offers a critical and constructive examination of the claims of public journalism, the controversial movement aimed at getting the press to promote and indeed improve (not merely report on) the quality of public life. From leading contributors, original essays refine the terms of the debate by situating it within a broad cultural, historical and philosophical framework. Exploring the movement's promise as well as its problems, The Idea of Public Journalism sheds lights on issues of political power, freedom of expression, democratic participation and press responsibility.
He traces the intellectual roots of the movement and shows how journalism can be made vital again by rethinking exactly what journalists are for."--Jacket.
Public life in America is in trouble. We find ourselves seemingly unwilling or unable to solve long-standing problems. The political part of public life is viewed with growing cynicism by increasingly disaffected citizens. At the same time, journalism is also in trouble. Much of what journalists do is seen by citizens as the product of a discredited political class. By every statistical measure, journalism is not trusted, not believed, and seen as unhelpful in solving public problems. It is no coincidence that the decline in journalism and the decline in public life have happened at the same time. In modern society, they are codependent -- public life needs the information and perspective that journalism can provide, while journalism needs a viable public life because without one there is no need for journalism. Thus journalism and the people in it face a challenge. If journalists are to leave the country a better place than they found it and secure their profession's future, a great deal must change. This book about journalism and democracy suggests a place to start. Foundational to the book are the author's own deep-seated biases which include: * journalism in all its forms ignores its obligations to effective public life, * failure has been a major contributor to the resultant malaise in public life, * journalism should and can be a primary force in the revitalization of public life, * but fundamental change in the profession -- cultural, generational change -- is necessary for that to occur. Divided into three parts, this volume begins with a summary of the arguments -- why journalism and public life are inseparably bound in success or failure, and why the way journalism operates fosters failure more often than success. The next section looks at the development of the profession's culture in one journalist -- the author -- over four decades, and how he came to believe that substantive change is needed. The final part deals with the future of journalism in cyberspace and why journalism needs a vocabulary of values.
Citizen Journalism explores citizen participation in the news as an evolving disruptive practice in digital journalism. This volume moves beyond the debates over the mainstream news media attempts to control and contain citizen journalism to focus attention in a different direction: the peripheries of traditional journalism. Here, more independent forms of citizen journalism, enabled by social media, are creating their own forms of news. Among the actors at the boundaries of the professional journalism field the book identifies are the engaged citizen journalist and the enraged citizen journalist. The former consists of under-represented voices leading social justice movements, while the latter reflects the views of conservatives and the alt-right, who often view citizen journalism as a performance. Citizen Journalism further explores how non-journalism arenas, such as citizen science, enable ordinary citizens to collect data and become protectors of the environment. Citizen Journalism serves as an important reminder of the professional field’s failure to effectively respond to the changing nature of public communication. These changes have helped to create new spaces for new actors; in such places, traditional as well as upstart forms of journalism negotiate and compete, ultimately aiding the journalism field in creating its future.